After a short period of euphoria, followed by the kind of exhaustion that radiates from the depths of the heart, which makes everyone’s spirit fall into exhaustion in a very short time.

After saying goodbye to each other, everyone took a simple wash and then went back to their dormitory to rest.

Although they did not train tonight, neither mentally nor physically, and Renwang gave up oppressing them, as soon as they entered the dormitory, everyone fell into a deep sleep in a short time.

Renwang stood outside everyone’s room and lingered for a long time.

Finally, he returned to his room.

“Next… It’s time for you to reap the fruits. ”

In Renwang’s plan, the next training is actually not tiring, and even Renwang estimates that everyone will have a feeling of enjoying it.

Because that almost visible progress speed will become everyone’s strongest motivation.


The next day.

Around seven o’clock.

Many people were in a daze, almost subconsciously rolling over and getting up.

“What time is it?”

After a moment, I saw the clock at the end of the bed, which made many people seem a little busy.

But when they saw others at the door who were also flustered, everyone reacted.

“Uncle Ben remembers… Renwang said last night that the first stage of training has ended, right? ”

Trace rubbed his forehead, feeling that his head was a little groggy, but he could also feel that his state was recovering rapidly.

Even physically, he could feel that after a night of deep rest, his body’s functions had become a new look.

A constant sense of power gushes out from within the body.

“This is only the first stage, the second stage of training, I don’t know what it is like~”

Hearing the words of the traces, Xiangyue people subconsciously said.

After speaking, he subconsciously shivered.

Yes, the first stage of training is so terrifying, so what will the next stage look like?

Not only him, but the others heard Himawari’s words, and their faces changed in an instant, and then they pulled their legs and ran to the restaurant.

When everyone arrived at the usual place of breakfast in a little panic, they found that Nioh and Sakaki Taro were sitting in their seats, eating slowly.

And their breakfast has been placed in their place.

Everyone did not rush to sit down, but looked at Renwang cautiously.

“Watch me do what? Isn’t everyone hungry? ”

Renwang felt that everyone’s behavior was a little strange.

After that, everyone sat down, looking at the breakfast in front of them, still a little uneasy in their hearts, and then began to gobble up.

No matter what tricks Renwang has next, they will take it!

But the premise is that they must feed themselves, otherwise they don’t know if they can survive.

If it was really like what Himawari said, the next training session might be more painful than the training they had the other day.

In the end, it turned out they were thinking too much.

King Ren had no intention of torturing them again.

Or rather, a different way of torture.

The group, in addition to King Ren, there were a total of twelve people, five people from Lihai, and seven from the Ice Emperor.

They were staggered by King Ni and divided into groups of six and gathered under two trees.

“This training will continue until the goal is completed.”

“First, hit the trunk with the ball, as long as the ball does not hit the ground, hit the ball a hundred times in a row, no matter who hits, even if it passes!”

“Second, according to the order, each player hits the ball one by one, and the tennis ball does not drop after two consecutive rounds, even if it passes!”

“When hitting the ball, the player cannot move his angle, as for the technique, these things are completely unlimited, all rely on the player’s own play, the above two conditions are reached, you can end this training.”

After listening to King Ren’s words, everyone looked at the two trees surrounded by them and looked at each other.

Although both trees are straight, neither tree is thick.

The surface on which the tennis ball lands is basically arc-shaped, and the angle at which it bounces back will definitely change.

They know it’s testing their ability to control the ball.

But…… It’s not like regular ball control.

The first way to clear the level should be to test the personal strength, as long as the ability to control the ball reaches a certain ability, you can clear the level.

But a hundred goals is not a small number, and the slightest mistake will have to be repeated.

And how to control the tennis ball to return the same way after hitting such a thin tree trunk, and keep repeating, the difficulty is simply not a level with their general ball control training.

And most importantly… Players can’t move their feet yet, raising the subtle demands of ball control to another level.

As for the second one, it seems that six people only need twelve goals in two rounds, but in fact, the difficulty is not small.

Not only do you have to catch the ball from the previous family, but you also have to find a way to make the tennis ball bounce in the direction of the next family after hitting the tree trunk.

As long as there is a problem with the angle, then it is almost possible to announce the restart.

Neither result is so easy to achieve.

If you have to say it, the first result is more testing the player’s personal ability, and the second is more testing the player’s ability to cooperate and coordinate.

“Not starting yet?”

Nioh sat under another tree, sheltering from the sun.

“Remember, your finish time is destined for the rest of your training content. The more time you spend on this training, the less time you have to spare, and that… Be clear. ”

In this way, the sense of urgency in everyone’s hearts came out.

Himawari people can’t wait to throw the tennis ball, bang!

The tennis ball rubbed the tree trunk and went straight to the Maori on the opposite side.

Mao Li, who was still frightened, subconsciously raised the racket in his hand and blocked the tennis ball.

“Hey, boy! You be careful! Can’t you hit such a big tree? Your strength shouldn’t be so weak, right? ”

Maori said loudly with some dissatisfaction.

If he hadn’t reacted quickly, he might have suffered a flying disaster.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! ”

The Himawari people themselves were taken aback.

He didn’t expect that he would make a mistake on his first goal.


After apologizing, the Himawari people looked at their hands a little stunned.


Taki Oginosuke glanced at the daze of the Himawari people.

Just because of a mistake?

“I… It seems to be getting more powerful~”

The tone is full of uncertainty.

Because of him…… Aside from the toss-and-turn every morning, it’s been a week since I really played it, which was almost impossible before.

At this time, others also subconsciously glanced at their rackets.

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