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Punk saw Ganatika at the Exit 6 of the Wizard Tower. Since there are no creatures around the Magic Tower, the tower at this time is actually like standing on a rocky ground, and waiting at the door Ganatika can only find a stone and sit down.

For most Class Holders, the time of 2000 years is undoubtedly very long. After all, such time is close to half of the life course of a Master Level Class Holder, and the Ganatica that has experienced 2000 years of baptism has also produced There have been a lot of changes. Although his appearance has been fixed for about 18 years old, compared with the bloody teenager who was full of anger, he seemed silent and gloomy at this time.

It’s just that in the only pupil left, the flames of hatred, anger, and madness have not subsided, and these flames have become more and more powerful as the ebbing of time burns.

Class Holder’s memory is too strong, whether it is happiness or hatred will not be forgotten, until today, the right eye frame of Ganatika is still inlaid with the red gem containing Pandora Remnant Soul, the flesh has grown Wrapped it into a new “eyeball”, and it can be seen that the long time of 2000 years not at all made Ganatika forget his lover, let alone let go of his hatred.

Time doesn’t smooth out Class Holder’s anger, it only makes the crazy flames burn hotter!

“2000 years have passed, you seem to have experienced many things, do you remember who you are?”

Punk took a step from the Transmission Gate, watching the young Avengers for a while and asked quietly.

He didn’t care too much about the interruption of his magic equipment production research. No matter whether this “appropriate benefit” interruption is related to “fate”, Punk is simply giving up his Alchemy experiment, but now, he intends to deal with it first. Things on Ganatika.

After all, this once “brave” was a “pawn of fate” qualified to attack Legend. Punk felt that this guy still had the value of being concerned.

“I am Ganatika, a crazy avenger.”

lifts the head To answer Punk’s question, Ganatika’s expression looks very empty.

Obviously, the 2000 years of “Crazy Revenge” not at all gave Ganatika any joy, and the hateful vortex has already drawn him into the dark Abyss.

“I have wiped out all the countries around Scott. I have also discovered more hypocrisy and thrills. I have seen nobles while enjoying a luxurious life while exploiting the poor people at the bottom and calling themselves” merciful person. ” Those Gods who profess to be kind are sitting idly by while their believers are being slaughtered … I hate the existence of these hypocrites. Their hypocrisy makes my anger impossible to calm down. Just thinking of these shameful guys living with me and Pandora In the same World, I feel that every cell is burning violently! “

When the head lifted the head suddenly, the scars on Ganatika’s face began to distort more and more along with the teenager’s emotional excitement, and the bright ruby ​​flashed bloody rays of light under the flesh of the right eye frame.

“I can’t tolerate living with those hypocrites. I hate them and want to kill them, especially the Gods … especially the God who claims to be” justice “but shelters the evil nobility-” Tyr “, me and Pandora loathes the existence of these hypocrites! But … I have no power, I can’t kill a great Divine Power, so I hope to get a chance to gain power, an opportunity to continue on this path of revenge. “

While Ganatika cursed God of Justice “Tyr” while gnashing teeth, he very sincerely sought the help of Punk. It can be seen that everything this guy said is true. As a Warrior with no Master Level I really hate a great God, and even threatened to kill each other anyway.

It is conceivable that if this remark of Ganatika is spoken elsewhere, everyone will laugh at his whims and overestimate one’s capabilities, even if other believers of Good Alignment God are present, the young avengers at this time If you fail, you will already besieged by a group of fanatics.

But in Hatak Empire, under Punk’s Magic Tower, Ganatika’s “dream” will not be laughed at.

Because in Punk’s view, the dream of “killing the great Divine Power” is still far from being of grade.

Even the lunatics who challenge “River of Destiny” in Multiverse have the sad group of God, even if they have reached “Great Divine Power”, it is just a stray dog ​​of “fate”. Trifling “God of Justice” is really nothing.

What’s more, this World is a World with infinite possibilities. Who knows what height a nobody will reach in the future?

So, in the face of the determined eyes of the young avenger, Punk with most of his face hidden under the hood is just an expressionless reminder:

“I have seen many guys who have fallen into madness because of their stubbornness, and now, I think you have begun to wander on the fringe of madness again, so when” opportunity “comes, which road will you follow?”

Waiting quietly for the answer of the young avenger, Punk from start to finish has kept enough patience.

As early as 2000 years ago, when I first talked with Ganatika, the idea of ​​”cultivating a Legend Level Warrior as a subordinate” had already appeared in Spellcaster’s mind, and as long as the “Eye of the Judgement contract” was signed in advance, Punk would not need to Worried about the occurrence of betrayal.

Although this kind of behavior will definitely be recorded by “River of Destiny” fiercely, if successful, Punk believes that the benefits he can get are totally worth taking risks.

But even with this idea, it is not so easy to cultivate a Legendary Powerhouse, even if Punk still has 2 copies of “Divinity”, and can also make 2 copies of “Redeemer Divinity Neutralization Potion” is no exception.

After all, there are many Master Level Class Holders that can reach Level 19 in the world, but the “Level 19 Master Level Class Holder” that meets the requirements for promotion to Legend is too rare.

Remember the conditions for a Class Holder to advance to Legend, and the ultra-low odds of those pitmen?

Inhuman will, skilled skills, understanding of Rule, and … very good luck …

Who knows if a good-looking Master Level Class Holder really has such a thing as “non-human will, super understanding ability, and very good luck”? Legendary Powerhouse is also impossible to investigate and confirm through spell.

So in theory, even if someone is willing to take the risk of being targeted by “River of Destiny” to personally cultivate a Legend, the difficulty he faces is absolutely beyond imagination.

After all … Any Class Holder with a Legend aptitude promotion can be met but not sought, and when asked, there is no way to determine whether aptitude really exists, not to mention that this kind of thing is sometimes very lucky.

If the luck is not good and the investment target is not successfully upgraded, then the Spellcaster will have to pay the price such as “Divinity neutralization potion”, “Eye of the Judgement contract” that is targeted by “fate”, and even consumed in advance. These costs are precious resources! Taking out a copy of “Divinity” and so on was a “squandering” behavior that even the Morningstar Class Holder suffered from!

So for Punk, if he decides to “give Ganatika” a chance, then this idea must be very extravagant, because this is not a little breadcrumb that Legend can throw to ants, but a “poor “In making substantial investments with one of my few properties!

So the question is… Is this “Legend investment” really worth it?

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