After the Ice Emperor and everyone in Lihai had finished their meal together, everyone rested in the recreation room prepared by the Traces.

Of course, it is said that it is a recreation room, that is, the most basic TV set and so on, because this place itself is not prepared for everyone to relax.

And on the contrary, this place is where everyone sweats and makes everyone suffer.

Marui and Wasagawa had a very happy chat when they first met, and the two complained about the unpalatable nutritious meal together, which was highly recognized by others.

In this matter, the Ice Emperor and the players of Lihai University reached an agreement for the first time.

Nutritious meals, really unpalatable!

Looking at Marui, who chats very happily with others, although he knows that Marui’s personality is so cheerful and outgoing, it is easy to make friends with others.

But the jackal, who itself is very little, still has a little sense of urgency in his heart.

During this time, be sure to let Marui see his progress! This fluffy-looking guy, where can I compare to the supporting role I can play on the pitch?

“This guy~”

Traces were also a little speechless.

This guy Wasagawa, didn’t even doze off today?

Usually, after the training, they basically fall asleep with their heads upside down, so that they don’t know what to do.


The crisp sound echoed throughout the recreation room.

“Okay, all be quiet, Uncle Ben has something to announce!”

Traces snapped his fingers.

Everyone listened and looked at the traces.

“This time the Ice Emperor and Lihai Da are together, there is a point that Uncle Ben must declare in advance, everyone is progressing together here, whether it is a player of Lihai University or a player of the Ice Emperor, if there is a contradiction here, Uncle Ben is not welcome!” Do you understand everything? ”


Everyone nodded.

They still have a clear distinction on this.

They can compete against each other when they are in the arena, but even if they can’t be friends when they stay together, they won’t make the atmosphere very stiff, which will not benefit either side.

The traces are ugly in the front, and if something happens, no one can say anything at that time.

“Also, this time the dormitory is expected to be half a month, but if the training results do not reach the goal, it may be extended to the start of school, so everyone work hard, don’t delay everyone because of yourself!”

This sentence stimulated everyone.

No one wants this to happen to them.

Renwang silently watched the performance of the traces, and a little wanted to applaud the traces.

It is worthy of being a trace, and when you really need it, the art of speaking is also admirable.

However, when I thought about it, King Ren thought of what he said just now when he had just arrived, and what he said when he didn’t need it… It’s also a bit annoying.

“This time, there are two coaches, one is our Ice Emperor’s Sakaki coach, responsible for guiding you on tactics, and as for the coach in charge of the specific training plan, Renwangjun is the one who is in charge, do you have any opinions?”

The Ministry of Traces announced the last content.

“Renwang? Instructor? ”

If no one has an opinion on the Ice Emperor’s Sakaki Taro as a tactical coach, then Nio, as the coach who made the actual training plan, is like dropping a bomb here.

Except for a few people, everyone else looked shocked, even a calm player like Liu.

How did Nioh become their hostel coach?


Lihai Da is a little better, but it is too unexpected.

As for whether King Ren was qualified to instruct them, even Maori did not dare to speak in this regard.

If players like Renwang can’t point them out, aren’t they really looking for professional players?

No, Renwang has pushed open the door to the profession, if Renwang can’t do it, he has to find a very powerful professional player.

I am afraid that saying this will make people laugh.

“How? Look down on him? ”

Jibu looked at the reaction of everyone in the Ice Emperor and sneered.


The people of Himawari wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.


How many people in the country dare to say such things?

Renwang was named a demon king by the tennis press, why do so many people agree?

It’s just that I inevitably feel a little awkward in my heart.

“Remember, this kind of opportunity was bought for you by Uncle Ben with conditions, whether you cherish it or not, it’s up to you.”

Keigo glanced at the Ice Emperor’s players and said in a deep voice.

If someone is unwilling, with the character of the traces, they will definitely not say anything more.

Do you really think that King Ren has no temper?

Keigo Jibe doesn’t think so.

“Don’t worry, we will work this joint stay.”

Ryo Shito replied earnestly while tugging his hair behind his head.

He really didn’t want to lose anymore.

That feeling that the entire tennis club is lifeless, not the ice emperor he likes.


Birch sat quietly and did not make a sound until this time.

Renwang also glanced at Birch.

This person is worth paying attention to.

However, general training does not have much effect on Birchland. 、

Still that sentence, the characteristics of Birch Land are destined to be very terrifying, and the upper limit is very high!

If it is fought hard, Sanada is definitely not a match for Birch.

But as long as you grasp the weakness of Birchland, you can become the side with a better chance of winning.

Overall, this is a very high ceiling, but the lower limit is also very low.

If it is used well, it is a trump card, and if it is not used well, it is a gift to people’s heads.

After these thoughts raced through Renwang’s mind, Renwang got up and clapped his hands, drawing everyone’s attention to him.

Now that his identity has become a coach, there are a few things to be sure of first.

“First of all, I am personally honored to be your coach, and I look forward to having the opportunity to play against you in the future.”

No…… I’m not looking forward to it at all.

Hearing Renwang’s words, Shinobu pushed his glasses, and secretly said in his heart.

Shinobu felt from the bottom of his heart that this guy was really terrible, and he didn’t want to fight with Renwang anyway if he didn’t have to.

Of course, King Ren did not know what others thought, and still said to himself:

“As the coach of everyone for the next period of time, I have only one request: obey the management!” Renwang stretched out his hand and gestured, “Some training will be difficult, some training may seem a little strange to you, but… Don’t ask! You just need to complete my request! ”

“I’m a coach, but I’m not in charge of explaining, not because I can’t explain it, not because I’m lazy. Just because… If you don’t understand the meaning of part of the training, then it only proves that you are too weak, and the weak … There is no voice! ”

King Ren’s words made everyone’s faces change, this kind of words, already very unceremonious, and at this time, King Ren’s body could not tell whether it was intentional or unintentional momentum, and it also made everyone feel a little pressure.

“You can not complete my training because of the limitation of ability, but if it is because you don’t want to finish, you can leave this dormitory.”

“Everyone, got it?”

(Poorly written, I can only make up for it by adding another one more to everyone…) )

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