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When the blaze of the explosion brightened the entire night of Planar Plane, the Legendary Powerhouse, which flew out of the shock wave, had a total of 3 people.

The first thing that was shocked by the shock wave was the Hurricane God of Wind wearing black armor, because the center of the explosion was the Weak Divine Power necklace around his neck. When Rule ’s fragments turned into a torrent of violent energy, he flew away. And all the materials in the range, now Attillon also flew to the direction of Divine Kingdom he booked at a fast and amazing speed.

Of course, at the cost of escaping a life, the fragments of the soul and the blood of the gods have already crossed a crimson image in the sky. During the detonation of the Morningstar equipment at this time, the most benefit is the Teddyn himself, the one who suffered the most is Attellen himself. After experiencing 2 Legend attacks, the hurricane God of Wind of bad luck finally entered the inevitable state of serious injury, and he escaped All seem quite reluctant and difficult …

When the “prey” intended to retreat was blown up without suspense, the second shot from the explosion impact was the golden mad Knight. This guy is no more than the range of the explosion center. How much is Lunyuan, although it is the Legend Warrior of Level 2, Kane ’s physical defensive power is by no means comparable to a God, but in the face of a sudden explosion at such a close distance, the damage he receives should be second only to the most There are many miserable Attillon.

But in fact, the Legend Knight is only slightly injured today.

At the moment when the pale green gem necklace was crushed, Punk, far away from the center of the battlefield, clearly saw that Kane took out a silver white shield that had been prepared from the storage ring at a fast and amazing speed. power The huge shock wave hit the shield and then rippled like a wave of water hitting the reef. The “blinking kill gun” that was blown out finally simply shattered several mountains and embedded in a lava crust It’s just that there wasn’t even a scratch on his golden armor.

Sure enough, this sinister Knight will never act recklessly. His courage to rush towards the enemy comes from self-confidence rather than arrogance.

It now appears that the knight spear, which is obviously a Magic weapon, and this shield, which is also apparently a Magic weapon, are the source of confidence of the crazy Knight-after nearly 20000 years of precipitation and accumulation, it was once “poor”. Kane is finally no longer empty-handed, at least he does not know where the magic equipment from this set looks really good quality.

Although at this moment, the knight spear carved with rune followed the flesh and blood of Attillon quickly away from Legend Knight plunged into the crust ………

“The smart people who have the guts and the River of Destiny will have 2 trump cards. This is true. Crazy Knight has his own life-saving method. Even” Smile “also has some skills that are not so powerful. But … compared to Kane’s mysterious trump card, this sad God is still a lot worse. “

As he looked up towards the huge pink “jewel” that suddenly appeared in the sky, Punk said to himself indifferently.

Spellcaster’s “Whisper of Destruction” is of course very far away from the center of the battlefield, so he has the least attack damage. The explosion of the divine spell equipment is not a true Legend spell after all, it does not have any worthy of sustained damage. The endurance of power and the speed of power decay are even more “flickering”, so it is only a little farther from the center of the explosion. The damage of Divine Power suffered by Punk is smaller than the three “bad luck eggs” of “zero distance contact shock wave” More,

Now he only paid the price of 9-Layer Magic defense to be crushed to resist the amazing explosion of this time.

However, in the middle of the air, the god God who is too late to escape and does not have Legend Level Equipment is bad luck.

“Smile” is equipped with a life-saving trump card. Obviously, there is no doubt that the “giant pink gem” suspended in the fragmented space and Rule is the ultimate defense of Red Sand God.

However, compared to Kane’s Mithril white shield or Punk’s “Pale Scepter”, this clear gem built with divine spell is a bit unsightly.

Punk can recognize that the “divine spell” used by “Smile” is a more general and common Legend divine spell-Divine Power gem. This Legend divine spell can quickly consume extraordinary Divine Power to build a huge gem to shelter God.

As a defense method, the effect of “Divine Power Gem” can only be described as “unsatisfactory”, although its solidity after the complete molding is very impressive, for example, the gem floating in the sky is completely flawless and has no cracks. , But during the launch of this Legend divine spell, the energy attack from the outside can still penetrate into the weak gem, so when faced with a sudden attack, this divine spell is a little unsafe .

For example, in the current situation, Punk can predict without looking at it. The girl God wrapped in gems is definitely not in a good state. Even if it is not “severely injured”, a moderate injury will definitely be unavoidable.

“It’s troublesome at this point, and Attillon is not slow at all. If his Divine Kingdom is closer to the plane of Fleura, the hope of catching up is not much.”

Without losing the full 9-Layer defense spell, the Legendary Wizard will never rush to kill the enemy, but while quickly supplementing himself with defense spells, the hurricane body also took a short time to run Faster and farther away, keeping the Punk that “Muse’s Twisted World” has been in effect, although he is not reconciled, but he can only speed up the spell’s casting speed as much as possible and stare at the distant pale white that is gradually moving away. The light spot frowned.

I have to admit that even after losing the Weak Divine Power Divine Portfolio, the strength of Hurricane God of Wind is also very good. At least it can run so fast in such a serious injury situation that really makes Punk ashamed of being inferior.

Although holding the dead horse as a living horse medical mind, “Whisper of Destruction” is still trying to use “Muse’s Twisted World” to interfere with Attillon’s escape route, but the delay of this time is not very useful.

It only took a very brief moment, and the white light cone wrapped in “prey” will be out of the effective range of “Twist World”, and this time Punk has just re-added himself with 2 layers of defense spell … It seems that it is too late to pursue the killing now …

“Hurry up! Saian, if you can catch up, you can catch up. If you can’t, you must find the position of his Divine Kingdom. The opportunities that this Lord can’t easily find can’t be the case!”

Rushing out of a hot lava, the rare crazy Knight with anxious expression grasped the shield and continued to hunt down the enemy. It is not difficult to see that he could not tolerate his important plan to fail like this, just as Warrior Legend Knight has no way to take enemies far away, so he expects Punk to come up with some powerful “trump cards”.

However … “Whisper of Destruction” at this time was extremely calm. He just continued to orderly while supplementing the defense spell and said:

“You look too much at me, Bezadas, the defensive spell in my body is more than half broken. In this state, the brainy Legendary Wizard will not go to kill the enemy, so you must admit … Mr. Attillon The escape has been successful. But the good news is … if you can find the location of Divine Kingdom of Hurricane God of Wind, do n’t worry. Look at the Divine Power blood and soul debris that fell along the “prey”. That ’s a good one. Guide signs “!

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