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“Candy Merchant” Mimi Beizi really deserves to be a figure who intends to build a business empire in Legend’s circle. When facing his potential customers, at least this guy’s service attitude is very good.

Of course, respect is mutual. Since the other party’s performance is very polite, Punk naturally has no reason to make himself appear aloof and remote.

So facing the projection of the image of a petite girl, Spellcaster also performed a Wizard with the same standard actions and asked the export seriously enough:

“Hello, this is Legendary Wizard” Whisper of Destruction “. Before asking about the business cooperation, I think I must take the liberty to ask you an important question-whether your business behavior has passed the” chairman “at the moment Agree? “

Punk not at all started anxiously selling his Alchemy Potion or asked the “Candy Merchant” what useful Legend Level resources to sell. He knew very well that in this powerful world, before anyone engages in any business activities, In addition to considering the value information of commodities, traders must also consider whether their “business” damages the interests of other powerhouses.

The damage of this kind of interest may be a little “face” contempt, or it may be a monopoly of commercial trafficking. Although the loss of some benefits may seem insignificant, any simple “insignificant” may make any normal or unnatural. Normal business behavior is suppressed by powerhouse.

This kind of suppression usually represents a very huge loss … even more direct hostility.

For example, now Punk must ask clearly before collaborating with the “Candy Merchant”. Is the guy who so boldly advertises at the meeting place because he is authorized by the “President” or because she is just a not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth ’s Chaotic Alignment idiot, after all, how Mimi Bezi is now using the “president” assembly to promote himself, if this simple “use” is true …

The cautious Spellcaster doesn’t want to offend Alliance of the Silencers’ deep and unmeasurable “monster” because of such a “little thing”.

Fortunately, Mimi Bezi’s answer made Punk feel relieved.

After hearing the question of her “customer”, I saw that the dark green projection did not show any unexpected or hesitant emotions, and her Mental Power fluctuations remained as calm and dexterous as at first.

Obviously, before starting his own “commercial propaganda”, the smart “candy merchant” Miss had already prepared enough answers to various questions.

“Please be assured that my commercial cooperation promotion has greeted Mr.” President “and obtained consent. I think my advertising promotion is completely reasonable, legal and logical.

Seriously pointed to the simple elevated platform in the middle of the square, Mimibezi continued to speak to Punk with a fuzzy projection gesture that could not see any expression

“And … in fact, I did not at all intend to join the” new “executive group formed by Mr.” President “. The reason why I am here now is just to gain business opportunities that’s all, Mr.” President “allows me Before he arrives, he will advertise at will and wait until a formal meeting opens, and I will take the initiative to exit after the contact coordinates are announced. “


Mimi Beizi, even with her courage, would certainly not dare to swindle and deceive with the name of “President”, not to mention that these words will be verified in less than a few seconds, so 9 out of XNUMX of her words are true.

However, it is precisely because of the “true” of these few words that Punk feels more helpless …

“Well, it seems that the” assembly “at this time has become a bit shabby again, because apart from a” merchant “who seize every opportunity, the brave people who really intend to join the” new execution group “are actually only trifling 6 people … ……… ”

Looking at the girl in front of herself with a top hat that is still much shorter than herself-“Candy Merchant”, “Whisper of Destruction” has almost no ridicule.

Since I have seen the unreasonable guy like “Aztlan”, Punk is very clear in the Legend Class Holder of the Legendary Island Age, to what extent those who do not want to make progress can “do not think to make progress” What I didn’t expect is … In Alliance of the Silencers, who can shout the slogan “Overturning the River of Destiny”, most people are still reluctant to take any necessary risks.

Although the probability of these people in a cautious wait-and-see state is not ruled out, the meeting held by the “President” can be deserted to such an extent that it is enough to explain many things.

Of course, the “cold” situation of the executive team so far is not enough to worry about the “new Legend” of Punk. In addition to silently expressing his heartfelt emotions, he should now pay more attention to the Legend businessman who is still in front of him. “Mimibezi”.

Since it is a business negotiation called “cooperation”, the mutual exploration between the two negotiators is an inevitable standard start.

Punk is well aware that this petite and polite little girl in front of him is not a fledgling “good little businessman”. She is a Legendary Powerhouse just like herself.

Without saying anything else, it can be seen that she dared to publicly promote the cooperation information to many Legend Class Holders in this era of terrifying and get the authorization of the “President”-this “candy merchant” Miss is far from her performance It came out as harmless to humans and animals.

If anyone dares to despise such a mysterious “little businessman” because of a little external confusion, then he will definitely end up in a very miserable pathetic ending.

Therefore, in the face of Mimi Bezi called a “dear friend” in front of him, Punk’s response will always be Mental Power information without emotional fluctuations. He neither denies the relationship of “friends” nor admits it. The existence of friendship, from start to finish, Spellcaster’s performance is just like a simple “Interrogator”.

“If I remember correctly, your” commercial cooperation “content contains intelligence transactions, then … What valuable intelligence is in your hands now?”

The first sentence of Legendary Wizard’s opening statement is not to promote his Alchemy Potion, but to ask Mimibez coldly about intelligence transactions.

For Legendary Powerhouse, before starting any truly valuable transaction, knowing the real value of the other party ’s goods is an important basis for information judgment. After all, due to a serious lack of communication, it is difficult for any Legend Class Holder to determine its own hands. Whether the “commodities” have the value of their own imagination, if you do n’t want to pit people or be pitted, it is very important to infer the degree of difference in value judgments from some “secondary” commodities.

The judgment of the value of intelligence is undoubtedly a very good entry point.

So, after asking this question, Punk stood still and did not speak … He was patiently waiting for Mimibez’s answer.

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