“Ah, it seems that Sanada doesn’t work anymore~”

Renwang’s figure distorted for a while, and he changed into his original appearance again.

Off the field, Sanada’s face instantly became darker, his own strength, and it is not as fast as the wind, what is called Sanada does not matter!!

Before I could fight, they actually abandoned me?

If it wasn’t for the fact that I couldn’t beat you…

Sanada clenched his fists and secretly remembered it in his heart.

In the future, when the time is ripe, you must teach this kid a lesson!

Of course, when this time is ripe, only Sanada himself probably knows.

So who are you going to change to?

Hei Zenyuki looked at Renwang’s appearance and sneered.

“Shiraishi? Yuan Zhe? Or Ishida? ”

Throwing the tennis ball, Heiyoshiyuki even gave Renwang advice.

The body jumped slightly and leaned forward suddenly.


A shock to the racket.

The tennis ball instantly tore through the air and went straight to Nio’s half.


The sound of breaking the air reached Nio’s ears.

“How can these people be your opponents now?”

The corners of Renwang’s mouth hooked slightly.

In fact, he is also a little distressed, if it is now the third country, he does not have to bother at all, just mention some people out, the tricks are enough, the problem is that it is only the first country now, many people have not emerged, he is not convenient for phantoms at all.

So, you have to choose someone else.

“Ping, long time no see.”

Renwang’s figure twisted for a while.

He has a slender body, short hairy white hair, and a Kansai accent mixed with Kanto flavor.


The tennis ball instantly turned into a golden beam.


With a muffled sound, the tennis ball smashed behind Hei Yoshiyuki and then popped off the court.

“30 to 15! Lihai Daifu High School scored! ”

Catch the serve, score!

Hei Yoshiyuki did not react.

Just looked at Renwang on the other side stunnedly.

“Yes… Is this one? ”

His face was a little stiff, and his voice was a little dry.

What is the name of this person on the other side and what his ability is, he knows very well.

Although he had not fought each other, from the horizontal confrontation between those who had fought before, he knew that he would not be this person’s opponent.

But…… Masaharu Renwang, can he really perfectly replicate the ability of this one?

In Hei Shanzhi’s heart, there is still a trace of expectation.

He felt that Renwang should not have a perfect phantom for a player of the level of Tanegashima.

“At best, it just looks scary.”

Grabbing the tennis ball thrown in from outside the court by the staff and preparing to serve again, he secretly cheered himself up.

“Hey, isn’t this overkill?!”

On the side of the Lihai big player’s seat, Maori rolled his eyes.

He understands the strength of Hei Yoshiyuki, and he also understands the strength of Tadashima, and he is not a level player at all.

Not to mention that the senior of Tanishima also has a hole card that exhausts all the tricks except spiritual power.

There is no way to fight at all!

As for whether Renwang could perfect the Phantom Seed Island, Maori did not doubt it at all.

Several people in Murakami also had similar feelings.

On the contrary, Yukimura, Sanada and Yanagi came to be interested.

Because they only knew that Tanegima’s strength was very powerful, but their understanding of Tanegashima was very limited, and Nioh said that he had the opportunity to invite those seniors to practice with them, and he didn’t know when he would wait.

At least for now, it seems that there is still no end for them.

“It’s him! Even this one can be phantom? Fake it!! ”

Tetsuya Hara’s face was full of disbelief.

How strong this person’s strength is, he also understands, if he can succeed in Phantom, this game…

“Who is this?” Original senior? ”

Shiraishi and they were a little dazed, and the reactions of Hei Yoshiyuki in the field and Tetsuya Hara next to him were a little wrong.

“Shuji Tanishima, the former minister of Tachikai University, one of the two strongest in the country last year, is known as a man who can make all tricks into nothing.”

Hara Tetsuya said in a deep voice.

“Even Minister Heizen may only be ranked around fifteen in last year’s country. This person who was phantomed by Renwang in the field ranked in the top two! ”

“Fifteen?! Top two?! Let all tricks go to nothing? ”

Tetsuya Hara’s words directly touched on the blind spots of other people’s knowledge.

“What about Heishan senior?”

Shinobu Qian was also a little dazed.

“I don’t know.” Hara Tetsuya shook his head, “I can only hope that this phantom is not complete, otherwise this game will not be played at all.” ”

In the field.


“15 to 40! Lihai Daifu High School scored! ”

While everyone was still shocked and dazed, ‘Shuji Tanishima’ in the field had already won the end point of the game.


With a flip of his wrist, Heizenyuki threw the tennis ball.

In terms of basics, it has been completely crushed ah~ then… That’s the only way to do it.

Hei Zenzhi knew that he could no longer hide.

If you let Renwang open the gap, you will definitely not be able to turn over, the game has just begun, and you are about to make the last attempt?

“It’s really ironic~”

Hei Zenzhi laughed at himself, and his body jumped slightly.

Can this year’s efforts achieve the desired results, and next… That’s the most critical moment.


The moment the tennis ball was hit by a racket, a little air wave was generated around it.

And the light green ball turned into a beam of light in an instant and smashed into the half of Renwang.

“Broke out?”

‘Tanishima’ smiled a little, and the racket in his hand gently everything.


The speed and power of tennis balls suddenly decreased.

Step ~ step ~

Hei Yoshiyuki’s footsteps are moving rapidly.

When he stepped forward, the racket in his hand also took a strange pose.

“It’s coming!”

The eyes of everyone in the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple froze.

They knew if Hei Zenyuki could fight back, and they all looked at this ball.

“Peace, everything you have will be reduced to nothing~”

A gentle Kansai accent sounded.

Let Hei Yoshiyuki’s pupils shrink slightly, but Hei Yoshiyuki still waved his racket without hesitation.


An unwilling roar, with hope.


A bang seemed to be faintly mixed with gunshots.


The tennis ball mercilessly tore the air in front of it.

This kind of movement made everyone in Lihai change their complexions slightly, and it seemed to be more powerful than the fluctuation ball of Ishida silver just now.

“Is it already so strong?”

Mao Li’s expression has also changed a little, and the progress of Ping Shanzhi is very large.

“This is useless to me!”


‘Seeding Island’ appeared in front of tennis.

The racket in his hand seemed to be weakly lightly blocked.


An esoteric shadow flashed.

The tennis ball weakly crossed the net.

The powerful power of the bullet was completely swallowed up silently.

“2 to 0! Tachihai Daifu High School won this game! ”

“Already… Extinguish…… Not! ”

In the mouth of ‘Planting Island’, three words were spit out one by one.

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