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The Okatobu Plane is very close to the Flatira Plane, and also very close to the Divine Kingdom of Attiron. Although the environment is more beautiful and prosperous than the Flatira Plane, the area is a bit larger but the water source is slightly scarce. Catobu Plane is not prosperous enough, but in this area sheltered by God, there are still 23 100000000 4000 more than 10000 believers living and living on it.

And like many Divine Portfolio personnel in Plane, these Devout Believers who are still repeating the quiet daily life have no idea that they have become the hunting targets of 3 Legendary Powerhouses. After all, they returned to Divine Kingdom Hurricane God of Wind. No “Oracle” has been released, so until the terrifying disaster suddenly comes, they can only cry and pray in panic …………

It must be admitted that a knowledgeable Legendary Wizard wants to kidnap all the intelligent creatures on a Plane. It is too simple. In the era of Netheril, there was a “wide area intelligent creature” specially invented to cooperate with the “Dancing Elves Prayer Torch Technique”. “Attraction” can be used to “trap” any intelligent creature less than Legend level. This huge Coverage Level Level spell can attract an entire Plane intelligent creature to the same place, as long as the Spellcaster freely releases or arranges 2 The low-level array maintains the survival of a large number of lifeforms and imprisons the actions of all creatures. The scene where dozens of 100000000 million intelligent creatures gather on a Grand Plaza can be presented within a few months.

So in the center of Okatobu Plane, a grand “Plane” was presented on the Grand Plaza, where all the terrain was flattened, and there were more than 20 human beings, men, women, and children standing here. A piece of flat land with a diameter of 100000000 square kilometers, and each of them has a hazy radiance intertwined with green and brown.

These seem even magnificent colors are not a beautiful decoration. The green rays of light rich in life force can ensure the survival and soberness of these ordinary people, and the brown brilliance like a chain is enough to ensure everyone present. Except for moving your fingers and lips, you can’t do any larger body movements.

In the hands of “Whisper of Destruction”, only three simple spells were used. The kidnapping operation of the “Hurricane God” believers, which affected all the intelligent creatures in the entire Okatobu Plane, was announced to be successfully completed. All the remaining believers in Attillon have been gathered in this empty Grand Plaza, waiting for their destiny … obviously not very good.

Generally speaking, if a large number of intelligent creatures in a Legendary Powerhouse slaughtering station are often taken by the River of Destiny, if this should happen in Faerun Plane, then those who like to do much business Good Alignment God reasonable in every circumstance will Come forward to express a certain degree of condemnation.

But on this remote little Plane, no one will be dissatisfied with any behavior of Legendary Powerhouse. As long as you do n’t care about the 2 records of “River of Destiny”, the destruction of the 2 little Plane wo n’t even make the so-called “kindness” The third person knows that after all, in many cases, as long as a “Great Legend” is willing to abandon his humanity and morality, then their unbridled brutality of “low-level ants” will rarely be prevented.

As for the pitiful person of Plane Okatobu, they are obviously very unfortunate, because the 3 “monsters” they encounter today happen to be “villains” who do not fully understand what “morality” and “humanity” are!


“Good morning ladies and gentlemen ~ Welcome everyone to this beautiful square to listen to this Lord’s speech”!

How can Kane, who is bullying the weak and showing the limelight, let go of such an interesting “opportunity”? Encouraged by Punk, Mad Knight really volunteered to take on the role of “narrative” to maximize the mockery of the hurricane God of Wind hiding in Divine Kingdom, although at this time his words are likely to attract Atti Lun regarded him as the first target to attack frantically, but Kane, who was enjoying a fearful expression of 2,000,000,000 people, didn’t care.

The evil “Instant Kill Gun” is always keen to create fear personally, preferring to create despair by his own hands, not to mention that he still wants to find a chance to take back his knight spear ……… so in this brief moment, his eyes flicker The greasy Kane pointed his feet on a statue of Hurricane God of Wind while pointing at the metal pillar on the edge of the square loudly said:

“The sad ants have listened. The God of your faith is just a dirty maggot. His cowardice is even comparable to the domestic pig to be slaughtered. This Lord will be selected according to the queue every day for a long time. Count out 10000 “child” on the torture rack, and then slowly use the flame to tenderize the outer focus of their barbecue … Come on, pray, howl, see if you God will save you, see Do you know that you can stick to your faith at the last minute? Well, this Lord is really looking forward to the sad Mr. Attillon ’s cowardice, because then a magical “barbecue party” can be released, hahaha! “

Indulging in a crazy laugh, the golden glittering Knight is now like a crazy super villain, but after just a few words and simple 2 behaviors, the crazy Knight stepping on the god statue shows himself. The evil nature of See, Many believers who were imprisoned on the square and unable to move even a little bit have already bitten their teeth in anger, because the arrogant and cruel image on the high platform is exactly the same as those of the cruel and arrogant wicked in the Knight novel, An abominable and bloody mouth corner is too easy to cause an immediate disgust of overwhelming majority of normal intelligent creatures.

In contrast, God of Wind, the only hurricane God of Wind that is always serious and can bring hope to believers is simply a superhero destined to save the world.

So under such insulting belief insults and such murderous death threats, a large number of devout believers prayed angrily, they did not care about their death or even torture, they could not bear their “god” Suffering such insults, for a short while, a large number of fearless verbal abuses immediately flooded the entire square.

“Great God, lower Divine Punishment for this hateful scoundrel, only the glory of True God can purify the mean heretic!”

“Hateful bastard, you dare to insult the great hurricane God of Wind, you will regret it, you will absolutely regret it”!

“Ahhh, you can reap our lives, but my God will reap your lives, just as you do today! Ahhhh …”

A fanatical faith is like a plague that spreads rapidly and becomes ill. The shouting of two extreme leaders can always promptly resonate and support other believers who are trapped in a desperate situation. When dozens of 2 million believers are in death and suffering When the threats are gathered and shouted together, this kind of “100000000 one heart” fanatic prayer even exceeds the super-large religious ceremony, a large amount of Power of Faith will burst out in the heart of every intelligent creature, and then turn into a strong together Wishes poured into Attillon ’s heart:

“God, prove your bravery to the wicked who violated us, and come here with infinite power to punish heretic!”

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