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It must be admitted that the fighting process at this time was really smooth, and Punk didn’t expect that his actions would be so smooth.

As a prepared and cautious Spellcaster, his plan is nothing more than ambushing ahead of this “enemy must pass” by Divination, and then burying a “Bernice Chain Trap” and pinching a “Muse’s” Twisted World ”Waiting for prey walking right into a trap.

For “Whisper of Destruction” who is not very good at Enchantment Spell, such an ambush is basically the strongest ambush strategy he can do. If the number of Enchantment traps is increased if the Enchantment department arcane magic is not skilled enough. Easily exposed to energy fluctuations.

So in the final analysis, there are actually only 2 traps prepared by Punk. Ankazan, who is not weak, can get a little chance of escape as long as he avoids any one.

In the Legendary Wizard’s plan, these traps are enough as long as they can temporarily delay the flight of Ankazan. The next “war” is still indispensable. After all, the “order maintainers” that can be valued by the Wizard Guild “Maybe you will have what kind of trump card. The idea of ​​solving the enemy too easily may not be realistic …

However, the truth cruelly proves a truth-the suppression of 6 arcane magic levels is more “realistic” than any “trump card”!

The increase in power brought by the increase of Class Level is all-round and all-round. Although the ordinary Legend Level spell released by the High Rank Class Holder reaches the Morningstar level in any case, the Impossible Transcendence limit reaches the level of Morningstar, but with the addition of Class Level, the energy of spell is full. The level, duration, and kill power will all increase. A 3 Level 19 Legendary Spellcaster uses a spell that is by no means a Level 33 Class Holder that can be easily freed.

Ankazan was easily trapped in the scope of “Twisted World” by a “Berniss Chain Trap” because of such a huge level of suppression, and he had not waited for those two words that delayed the time to say 2 sentences Positively hit a “Singularity Collapse”.

So far, “Luminous Burner” has lost all his chances of escape.

The results obtained by Legend Class Holder, which has the courage to rely on Fleshy body to resist Legend spell, are generally miserable. Although Ankazan, as a learned Legendary Wizard, also has a protective spell of about 12 layers, but only by virtue of These defensive means want to resist the purely lethal Legend spell that hits near zero distance is undoubtedly impossible, not to mention that the “flame giant statue” he attempted to release at the last moment also failed due to the “distortion World” interference.

So after the entire stretch of mountains was pulled into powder by the gravitational pull and was attracted by the gray and black balls, the incandescent fire in the sky was as it should be by rights, like the candlelight swaying in the wind. It’s dark.

Until the end … No surprise, the dim flame suddenly extinguished …

With the spread of the “Singularity Collapse”, the fragmented space and the earth have been ruined under the twist and destruction of Rule, and the hot high temperature in the air has quickly cooled down, waiting for the “Singularity Collapse” to kill After the end of the release, the entire magnificent and magnificent nameless mountain range was transformed into a giant crater of tens of ten thousand meters deep due to the devastating power explosion. The clear sky was broken and broken in the twist of Rule Weird colorful luster

And in this deep and dark pit, a dark, scaly, almost invisible “lump” was lying quietly in the dirty dust.

Undoubtedly, it was precisely the middle-aged Wizard Ankazan who was dying because he was hit by Legend spell, but at this moment, all the spell protection on his body had been broken, and the remaining body had also lost 4 limbs. And half of the head, the severe fragmentation of the soul obviously made the “Luminous Burner” lose consciousness. It can be said that he is still alive now because the tenacious instinct belonging to Legend Class Holder is still breathing.

Even in the face of this nearly irreparable heavy injury, the death of the middle-aged Wizard is just a matter of time. Maybe it will be the next second or maybe a few minutes. His Fire of Life will be extinguished in this dark hole. Among them, it is no different from the poor prey that was pitted between the mountains …

“Anyway, using Legend spell on Faerun Plane still has to be a little more convergent. If the damage is too big, the guys who are busy with many things will be in trouble … But even so, the power of” Singularity Collapse “and” Muse’s Twisted World ” It is enough to match most ordinary Legend Class Holders. Are you right? “Mr. Luminous Burner”?

Cold eyes landed at the bottom of the pit, Punk expressionlessly mocked his prey while preparing the Legend Level spell for the end, because there is no need to worry that ordinary Legend-level attacks will damage the Radiant Moon Level eyes of Ankazan. Hitomi, so the use of Legendary Wizard from spell is absolutely very ruthless.

There was no need to pause or hesitation. A deep black crack exuding this terrifying energy was fiercely cut at the position of the head of the black-shaped “object” on the ground.

If this blow is aimed at the precise “Destroy Rift” and directly hits the seriously injured middle-aged Wizard, then the Class Holder named “Ankazan Fireshield” will usher in the eternal end of this “calm and tranquil” day, and act as The “Whisper of Destruction” of the Laozi hand will also get his spoils of war as expected … Radiant Moon Level Eye pupil!

The whole process was too smooth. In the “hunting” operation of this time, if you remove the boring “to ambush the enemy in the mountains for more than ten years”, Punk can even feel a smooth and fresh feeling, Ankazan It was really like Radiant Moon Level scrolling Divination, left Magic Tower and sent it to the door, and then fell helplessly into the trap set by the hunter.


What is the purpose of “Luminous Burner” going out?

I calmly thought of this matter, and the spooky expression of Spellcaster couldn’t help but frowned.

He didn’t cancel “Muse’s Twisted World”, nor did he relax his vigilance, watching the gloomy spell splendidly approach Ankarzan, who had lost his resistance, and hold his “Pale Scepter” in his hand, Punk was ready to deal with any possible Case.

The facts are a perfect proof-Legendary Wizard’s caution is very correct!

Because it ’s just slender and Sharp Edge ’s “Destroy Rift” is about to hit half of Ankazanjo ’s head … …… A delicate dagger that suddenly appeared in the air has been very timely and perfectly resisted by “Luminous Burner In front of his head!

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