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Bill ’s anger is extremely real and not adulterated, because few people know that since Ankazan just came to Gray Rain Kingdom within 1000 years, he has been chatting with the seemingly serious but actually likes to chat The chatting Anka agreed to be friends.

Speaking from a certain perspective, their friendship is not only as simple as going to each other ’s site for a year and 20000, but also not just simply communicating some simple winemaking skills, but millions of years throughout each of Legend ’s careers. Friendly bondage!

In the background of the desperate Grand Era of this Legend island, it is difficult to imagine that the 2 Reclusive Legend Class Holders can abide by the agreement not to discuss any academic issues or to conduct and cooperate and trade, not for the benefit or strength of themselves, only for the purpose of sharing long. What you see, hear, and think in your life process becomes a friend talking and drinking, and even abandoning the almost cursed endless loneliness based on this friendship …

But for Gray Rain Kingdom’s Ankazan Fireshield and Aero Empire’s Bill Kayton, they did!

It is this old and firm friendship that drives the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” to fly from Aero Empire to this nameless mountain range desperately in the moment when the conscious friend is in danger. It is also because of the praise to Ankazan The understanding and sorrow of reason make Legend Ranger who is a strong friend facing a strong enemy.

But with the cold blade light flashed passing away, accompanied by the cold ridicule of “Whisper of Destruction” reverberating in the deep pit, and with the corpse of “Luminous Burner” fragmented, how about the mood of Bill Kayton? What about?

At this moment, Bill, who waited patiently for the opportunity, finally had the opportunity to release his inner hatred.

A Legend trick that almost exhausted all the power of Stalker is enough to show his determination and grief!

“Legend Shadow Skill-Soul Spikes”!

At this moment, the dark flames were surging, almost close to the Legendary Wizard, and the Legend’s killing trick released by the spell was a long-suppressed dark black sharp edge. With the flames deep in the Legend Ranger’s pupils burning together, the light and shadow are interleaved, the space is separated, the Rule buzzes and the energy explodes! Sharp Edge’s dagger attached to the force of highly condensed shadows is more like a fish back in water than a hot knife stabbed in butter. Even if it is distorted by the influence of the World’s Rule, its precise and rapid trajectory can hardly deviate from it!

“Go die for me, abominable Wizard, you will go to the eternal night without light to reflect on your sins”!

Watching the dark Liman tear the Spellcaster ’s 1st floor spell defense, Bill madly squeezing every strength of the soul to strengthen the killing Bill has bled his eyes and ruptured his muscles.

Whether as a “Warrior” of press forward or as an “Assassin” of one strike certain kill, the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” who fully launched an attack never thought of leaving a slight retreat for himself. For him, If you do n’t, you will do your best, as if you are a wind, a blade like a thunderbolt, a shadow stealth, and bloom in the blood! There is no need for any temptation, let alone a second attack. Only this one blow will lead to a victory or defeat. You will survive, this is an “assassin”!

After entering the combat state of Stalker, Bill implemented such a “killer” path. Even if the enemy was defended, he was not afraid. The “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” of Stalker level 3 Level 18 firmly believed that he could Revenge your best friends with powerful Legend shadow skills!

“Attack, attack! The blade of shadow, in the name of vengeance, with the power of shadow, penetrates this fragile defense, and pierces the blade glow into the soul of the enemy! As the witness of Ankazan Annihilation’s soul, my enemy He will pay for his crime “!

Seeing that the point of the blade that had burst forward had broken through the second layer of defense shield on Spellcaster, Bill, who was strenuously hit, even found that his reaction speed was further strengthened, and after the full power erupted in such an urgent state , He can feel his long absence and once again realized the shadow of my discovered mystery, with each trace of Rule more condensed and showing off one’s ability, with the distortion of the twisted world are all in the surging shadow of the power to break free of the fragmentation , Stealth Ranger actually found that his Class Level was suddenly improved.

Unconsciously, the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” that has fallen into the hundreds of thousands of years has reached the Peak state of 3 Level 19 without warning!

“Go die for me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh”!

The mind surgingly released a brand-new power, and the fast sharp knife burst out again. The short shock wave stabs the enemy more fiercely. Bill never felt his condition so good. He could even imagine the thrilling feel of the dagger stabbing into the enemy ’s soul The pain from the soul is reminding of the huge side effect of this move “must kill”, but when the battle energy of the green golden is also interwoven into the shadow, the blooming cold glow still detonates the flashing knife tip.

At least during this short burst of 1 / 10000th second, the single lethality of this “spirit thorn” even exceeded most Morningstar Level spell for a time!

This instantaneous, so cut across the name of “killing”!


What a pity!

“Pale Scepter Attached Radiant Moon Level spell-Power Suspended”!

As the same fast-forward picture suddenly stopped in space, Bill, who stabbed the blade at a rapid speed, maintained the posture of just jumping out of the shadow and suddenly stopped in the air, the boiling shadow seemed to be melted in a translucent circular barrier A fixed decoration was made, and the blade that shone with black glow stayed only a few centimeters from the head of the Legendary Wizard. Unable to move even a little bit!

“Click …”!

In this most critical and perfect in an instant, the Legendary Wizard, who has been vigilant and ready, has activated the Radiant Moon Level staff in his hand, and the spherical “power suspension” that quickly spreads around himself as the center of the circle. The position just covered Bill, who was very close to the Spellcaster, with the Rule frozen vibrato, which was difficult to hear even for the Legendary Powerhouse, and an absolutely perfect seal “barrier” was formed without accident.

In front of Radiant Moon Level’s spell effect, the “killing move” that “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” is proud of is almost the same as the seaweed enclosed in ice. Let the powerful soul that advanced to Level 3 on the spot burst out Power, he is impossible, and then let his dagger advance by one cent!

The so-called “perfect” assassination has completely failed.


“Although in terms of age, you are obviously a few million years older than me, but … whether in terms of knowledge or IQ, I call you” Junior “is not excessive, what do you think? Mr. Kayton” ?

Holding the Radiant Moon Level staff, he calmly controlled the “Power Pause” transformed by the “President” and opened the part of the body that wrapped his body. He calmly sorted out the hooded Punk and slowly walked out of the Radiant Moon Level spell. range.

After that, Spellcaster, who turned around, looked at Bill, who was still frozen in midair, and looked at a specimen.

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