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“What do you think is the significance of your battle today? Your friends will not be pleased by your rescue, and you will not be able to save your friends at all. You are just a clown who has nothing to do, the so-called” revenge and hatred ” Isn’t it childish? “

While continuing to stimulate Bill ’s nerves with words, he quickly released a large number of “Destroy Rifts” to attack the enemy while continuously moving the Punk, and the gray black blades in a line flew in the deep pits because of the “twist “World” control, these endless Legend Level spells can even adjust the trajectory of the action by a small amount to “chase” the enemy from multiple directions!

“You don’t understand friendship at all, sad Wizard! I have the power I don’t have to drag out an ignoble existence, my friend was killed, and my revenge is incumbent! From beginning to end, it is so!”

Bill Kayton, who quickly swung the dagger in all directions and showed powerful battle energy control ability, showed no fear at all. He had made the light of azure blade light form a shield in front of his body, the tip of the dagger The battle energy is transformed into the spell structure of each “destruction crevice” in Liman’s precise slash, and then the attack of each attack and the everyone attacking the rapid attack of the rapid-fire machine gun bullets is carried away.

For a time, the deep pits where the two Legend Class Holders were located began to expand rapidly from the inside, and large pieces of rock were fragmented in the twisting Rule of the undulating waves, and then turned into powder under the attack of 2 scattered fissures. The roar of the earth once again resounded throughout the battlefield. The burst of light azure blade glow and gray black fissures collided and collided, just like a huge fireworks blooming inside the giant pit.

From a certain point of view, in this narrow battlefield range, the use of single spells to maximize the attack effect for killing battles can be more thrilling than heaven-shaking, earth-shattering spells.

“Revenge needs strength, not recklessness and ignorance, look at what you are today, foolish and incompetent, believe oneself infallible! Do you think you have the ability to complete the so-called revenge? You will only be buried with your equally stupid friend Among the dust “!

The silhouette of the movement to the micrometer range escaped Bill’s “Sharp Edge Limang”, and Punk continued to mock the dead Ankazan Fireshield with impunity, while suddenly stopping the “Destroy Rift” continuous attack.

Almost in a flash, a translucent energy ball suddenly flew across a tricky angle to the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” that was still dancing the blade quickly.

“Legend Level Conjuration Spell-Time Imprison”!


Seeing a strange energy sphere that completely obscure the function suddenly appeared in a “destruction crack” barrage that confused Rule, blocked the field of view, and shattered the perception, “Sharp Glow” responding at an extraordinary speed Flying Blade “quickly converge the blade light to dodge.

After all, he is a “Ranger” who specializes in agility and evasion. It is too unwise to resist the unknown killing methods of the enemy, so he only used a very brief moment. The exquisite evasive means completed the release in Bill’s soul.

“Legend Level Shadow Skill-Leap of Shadow”

With a dark flame releasing the flickering flicker of candlelight, the translucent ball flew across the air to the empty broken rock wall. At the crucial moment, Bill finally made a difference of a few centimeters. Dangerously escaped the “Time Imprison” attack, the shadow changed his body, and also hidden every trace of Legend fluctuations that can prove the existence of Class Holder!

For a time, the thunderbolt’s roar of 10000 Jun and the flashing lights and shadows all disappeared suddenly. The enemies facing Punk had suddenly and flexibly changed their fighting style. In the last second, a Warrior’s Bill just used a little bit. The slight opportunity suddenly became a Stalker, unconsciously, he has disappeared into the visible world of Rule’s volatile chaos.

At this time, the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” that thrilled to complete the dodge did not think about retreating at all, while the Spellcaster released a “sinister move” emptiness, and the double professional Ranger hidden in the shadow even immediately approached the station quickly. The Legendary Wizard that stopped moving in place.

“I am a Legend Class Holder with both shadow and battle energy, a mean Wizard, you are too little to see my strength”!

Encouraged in his heart, he whispered to himself, opened his blood-red pupils and walked between Rule’s gaps. He almost swiftly approached Stalker behind his enemies with few corners. He had clenched the dagger impatient.

Although under the cover of Twisted World, Shadow Energy and Battle Energy, which are usually instructed by the arms, have become as difficult as they are facing each other. The release of each Battle Skill or the hiding of shadow skills needs to consume 2 times. The usual energy, but even so, the confident “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” is still full of confidence in his revenge.

He knows that Punk’s Class Level is up to 3 Level 19, but he knows that his Class Level has also reached 3 Level 18! In addition, the arcane magic Class Holder itself is more restrained by the stealth Class Holder … so … as long as it can be a close success, the angry Bill thinks he has at least 70% chance of winning!

At least he firmly believes that the level of strength brought by the Class Level of Dual Cultivation is extraordinary.

“What is the ability to bully others with several levels higher? Wait! I will cut your head to sacrifice my best friend, and you will soon see a powerful move representing revenge”!

In between, Legend Ranger secretly vowed in the heart.


With the sudden disappearance of the enemy’s breath, the chaotic battlefield gradually calmed down. The flying sand and debris finally settled at the bottom of the deep pit that expanded a full circle. The twisted and trembling sunlight was illuminated by the short time when the clouds disappeared. The bottom of the pit is full of cracks.

However, at this moment, only the Legendary Wizard of expressionless is standing solemnly, and the flexible light azure light and shadow are no longer known when they are hidden ………

But even though it is clear that his enemies have turned into unpredictable shadows and are lurking in the battlefield at any time, he is ready to pounce and give himself a blow to the lore, but the calm Legendary Wizard has not changed his indifferent attitude, he still maintains that. A pair of calm and disdainful eyes glanced at the tumbling dust irradiated by the sun, and even stood there directly and stopped moving.

No need to worry or worry at all, Punk continued to release Mental Power calmly and taunted his opponents:

“Hidden guy? After discovering that your battle energy is useless, do you start crying for the shadow to give power? But how long can you hide? The twisted Rule will kill your power. My Magic is in open and aboveboard Waiting for you walking right into a trap… or is you want to escape like this, like a cowardly groundhog hiding in a ditch and cellar? Then let poor Ankazan die without a burial site? Come out, tell me What is your choice? Tell me is your revenge as impractical as I laughed at? “

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