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The things that should come will eventually come, whether good or bad, right or wrong, even if it is a little late, it only has to be late.

In mysterious words, this is choice and fate …

Unconsciously, it has been 10000 years since the “President” held the Alliance of the Silencers meeting. During this 10000 years, the entire Multiverse still maintains the “calm and tranquil”, which has not been known for how long. Legend, who knows how many seclusionists, is still hiding in various unknown places to sit and watch Yunzhan Yunshu, and the planners who do n’t know how many conspiracies are still secretly figuring out their great plans.

And Alliance of the Silencers is naturally one of the plotters.

Although in the mouth of the “President”, his “executive group” is not only a product of conspiracy, but also a free representative, but it is estimated that in the opinion of overwhelming majority, the group of “silent ones” is full of strange and eerie color.

However … whether it is a conspiracy or “for freedom”, these slogans have nothing to do with “Whisper of Destruction” who is staying in his Magic Tower, although he does not know that the “President” in this 10000 years of free time What has been planned, but as long as “Alliance of the Silencers” does not abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, and can get 3 times the reward, Spellcaster does not care what specific plan the “President” will implement.

In the final analysis, Punk, whose value and power are not high enough now, is nothing more than a mercenary who’s doing that.

——Dividing line——-

A Magic Tower is more than just a place for experimental research, it also represents safety and deep calm. In this dangerous world, a refuge of its own is almost the only place where a Legend Class Holder can relax. .

For example, now Punk is standing by the window of Magic Tower and looking at the deep night.

Whenever on the eve of the adventure or when his heart fluctuates, he will come to the window closest to the top of the tower and look far into the night.

For the Legendary Wizard who never refuses to advance, the bright starry sky always inspires his greatest fighting spirit, and the silent darkness always calms down a deep heart.

At this time, 5000 years have passed since the production of the “Star Robe” was completed. Using these times, “Whisper of Destruction” was very lucky to advance to 2 Level 19. Now he is away from the status of “New Legend” and reaches 3 Level 10 is only one step away.

At the same time, after consuming all the soul magic crystals harvested from Hatak Empire over 10,000 years in one breath, Punk also allocated a total of 5 copies of “bright potions of life”. If all these potions can be sold, he will change The value of the incoming materials can definitely exceed that of the raw materials.

From various aspects, the “Whisper of Destruction” at this time has been well prepared, and he is much stronger than himself in 10000.

But now …

Calm, calm, and take a deep breath.

Punk knew that he needed to realize that he was acting, not doing business.

Before taking a dangerous adventure, the first thing Class Holder needs to do is to abandon the arrogance or inferiority in his own heart, and then he must also discard too much expectation and indifference, because there are many times to recognize yourself More important than recognizing the enemy.

“I am” Whisper of Destruction “Punk Saian, the new dawn is beckoning like me, do n’t look at yourself, because you have just reached 2 Level 19, and do n’t undervalue oneself, because you have more than the overwhelming majority of the ordinary Legend Class Holder Powerful trump card “.

The cold eyes flashed a faint purple glow in the night, and the silence of Spellcaster became more and more cold under the embellishment of stars.

In his hands, I saw a dark black crystal card that was silently overflowing with regular Magic fluctuations. Undoubtedly, that was the contact card of Alliance of the Silencers.

After a full 10000 years, the “President” notice finally arrived slowly:

“Silent ones, wonderful knowledge is singing, and generous rewards have been awaited for a long time. This repressed world will surely be reshaped according to our wishes, and a new era will surely be opened in your hands ……… It ’s time , The horn has been blown! It ’s time, the torch has already ignited! The tide of destiny is rolling, if you do n’t want to continue to hide in the corner of the abomination as before, then take the initiative to attack the roar of the waves! Ten After the year, the “new executive team” will gather together at the following coordinate locations. As the 3rd “President” of Alliance of the Silencers, I will work with 3 times the rewards of the past … looking forward to the arrival of a new era! “

This is a piece of notice. Although I do n’t know if the lines of this “convening” silent ones were written by the “President” himself, but the words in the lines clearly expressed the “new execution” with very enthusiastic words. Group “that amazing ambition and determination.

That ’s right, the style of the “President” has always been like this. What he wants to do is always so swift and decisive. His decisions and plans never have the saying of “wasted halfway”, nor will he be questioned or dissuaded by anyone. And something changed.

Punk can imagine that in the Alliance of the Silencers, like the Wizard who blatantly objected at the conference, he did not agree with the concept of “president”. There must be a lot of people in the powerhouse, but even so, the “president” is still 10000 years later. Resolutely issued a call to “silent ones”.

Obviously, even if you have the courage to join the “Executive Group” Legend Class Holder is not destined to be too much, but the implementation of the “executor” program has never stopped!

At the same time, aside from all the gorgeous words, Punk, who only read the information transmitted by the black card again, also draws many useful and sincere information from this “calling order”.

For example, from the sentence “wonderful knowledge”, we can know that “the president” is very likely to pay the precious Legend level knowledge to “silent ones” as a reward, and from his so blatantly saying “this World” “We will reshape it according to our wishes.” It can be seen that the “President” is very confident in his plan for 10000 years.

Perhaps it is this “general powerhouse” and “confidence of the brave”, a few simple words will make the “calling order” which is not excellent in writing sound so contagious.

Although … regardless of what the “President” ‘s plan is, the most important thing for Spellcaster is only the “3x reward” that sounds very rich and worth looking forward to.


“According to the” Neutral Good “character of the” President “and a little upright, members of the Alliance of the Silencers must be aware of the strict standards he had previously specified for remuneration, so he is impossible anyway, and he can forcefully say a standard. This is the “three times the reward” component, and … if even knowledge can be exchanged as a reward, Ganatika’s Battle Skill has finally fallen. “

Carefully withdrawing the black crystal card into the storage ring, the Legendary Wizard, wearing a star robe, opened a Transmission Gate in his heart while calculating how he should make a request for remuneration.

Ten years have passed since the time is too short, Punk is going to use projection spell to participate in the call

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