The next day, seven o’clock in the morning.

While everyone was still sleeping, a huge sound suddenly sounded outside, and passionate music was playing from nowhere.

Just a few minutes, everyone had to get out of bed.

And the pain on the body makes them almost grinning, and a little larger movement can make them feel the pain of drilling the heart.

This time, because of the pain in their bodies, their way to the creek seemed to become more difficult.

The movement of the arm often cannot keep up with the speed of the tennis ball, the tennis ball keeps falling, and some people fall from time to time, looking even more unbearable than on the first day.

When the time came, everyone started to ‘prepare’ their lunch.

But today their luck seems to be even worse, and they only harvested three in the end.

“Hey! Seeing that you guys are working so hard, I’ll only eat one at noon today~”

Renwang was very ‘kind’ in his way.

Everyone just rolled their eyes weakly.

If they could get one piece of one by one, it wouldn’t be this expression now.

In the afternoon, it was still strength and conditioning training that almost broke down.

However, this time Renwang began to group.

For people like Birch, Renwang asked him to strengthen his legs, because Birch’s speed is actually very slow, but as long as the explosive power is enough, it can make up for most of the speed weaknesses on the court.

Sanada and Mori and these people are all comprehensive exercises in strength and physical fitness.

As for Marui and Himawari, Nioh focused on physical strength.

This made everyone feel a little excited in times of pain, which meant that Nioh did have different arrangements for different types of players, so that they could get the most out of this training.

At night.


Everyone fell on the bed, all of them were left with the sound of breathing.

Renwang, on the other hand, began to plan their own training focus for different players through the light.

In such a short period of time, he naturally has no way to make everyone stronger in an all-round way, which requires a long-term training plan.

But so that everyone can play what they are good at, Nioh can still do it.

Day 3.

“Otherwise, this time together, let’s go here, I see you can’t hold on at all, you… It simply doesn’t deserve to be stronger. ”

While everyone was undergoing the most painful training, Renwang was still talking about the wind.

Day 4.

Renwang didn’t say anything more, just silently watched everyone train, and he also carried out some training with him.


Day 5.

In thirty-five minutes, everyone completed the task of reaching the stream.

Seven fish were harvested at noon.

In the afternoon training, they seem to be able to last longer.

Except for King Ren, everyone else also became silent, no longer communicating, no longer shouting, no matter how difficult it was.


Day 6.

The time becomes shorter and the training volume becomes larger.

In the evening, Renwang paid attention to everyone for a long time and found that someone began to hum unconsciously.

He knew that he was almost at his limit.

Tomorrow’s training is over, exactly one week.

“Perhaps… You don’t know your current situation, do you? ”

Stand outside the room and look at the bright moonlight.

Just like when they were in U17, they almost lost themselves.

Immersed in training and not knowing anything.

The only thing that exists is the belief that returns to base.

And here, except for the desire to become stronger, there is nothing.

You can’t continue, or something will really happen.

“Worried about them?”

Sakaki Taro’s voice sounded behind Nio.

“yes, how can you not be worried? Although my plan is a week, it is best to prepare for the training at any time, and if I can’t stick to it, of course, I will choose to change the training plan. ”

Renwang nodded, but did not look back, but looked at the moon overhead.

The trajectory of the past life has been stirred by himself from now on, and what will become in the future, King Ren has no bottom in his heart.

But…… It should be moving towards the good side, right?

Otherwise, I’m too sorry for his efforts and the sweat of those guys inside.

“I thought you guy was really hard-hearted~”

Sakaki Taro stood beside Nioh with a glass of red wine and took a sip.


Renwang smiled sarcastically.

They want to become stronger, but they choose.

Please, it’s also the guys themselves, and they just fulfill their wishes.

Thinking of this, King Ren suddenly remembered something.

“Don’t worry, they will appreciate you.”

With that, Sakaki Taro left.

Looking at Sakaki Taro’s back, Renwang felt a little inexplicable, just to say these two words to himself?

But thinking of what suddenly sounded just now, and Sakaki Taro’s last words just now, Renwang frowned and thought for a while.

Walked towards Willow’s dormitory.

Silently opening the door, he took out a notebook from Willow’s tennis bag.

Walked to the door and flipped through the book by moonlight.

In the end, only a full article of data was sent.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

King Ren breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this guy Liu still didn’t remember his hatred.

Quietly putting the book back, Renwang left Yanagi’s dormitory.

But Renwang seems to have forgotten that in this book, he also did not see the forbearance of Yanagi that day.

Willow’s dormitory.

Two minutes after Nioh left.

Liu Lianer sat up.

He took out a notebook and a pen from under his pillow.

By moonlight, he began to record something in his own book.

“Sure enough, what Sanada said is right, you can’t relax at all~”

Liu Lianji showed an oozing smile on her face, then put her notebook away and lay down again.


On another mountain in Tokyo.

“Are you leaving?”

Standing at the window, Tanishima had not fallen asleep at this time.

These days, the coaches at the base have been interfering with their training and practice matches.

The amount of training is strictly controlled, while practice matches are completely stopped.

The alternate stadium heard that there will also be a shuffle match.

These signs all point to one thing, they… It’s time to go to France.

Controlling the amount of training and practice matches is to ensure the state of the first army, and the challenge of the alternate stadium should be in the selection of alternate members.

After all, in that kind of competition, almost everyone has the belief that they will win.

After a match, there is no guarantee that the player will continue to participate in the competition and condition.

(This is the first change of the day…) I want to end this plot quickly, I think kelp)

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