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“Kane, At Dylan is wearing my Morningstar Golem, aim at his wound, don’t break my Golem.”

Relentlessly reminding the crazy Knight, Punk also quickly controlled the “Distorted World” Rule to interfere with the action of Hurricane God of Wind.

But at this moment, after realizing that the armor on Attellen may be the most important Golem wreck, Punk looked at the hole penetrated by Sharp Edge knight spear, but it was really distressing.

Although the body armor of pitch black is still worn on Attellen, in the heart of Spellcaster, this precious Alchemy Creation has already been the spoils of war he has booked. Now it is broken and of course it will make people flesh. It hurts, so even if you are still in the battlefield of 10000 changes, Spellcaster will immediately make a statement to remind Kane not to damage the finances.

You know, the mad Knight and the hurricane God of Wind are both within the scope of “Muse’s Twisted World”. In the case of one-on-one, Kane will not be the opponent of Attillon wearing Morningstar armor, if this guy intentionally Damage to “own” treasure, Punk absolutely does not mind playing a trick that does not work.

Anyway, the Eye of the Judgement contract only lists the rules of “not allowed to murder teammates” and “must participate in the battle”, and there is no agreement as to how much force can be exerted during the battle.

Kane, who was struggling to pull the knight spear out of the body of Hurricane God of Wind in the high altitude where the Rule storm raged, had no mood to ignore the threat of Punk, because now his forehead had begun to sweat.

In this brief moment, the “Instant Kill Gun”, which is close enough to Attillon, can fully feel a breath of amazing breath converging on the “prey” in front of him, while his knight spear is quickly spread by Divine Power The ice and the enemy’s body are frozen together! Obviously, although the injured Attillon discovered that the enemy “hidden” is glare like a tiger watching his prey, he still intends to resist the several attacks with the defensive power brought by Morningstar Golem armor. Now he wants to Taking advantage of this closest opportunity to Legend Knight to make the enemy pay the price, even if you ca n’t kill the opponent, you must deprive this knight spear of power out of the ordinary.

You know, now it ’s no longer simply Divine Power fluctuations that hold the crazy long spear, but a pair of solid hands completely covered by dark armor, no matter how Kane activates the magic effect that releases the repulsive force, do n’t even think about it. Bounce off the “Golem armor” at the Morningstar level.

“Youngster, your teammates and you don’t seem to be at one with each other. It’s inappropriate for such a little accident to trigger a quarrel. Now … it’s time for you, a guy who doesn’t have a good teammate and dare to approach a strong enemy recklessly, to taste God’s anger”?

face looks sinister’s knight knight spear, Atlanta’s language even gave a little arrogant smile, although now he lost his right arm, even the most important armor trump card was recognized by the enemy , But the angry god still did not give up the idea of ​​”killing the enemy”.

In other words, the battle experience accumulated over 30,000,000 years can clearly tell Hurricane God of Wind-if you can’t get rid of Legend Knight’s entanglement, then the ambushed self will have no chance to escape today!

“Damn, this Lord of course also wants to find a weak point attack. It ’s want to die to deal with this kind of guy who does n’t attack the weak point to attack the armor? But this bastard ’s rapid movement is too fast. What is this Lord ’s way of stabbing? No time to say more Well, hurry up and help me. It does n’t matter if you lose the knight spear, but if this Lord retreats now, this bastard will run away. “

I really deserve to be the initiator of the adventure and the peeper of Divine Kingdom. Kane is obviously more attentive to this adventure than Punk is to Golem. At his speed of action, if he throws away knight spear, it is of course not afraid to dodge immediately. Art Dylan ’s slow, slow charge attack, but Crazy Knight can also fully realize that the Hurricane God of Wind, which has a Morningstar divine spell necklace to accelerate the movement, is almost bound to succeed as long as he shakes himself off and turns to escape, if he loses this time With the only close chance, it would be too difficult to reapproach the enemy again.

With the spread of the aftermath of the Legend-level battle, the entire Fleila Plane has declared destruction within 1 / 10000th of a second, and the 20 believers, who occupy one of 2,000,000,000% of the total number of Hurricane god believers, have also undoubtedly died. Recently Kane can clearly feel that the “wild beast” in front of him is quickly recovering his senses. In the next battle, it is unrealistic to expect the enemy to continue to maintain his madness and brainless state at first.

“Haunt him, He is unable to escape”!

In the eyes, the purple glow flickered, and I felt the Spellcaster of the whole twisted world quickly toggle Rule’s strings.

He is also very clear that with all the believers dying, the “Dancing Elves Prayer Torch” technique has failed, and the ancient God will return to reason with a fast and amazing speed, although a God has been led out so smoothly Divine Kingdom and created a chance for Kane to approach the enemy. The effect of this unpopular spell has been brought to vividly and thoroughly level, but due to the existence of two trump cards “Morningstar divine spell necklace” and “Morningstar Golem armor”, Hurricane God of Wind still hasn’t lost the chance to run, and this time the hunting is quite far from success.

If Attillon now successfully ran back to Divine Kingdom, it would take ten times as much effort to let the guarded “prey” leave the “nest”.

“Run, run? Want to run when you come? In this twisted world, you can’t run anywhere!”

The cold killing intent revealed impudently in the eyes of Legendary Wizard. The model of Legend Level spell full of Destruction Rule has also been established. As the command to coordinate the entire battlefield was quickly released, a new round of attacks was also blinded by thunder. The trend started again.

“Smile, pierce his wound, he can’t hide”!

“Legend Level Conjuration Spell-Destruction Cluster”

Also released with the instruction is Legend Level spell of Spellcaster. The hair-thin gray black beam is lased at the top of the pale scepter. The distance of hundreds of thousands of meters is instantly penetrated like nothing, space Rule fell apart under the blow of this blow, and the head of the targeted target was almost invisible in midair.

And almost at the same moment, two bright scarlet short blades and a pair of crimson eye pupils appeared on the right side of Attüren ’s body without warning. The wound covered by frost was punctured by the quasi-god!

There is no doubt that Legend ’s fighting rhythm will not leave any chance for those who participate in the battle to breathe, but after a moment, just after escaping a danger, the bad luck hurricane God of Wind, which has not yet had time to launch an effective counterattack, is facing a life and death crisis again. And at this time, the two targets targeted by the attack were still not covered by armor on Attillon. If his evasion fails a little, the falling fate will come!

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