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Class Level is not so easy to improve after all. When the “President” command comes, Punk feels that he is still a little bit short of the threshold of 3 Level 10, but that is the threshold of this point. He did not have the time to break through after all.

When the three moons above the Faerun Plane did not know how many times it rose, the four characters “Start Mission” written in the ancient Byron language suddenly appeared on the black crystal card.

After the first collective meeting of “executors” ended in 1900 20 5 years, 4 months and 3 days, the mission to raid the Wizard Guild finally began.

In order to prevent someone from unauthorized actions such as information surveys to beat the grass to scare the snake, the “President” did not at all mark the location of the three Wizard Guild Legend members as the target of the mission when the mission was originally released. The “team leader and team member liaison function” has not been opened.

Until now the task Formal started, each team leader got the detailed location of the task target in the blink of an eye, and also got the permission to communicate with the crystal card held by his team member.

Yes, it is a unilateral contact authority. The team leader can send instructions to the team members, but the team members cannot transmit the news to the team leader!

This is undoubtedly a weird contact method.

Punk can only guess that the “President” gave the group leader the right to order the group members to gather at the designated location to help some “group leaders” establish a bit of the authority of the task leader. At the same time, if the group member died or disappeared at the meeting place ………… “President” can also more easily lock the identity of the murderer.

So for the “team members” whose strength is mostly less than that of the “team leader”, this kind of unilateral notification contact is the security guarantee to prevent the most terrifying conspiracy way of “ambush” …………

Punk thought he might have seen the hidden meaning of this contact rule, but he was not dissatisfied with it.

Without this rule, Spellcaster doesn’t dare to go to an unfamiliar place designated by others casually. Even the “place” that two people “consult” or “dispute” together may be manipulated.

And if one of the team members is too tough, a little dispute about the location of the meeting is more likely to become the fuse of the “Leadership” contradiction between the two Legend Class Holders. For example, a guy like Kane is likely to fight for The real dominance quarrels with his “team leader”.

It would be better to let the “chairman” act as a “villain” and attribute the source of dominance brought by the identity of the “team leader” to himself, so as to avoid the recurrence of untimely quarrels.

Being able to take into account so much, Punk clearly felt that the “President” took the “executors” seriously, and he had considered all aspects of a group’s incoordination.

Of course, this may be because Punk thinks too much. The “President” may do so just because the function of the crystal card is already single, or … it is to watch out for some “emergency” that is slightly slender ……… …

However, no matter how you look at it, it is in Punk ’s interest to have the right to specify the position and the obscure dominance. He can avoid having to discuss with a Legend teammate in various locations that he does not know much. The current Spellcaster only needs to put Enter a location coordinate into the crystal card, and then go to the appointment on time.

So, after using a simple Destination spell, “Whisper of Destruction” easily entered a detailed location information in the contact channel that unidirectionally connected to the “thick rock formation” Pabong.

This location is impossible at Punk’s “nest” Hatak Empire. In fact, the location of the meeting point is actually a small town called “Asuka Town”.

According to the information given by the “President”, the “Inscription Sage” Austrian is a Legendary Wizard living in the northwest of the Faerun Plane central area, and he is also a Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse named Empire of “Cabordo”.

When Punk chose the meeting place, he also used Kaibold Empire as the destination for Divination. The town he found, “Flying Bird Town”, was actually located on the border of Kaiboldo Empire.

Spellcaster clearly remembers that the president reminded himself that Owen Rildi has a Magic Tower, and the existence of a Magic Tower undoubtedly represents an extremely powerful reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance force.

However, when using “Legend Level Divination spell-location exploration”, the information of “Flying Bird Town” was clearly excavated by Punk’s Divination spell, which is enough to prove that this town is not in Legend Magic Tower. Within the scope of the inherent effect of the ensemble, gather here, Legendary Wizard and his team member “thick rock formation” will be more difficult to find traces of the magic tower of Orvin.

If nothing else, the small bird town is just a border town with no characteristics and fame. This kind of place is usually the most unobtrusive and uninteresting place in Empire, even if it is a hungry monster and a greedy one. The bandits will not have the idea to fight this poor town, choose this location set and use it as a breakthrough port for sneaking into Kaibold Empire. Punk, who has no sneaking experience, thinks it is still appropriate.

In this way, “Whisper of Destruction” has simply selected a collection position neatly, and considering that his teammate may be a more reckless Ogre, he also cautiously reminded the “thick rock formation” sentence:

“In addition to the cover of Legend’s breath, don’t forget to make some appearance disguise, otherwise an Ogre’s appearance in the town will definitely cause riots.”


“In this case, the pre-steps of the task should have been completed.”

Punk expressionless put away the Magic crystal card, and then simply opened a Transmission Gate beside him.

He intends to go to a certain random location in Astral Plane first, and then randomly send a fuzzy transmission path at 4 locations, and finally go to the entrance of Asuka Town where the meeting point is located.

Although Punk has never been tracked so far, the great habit that Great Arcanist Vedrasia developed after taking many lessons in the war years has been carefully followed by him.

Of course, when entering the Transmission Gate, Legendary Wizard also heard the mechanized farewell message passed by his butler.

“I wish you a smooth journey, sir, I will take care of the facilities of Magic Tower and record the maintenance data in detail. At present, the No. 3 energy circuit of Elemental Pool is operating normally, the operating load of the outer array is stable, and the energy of the Third Area Construct … “


Sebastian ’s system setting is really monotonous. Spellcaster did n’t even bother to build a housekeeper himself. This pile of non-sense, but not very useful reports, he left Magic Tower less than 1 / 10000th second after he left. The light received by the visual organs has been filled with chaotic colors like the turbid palette.

At this moment, Punk has started continuous transmission and trace cleaning for several hundred times a second. His silhouette accompanied with one after another Transmission Gate quickly appeared and disappeared in many remote locations in the Astral Plane space.

At the same time, almost all the location information has been erased by various cleaning traces.

It wasn’t until this anti-tracking step lasted for at least 2 3 hours that the cautious Legendary Wizard went to Formal to go to his own gathering place!

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