4. Demons


As we walking along the mountain road, from behind some carriages and horses pass us in succession. Those are saint apprentice and attendants’s, they who have plenty of funds and support able to rent things like that.
We came from poor remote pioneer village so we can’t imitate them. There’s a lot of times that we need to sleep outdoors, but it seemed to be a good memory now as we’re approaching the Holy City.

“Still, that’s a bit dangerous”
“Yeah, they’re advancing too quick. This is why city people are……. “

Currently we’re at a forest. Although the city is close, this area is wide, and there’s many demons dwell here.
If you travel normally by foot, this forest isn’t so scary. However, if several horse runs for carriages, it will irritate demons by the rumbling and smell.
It’s kind of common sense in my hometown, but for those from urban areas think it’s just the same as running along the highway.

“Tsubaki, Halma, let’s hurry”
“Give me a break from getting attacked because of this…….”

If only we somehow able to raise fund just for horses, as we feel don’t know where to direct the grudge to, we quickened our pace. At least we’ll pass through this demon’s territory if quickly get ut from this forest. .
I support tsubaki’s back by hand, my other hand reach to sword on my waist in alert of surrounding. Halma too seems ready to pull his big sword at anytime.

But, from curved mountain road at the distance, *boom*, there’s such explosion sound. This is obviously sound of usage of magic.
Basically, this magic seems to be used to things like suppressing demons and beasts. Which means…..

“…….By the sound, they came out huh”
“Yeah. The blast merely provoking them poorly. “

Most people when came across demons, probably will use magic in hurry like just now. Those kind of stopgap measure is a normal choice, but it won’t do for us. It’s quite difficult to face an demon angered from an explosion like that.
Then, a wolf covered with black fur appeared.
Although it looks like an ordinary beast, it’s body agility is highly exceed those an ordinary wolf.
I and Halma pulled out our sword, and we cover tsubaki as if to protect her.

“Three of them huh”
“Trell, you take one of them. I’ll do the other two.”
“Do not push yourself, you’ll get surrounded if you face two of them”
“What are we going to do if you don’t protect tsubaki?”
“…….. Won’t it be faster for two people to defeat three?”

What tsubaki said make sense to a certain extend. When I look behind, fight without worrying me, her face seems to say so.

“She herself is said it”
“Why is she so reckless at times like this……”

But in reality. It is safer to aim for a short-term decisive battle by fighting hard rather than fighting by keeping the tsubaki protected.
If the opponent had high intelligence like a human being, it probably would aim tsubaki who are noncombatants. But the opponent is a relatively low-intelligent wolf, furthermore it wouldn’t take the tactic of striking weak point furiously.
I nodded to tsubaki, and I once again brace my sword.

Soon after, the wolf dashed. I and Harma also moved at the same time, and take up positions like to obstruc their charge. During rushing, I repelled a swung down claws with my sword. As expected since they’re a demon, their power is dreadful.

“You damn mutt! Why didn’t you just chase those earlier people! ”
“It’s their habit i guess?”

Tentatively, I can afford to fight while complaining like this. Or rather, the wolf itself isn’t that much a threat. The threat is we don’t know the detail of the terrain, and the number of other demons that may exist.
It’s actually isn’t that hard to defeat these guys.
Halma with his pure strength push off the wolf he’s grappling with, then grandly brandish his burly massive sword, and bisect their neck like striking it.
I held the second sword in my hand, then I stabbed the demon’s forefoot with it. At the same time i sealed it’s movement, I stab the other sword into it’s heart.
In a blink of an eye, two wolves became dead.

“………..The other one is?”

Three of them were supposed to charge in at the simultaneously, but one of them was suddenly disappeared.
Could it be, as so hastily I look behind to tsubaki.
But there’s no wolf’s figure, and tsubaki is safe too. But in a panic my overhead was pointed. Halma also shout.

“Idiot! Above you! ”
“Kuh …….. !?”

Immediately understand what it mean and protect my head with a sword.
A wolf unexpectedly climbed a thick tree and tried to give an attack to me with a steep descent.
Although I’m prepared, i accidentally fail to estimate the surprise attack and got scratched on my arm But I quickly swapped my sword and cut down the wolf at the moment he fell.
Nonetheless it hurts. The meat of my arm is roughly cut off. It may reach the bones if i do it poorly.

“You, care about yourself before you care about tsubaki”

Halma approach me while watching the surroundings, and Tsubaki prop the wound with pose like would she touch it or not.
Magical power begins to gently circle between her hands and my wounds, it felt strangely itchy. However, this is tsubaki’s magic. Like that the severe bleeding stopped, and the wound narrowing gradually.
When I looked at tsubaki’s face softly, her face looked somewhat apologetic.

“Don’t make such face since i’m okay. It’s my bad since i lost sight of my opponent.”
“That’s right you know. Trell does miss something sometimes”
“…….Y-, you agree to it so quickly,”
“However……. try to not get hurt. Like halma said earlier, give priority to yourself over me. “

While she looks like about to cry, tsubaki lightly hit my forehead. I was embarrassed, but nodded in obedience.
Of course even so, in my mind tsubaki is still my priority. I believe so. It’s a natural thing for a lover before a servant. Tsubaki surely understand it a little too.
As gratitude for your kindness, thank you, as i bashfully said so, she answered with a nod.
However, Halma has a bulging vein on his temple.

“Oioi you guys. I’ll leave before i cry tears of blood you know. Please don’t get into such mood in front of me okay.”
“Y-, you’re right………..”
“L-, let’s go……”

It took me a while, but i get off while i confirming that my wound has healed completely. Before a new monster comes because the smell of blood, we have to get out of this forest.
However Halma is still angry or jealous of incident just now.

“Even though you guys have been dating for how many months, your reactions always like it’s your first time or something. It’s like even if it’s outdoor play here you guys’re fine as long as you do it.”
“Ok, then Halma please go to the shrub over there quietly. You can come out after five hours”
“As if i’ll do it!”
“………Rather than that tsubaki, your face is red you know. Umm, it’s okay to not get it on if you’re not good with dirty jokes……..”
“S-, shut up! Ignoring it kinda unpleasant, and there’s no way i can say, “Yeah, you’re right!” isn’t it!……. “

So childish. But that’s her charm…
As i glanced at tsubaki who’s face turned red, i feel want to protect this lovely girlfriend evenmore.
…… Or rather, if halma hide would she really do it?
I think of something a bit wicked.
While I was doing it, we passed through the forest.
The sky which was concealed by big trees opens all at once, and you can see a huge mountain range and a number of mountains derived from it. That is the large mountain range that divide this continent, and the holy city is at the foot of it.

………..After we walked for a while, I finally caught the shape of it with my both eyes.
A huge city shaped to cut through the mountains. It’s shiny like a temple, surrounded by a strong outer wall like a fortress.
A group of white buildings reminiscent of the townscape of the Mediterranean sea, reflected the sun’s light dazzlingly.

“Is that, the Holy City?”
“H-, Huge~…”

I will walk to the city that i already remember only the impression.
The closer you get the more you overwhelmed by close up of the size and divinity, and if you stand in front of the gate you’ll be fascinated by the fine sculptures and decorations.
There’s many saint apprentice and her attendant passing over there.
Or rather, the plaza in front of the gate likely to be mistaken as a park due to it’s pretty and huge. White stones are spread on the ground, though i haven’t entered the city, it feels like I have already entered.

Hereupon Halma muttered while looking up at the Holy City.

“…….Well, it feels like a place good-bye here”

……That’s right. .We’re supposed to break up with Halma here.
Even though we have decided it before the departure, i feel somewhat lonely.Thinking about it again it feels like we three always played together since we’re small.

“Rather than being a mercenary, how about option to travel with us”
“None. Since i want to travel without a purpose.”
“……I see. I’ll be a little sad.”
“You have your boyfriend so i guess you’ll be fine?”
“That’s true, even so! Trell aren’t you lonely? ”
“Though it’s true if i have to say i’m lonely. Halma also have prepared to chooose this, and above all it’s not like we’re parting from this world.”

It’s not like it’s impossible to meet if you wish to meet up. Moreover there’s that possibility that our destination will collide, we also agreed to come back once to the village in a few years too.
Besides, like me and tsubaki aiming to be an attendant and saint, Halma also aiming to be a mercenary too. It would be tasteless to get in the way.

Then, like he just remembered something just now halma take out a small package from the luggage on his back. When i spread it, it appeared to be three blackish stone plates.

“What’s this?”
“The village chief secretly gave it. I’ll buy a new one, so keep this one so he said.”
“Oh, a magical communication stone!?”

Tsubaki pick up the stone plate with her hand while being surprised. Taking it feel’s like holding a thick smartphone.

…… Still, a magical communication stone?  I have seen a lot of village chief and top ups using it for a bit yet, it’s the first time i’m feeling it directly. Such expensive thing, though it’s used goods i would thank the village chief for giving it.
Halma keep the remaining communication stone, and giving example by pour his mana to his palm.When the surface of his stone shone faintly, my communication stone began to glow. I see, so that’s how you use it.
It seems you can choose who to contact in your mind.

“You can’t contact the village since it’s too far from here, but at least i can contact you during my journey.”
“Awesome ……..”

Since I was born in this world, I have forgotten the existence of a smartphone, but I realized again the extraordinary ability to make contact easily even over long distances.
Moreover, it doesn’t need battery, and as long as you have mana you can use it, though it’s not multi-functional, the durability is far more than a smartphone.
After finishing viewing one after another, we put each communication stones in our pocket, then Halma pat his pocket while faintly laughing.

“Well, let’s keep in contact with each other with this ………. Well then I’ll be around soon.”
“All right. I’ll be waiting to hear your activity. ”
“You don’t drink sake too much okay~”

Shut up, said laughing halma while leaving away. Since it’s a wide prairie, we’re still able to see his figure but probably we won’t able to see it soon.
Both I and Tsubaki, wait until that time comes……..
Then, tsubaki immediately hold the communication stone on her hand.

“Can you hear this? Actually you’re lonely too right? ”
“Don’t put it on while we still on distance where we’re able to see each other!”

He hung up. However, tsubaki is laughing tenderly. And she gently hugged my arm.
I dont know is she lonely left by childhood friend, or did she want to be spoiled by me, but as i caress her head gently she direct her indescribable sweet expression to me.

“…….. Let ‘s go tsubaki. Let us go forward as well.”
“Yup. I want to do my best helping people.”

Tsubaki released her arms as if she’s satisfied. As we keep this feeling, we pass through the gate.

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