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Staying alone in the dim and icy Divine Kingdom, sitting alone on the majestic and throne, with the cold wind blowing around, with the frost floating in the sky, closing my eyes motionless Hurricane God of Wind The current state is poor Extremely.

This is true regardless of the physical or psychological state!

Physiologically, Art Dylan, who has resisted 2 Legend level attacks, has broken his soul. The battle energy attached to the Knight spear by Legend Knight has made his wounds unable to heal, even though God is still at this time. There is no serious injury to lose the battle strength, but the feeling of being deep into the soul and being shattered together with the thought is still enough to make any creature tremble in pain.

And psychologically … I have to admit that Punk’s strategy has been more than half successful, and now Attillon is experiencing unprecedented torture from faith.

At this time, the sound of hopeless prayer he heard was no longer a tumult of hustle and bustle, but a very clear and very hazy desperate cry-it was a soft cry from a little girl believer …

What a heart-wrenching cry, Hurricane God of Wind knew that the young believer did not at all do anything wrong, she was just a little child who worked hard to recite the canon every day and was a bit naughty, but now, This innocent child is about to be turned to ashes by being sent to the altar of flames because of being involved in this Legendary war.

I do n’t know why, the innocent prayer voice full of doubts and fears is the most lingering in Attellen ’s ears, even if other prayers of the same heavy and suppressed prayer beat his Mind in turns like the waves, but God is so bruised There is no way to ignore this naive cry.

Clenching the giant sword in his hand and biting his lower lip painfully, Attlan suddenly remembered a long, long time ago … he remembered his younger sister, remembered ……… he could only use “sad” “To describe childhood.

In the future Hurricane God of Wind was only a 12-year-old boy, Attlan, who was born in a poor family, had a younger sister who was 2 months younger than him. He still remembers his younger sister’s voice Smile, remember her beautiful long black hair dancing in the wind …

What a lovely girl. In the winter morning, girls who are eager to help their parents run a bread workshop and make bread sellers will always drag their big brother who is ignorant from the bed, and then helplessly stack the quilt. Said:

“Big brother Sir, don’t leave the bed anymore, go and clean the steps quickly, the guests are coming.”

This sentence has a profound memory in Attillon, because it is the sweetest sentence that runs through his entire childhood.

At the same time … is also the last sentence that his cute younger sister once told him.

On such a calm morning, as always, the girl who had to clean up the steps because she could n’t pull her big brother was seen by the nobility hedonistic son of rich parents who passed by the street town. Her beautiful and clean childish appearance was not surprising Attracted the evil desire of drunken dudes, so on the morning of the same day, the extremely old-fashioned and extremely sad plot was released in the family of Attillon.

Two guards with long swords broke through the thin wooden door of the bakery. They wanted to arrest Atdirun ’s younger sister on the charge of “theft of Lord Finance”. The long sword and the blame of the soldiers frightened the hardworking and honest. The mill owner, Attillon Siblings and his parents can only shrink into a shiver coldly in the corner.

Then … just as the little boy who was a big brother was about to be scared by the long sword of the guards, his younger sister with long black hair, while sobbing softly, resolutely broke away from the arms of his parents and blocked the whole family Before me …

The image of a girl whose height is not even as good as the long sword in the guard ’s hands with open arms to keep herself behind her. The trembling petite body casts the most solid barrier in front of the little boy and is plated by the sun. The back on Phnom Penh is extremely stubborn and makes people sad …


At that moment, the young Attillon did n’t know how much he wanted to have courage, he did n’t want to be shiver coldly in front of the cold and sharp blade, he wanted to charge his embrace of his younger sister, the wild beast that was born in his heart was sobbing With a scream, the bitten lip left blood drop by drop!

But it’s a pity … Atterun didn’t mention courage after all. The man who shrank with his parents in the corner was just a little boy with flour on his hair and clothes, and he looked at his younger sister in a state of embarrassment. The criminal was put on shackles, and the sound of heavy steel collision seemed so cold in the foul language of the 2 guards ……… until the little girl was “pulled” out of the gate by the 2 guards as if they were holding livestock, face deathly pale The boy felt the bloody taste that filled his mouth because he bit his tongue.

Since that day, Attillon has never seen his younger sister again.

“More than 3000 and 10000 years have passed, it has been unconsciously for so long ……… Is such a long time enough for a sad boy to gain a little insignificant courage?”

There was a chaos in my mind. Hurricane God of Wind, who was sitting on the throne, covered his left hand with his left face. Five fingers even pressed the fingertip into his skull.

Outside the Divine Kingdom, the little girl of the believer’s weaker crying voice seemed to be approaching the tide in the ear of Attillon, and he was in a prayer full of pain. Only this desperate sobbing touched God’s soul…………

I do n’t know when it started. This cry made of sadness and despair has gradually coincided with the sobbing of the girl in his memory. Attillon just felt like a moment and returned to the obnoxious one. In the bread workshop, he was still the little boy covered in flour, hiding in the corner shiver coldly, full of a mouthful of blood but he did n’t dare to move, and his most important younger sister was being taken to a bad guard The well-known pervert nobility’s welfare, waiting for the tragic fate of the little girl is self-evident …………


Divine Power’s fingers cut through the twisted face, and the red blood flowed down the chin of God of Wind, listening to the crying in the ears, and the bloody eyes of Art Dylan’s Hold the heavy sword and burst out!

“No! I’m not the weak coward anymore”!

In his heart, the 12-year-old boy gave a snarling wild beast roar, and the hurricane God of Wind hurled toward the sky of Divine Kingdom like the evil ghost crawling out of Hell.

in this brief moment, the godly anger finally ignited the dim Divine Kingdom in this brief moment, in this brief moment, it does n’t matter if it ’s reckless or sane—just after a period of 30,000,000 years of time, the name is Attillon The little boy finally found his “courage” of yearn for something even in dreams in the burning of anger!

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