In the passage of the players opposite them, the trail was also making the final mobilization, still in a posture of domination, as if his weakness could not be seen at any time.

“Lihai Da~”

I couldn’t help but think of Renwang last time.

I don’t know how Lihai University’s lineup will be arranged this time?

Does the Ice Emperor have any hope of winning? Perhaps, after all, tennis is round, people are alive, and anything can happen.

It’s just that sometimes, things that cannot be called 100% in theory can be completely ignored in reality.

“Now, start the semi-finals of the national competition, the competition between Lihai Dafu High School VS Ice Emperor Academy, there are players from both sides to enter!”

The voice of the referee team staff was transmitted throughout the venue through the broadcast.

Next to them, the four days also began the tournament, this year’s winner will enter the championship competition, while the loser can only enter the third place and the palace competition.

“Let’s go.”

Both sides, led by the minister, walked out of the passage and entered.

“The winner is the Ice Emperor! The winner is the Ice Emperor! ”

“Chang Sheng! Tachikai is big! Always win! Tachikai is big! ”

The cheers of both sides were almost even, partly because this is the home of the Ice Emperor after all, but in fact, Tachikai University has a lot of support in Tokyo.

More importantly, Tachikai Dana has already shown a well-known ‘organized’ support group in Kanto!

By the time of the national competition, those people seem to have become more skilled, and I don’t know if practice makes perfect.

“Finally meet again.”

Traces stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

“The winner this time should be Lihai Da.”

Yukimura held out his hand and pointed to something.

It was really the neat voice of the Ice Emperor that attracted people’s attention, and if he didn’t know a little about this guy from the Ice Emperor, Yukimura almost felt that he wanted to use the off-the-plate move.

But it turns out that this guy should just be simple … Flaunt.

The pre-match etiquette of the two sides was very simple, the people of the Ice Emperor suppressed some faint anger in their hearts, and the people of Lihai, the blood that was provoked by Yukimura just now, has not faded.

The seemingly simple pre-match etiquette, but the atmosphere is somewhat dignified.

Back in their respective dugouts, the singles three-time players began to prepare.

The Tachikai side is naturally the already confirmed Sanada Kenichiro, and the player on the Ice Emperor’s side who is ready to appear is Keigo Jibe!

“The Minister of the Ice Emperor, personally on the field?”

“This is to open the door ~ Sanada.”

Maori and the others talked with ridicule on their faces, and it could be seen that there was actually not much pressure in their hearts.

“If you want to win, speak with strength!”

Sanada sorted out his hat and snorted coldly, he has not met a suitable opponent this year, and he has long been a little impatient.

“Sanada, get ready, this time… It may be a tug-of-war. ”

Renwang said softly.

“Tug of war?”

The eyes of the others froze.

The premise of tug-of-war is that the strength is similar, and both sides have their own advantages or neither side has any advantages.

The minister of the Ice Emperor that King Ren is so optimistic about?


Sanada himself did not have much reaction.

To deal with this kind of player who has already determined that his strength is not weak, he will naturally not start directly like in the competition some time ago.

“Hey, Trace, your opponent seems to be… It’s a bit hard to mess with. ”

Shinobu held up his glasses.

“Hey, Uncle Ben will be afraid of him?”

Trace snorted in disdain, his tennis style, for the kind of manic player on the opposite side, is simply Tianke!

That is, Sanada does not know what is in Jibe’s mind, otherwise, I am afraid that the tennis match will directly become a real solo.

“Now start the Lihai Daifu High School VS Ice Emperor Academy Singles Three match! There are two players to play! ”

Sanada and Jibe entered with rackets.

Step-by-step pre-match etiquette, and then Sanada managed to take the serve.

“It doesn’t look like a cranky person~ How do you play tennis, so manic?” Walking back to his preparation position, he bent down to prepare for the catch, and he was a little puzzled.

However, he did not dare to be careless in his heart.

Sanada’s strength on the court is definitely the top in the country, and if he is careless, he will face a fiasco.

And he has to be prepared to face Sanada’s kind of outburst that goes all out as soon as he moves, really those tricks he has never faced head-on, if he really copes, he will also need time to adapt.

Therefore, after determining that their opponent is Trace, the first tactic they set for themselves is to defend and counterattack, and the front defense observes the back to find opportunities to counterattack.


The tennis ball gently hits the ground.


The moment the tennis ball is tossed, the tennis ball shoots out instantly.

“It’s different from what you imagined~”

The first goal, the trail is a little surprised, this ball can not see a little mania, obviously steady and steady.

This thought turned in Jibu’s heart, and there was no time for him to think so much, and with a slight step forward, the racket was directly intercepted in front of the tennis ball.



“15 to 0! Lihai Daifu High School scored! ”


“15 to 15! Ice Emperor Academy scores! ”

The two sides began to try to explore the opponent’s ability line, and adopted the basic tactic of mobilizing the opponent to play tennis farther away from the opponent.

However, the strength of these two people makes this basic game still look exciting.

“Huh? That guy’s performance doesn’t look like mania~”

Xiangyue said with some doubt.

“It should be afraid of the strength of the Ministry of Traces, don’t dare to mess around.”

Ryo Shinto said.

This view has been supported by everyone.




“AD to 40! Lihai Dafu Middle School leads! ”


“40 to AD! Ice Emperor Academy leads! ”

The two sides glued in the first game, and after more than a dozen balls, neither finished the first game.

“Finally, I know why you said it was a tug-of-war between King Ren, so that these two people can fight for an hour!”

Maori complained.

Both of them are steadily waiting for the opponent to make a mistake and then accumulate the advantage to score, in his eyes this style of play is too boring, and it is sleepy to watch!


The tennis ball turned into a shadow and flashed across the court.

In the end, it was Sanada’s initiative to win the first game.

The two sides exchange courts.

(This game is really difficult to write, the strength is not strong enough in this time period, and many tricks have not been developed.)

The main content of the plot after the national competition should not be the middle of the country, but the main line of Nioh himself, as well as Yukimura and Kirihara. )

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