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Clouds infested by morning light are surrounded by spire. The shimmering sky is as blurred as limpid autumn water. The quiet wind and dust pass by the dark golden tower. The colorful energy circuit is still conspicuous under the brighter sunshine.

But … the arrival of the morning is not important for a Legend tower. At this moment, in the Magic Tower laboratory, the atmosphere here is still quiet and quiet as usual, the one always standing at work The silhouette in front of the stage still flashed the magic light of different colors, but on this day, this spell flashed for 1000 years. The splendor of the light was obviously more frequent and more dignified.

Yes, Legend’s time always passes so quickly, unconsciously, the time of 2000 years is fleeting. During the experiment without any rest at all, the conversation between Punk and Ganatika has become 2000 years. The previous “historical events”.

During this period, Alliance of the Silencers remained as quiet as never existed, and there was no information on the Magic crystal card given by the “President” himself. Instead, Wizard Union and Zhentarim, who have always liked to do some small news Then began to fight each other every day.

But what does the conflict between Zhentarim and Wizard Union have to do with most ordinary Legend Class Holders?

Although it wouldn’t be too much like Punk to give up everything and enjoy immersing in the Magic mystery powerhouse, the time of 2000 years is just a period of time for most ordinary Legend Class Holders.

It’s just that during these 2000 years, the harvest of “Whisper of Destruction” is undoubtedly very rich.

Punk, who has no intentions, has raised an arcane magic level again as he wished. The production experiment of magic equipment greatly improved Spellcaster’s understanding of Alchemy spell and various rules, even because of Punk’s experiment during this time. Experience continues to be in line with the great experience of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, and he feels that he still has room for further promotion.

In a sense, this is not only the reason why Punk have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, but also because Vedrasia’s Alchemy experience has become a “textbook” that can be directly used for reference.

But anyway, Punk ’s plan to upgrade his rank before joining Alliance of the Silencers “Executive Team” has been reached, or even exceeded. After finishing the 1st Stage work of magic equipment, the confident Legendary Wizard is fully confident that he can achieve 2 Level 19 …………

Can be continuously upgraded at a speed comparable to Netheril Era Spellcaster, “Whisper of Destruction” is enough to be called “genius” in the new Legend Class Holder group of this era!

In addition to the upgrade of the level, the Legendary Level Magic equipment of Spellcaster is finally about to be announced. The Legendary Spellcaster without aiming too high now only intends to attach 2 Legend Level attributes to its newly produced robe. The work of reducing the difficulty, naturally the efficiency of Punk’s experiment has also been greatly improved.

So today, still forgetting the passage of time, “Whisper of Destruction” immersed in the glory of Magic has begun the last step of “equipment production 1st Stage”. After this step is completed, a “semifinished product Legend Level method” “Robe” will become his new trump card.


“Alkeny’s Alchemy structure is a 4-dimensional ductile structure. In theory, as long as there are sufficient resources and superb technology, the continuation and expansion of this structure can be updated almost infinitely. As long as the Alchemy structure can be stabilized, a theory can be infinite The upgraded magic equipment is finished. “

Squinting slightly, the cautiously Spellcaster controls the Legend Level Alchemy spell in his hand, which quickly diffuses on the leather that has become a robe form. He wants to put a complex Alchemy that is common in Netheril Era but relatively rare in this era. The structure is attached to the leather.

As mentioned earlier, the magic equipment that Punk plans to make now is a semifinished product that can be continuously upgraded, so an Alchemy structure that does not form a self-occlusion becomes very important.

Even in Vedrasia’s memory, the Alchemy structure can be used by the Spellcaster at the current stage and there is only a complicated drawing of “Alkeny Alchemy structure”, so even if the structure is quite difficult, Punk still has to meet the difficulty And up.

After all, compared with his original luxury plan of “attached several Legend Level spells and Enchantment several Legend Level attributes”, it is not simple to add an Alkeny Alchemy structure to his new robe.

But … even so, no matter how “simple” it is still relative.

Alkeny’s Alchemy structure is obviously not a “rookie” and can be easily handled in a streamlined version. Even with the great experience of Great Arcanist Vedrasia as a support, Punk’s last key Enchantment still seems very difficult and obscure.

I saw the rays of light of spell quickly wrapped the exquisite robes on the work table under the pouring of a lot of magic power. A string of energetic filaments began to draw and peel off the cocoons. They were intertwined with each other. Under the control of the Legendary Wizard, they influenced each other. , Melt with each other, disperse with each other … Any slight tremor will cause the structural instability of a small area like a rapidly conducting virus.

Whenever this time, the Spellcaster of brows tightly knit must hurry up and rush to check the wrong structural location, and then complete the correction in less than 1 / 10000th second …

This process of continuous injection of magic power, continuous correction of errors, and continuous maintenance of overall stability lasted for several months.

Until the end, with Punk’s exhausting exhaustion, Alkeny’s Alchemy structure finally sinks into the main material of the robe as a driftwood falls into the water wave …

In an instant, the brilliant blue bloom on the experimental table filled the entire laboratory, and Alkeny’s Alchemy structure finally fuse with this robe and became a part of magic equipment!

So far, Punk’s 1st Stage magic equipment is finally completed!

“Successful …”

Dispersing the Energy of Rule lingering around him, Punk at a moderate pace reached for the Legend Level robe in front of him.

I saw that the robe at this time had become a real magic equipment, it still had a dark luster like night, with a bright light point like stars, the fluctuation of spell slowly radiated on the robe, and the lustrous luster seemed to be The reflection of the night sky on the water …

Feeling every detail of the robe carefully, accurate data was quickly established in Punk’s mind.

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