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It’s okay?

Tadashima glanced at his mouth, not believing it at all.

If it’s okay, can you have this expression?

But if Irie doesn’t say it himself, Tanegashima can only frown and watch the game by himself, and go to the field to find something that he has not found.




In the field.

“40 to 40! Nioh scores! ”

The phantom of the golden lion and the shadow of the dark pirate are constantly clashing, and the result is that each has its own victory or defeat.

The scores on both sides are also alternately rising.



The illusory lion shadow followed the tennis ball over the net.

The Byojiyuan took the initiative to greet it.

The gaze was slightly solemn.

He, he didn’t want to wait any longer.

After taking off the weight, Nio’s performance has returned to the original state, while Byodoin’s own condition has declined.

In the beginning, Nioh had a lot of advantages, and Byodoin was able to save his serve and wasted a lot of strength.

If it goes on like this, it will become a tug-of-war.

What Renwang thinks, Byodoin doesn’t care.

What other hole cards King Renwang has, Byodoin doesn’t care.

He only believes in his own tennis.


A tug-of-war means that you are likely to lose!

Especially when the depth of Renwang is not clear at all.


Byodoin took a special pose.

The face of King Ren, who had become a Maori phantom, changed slightly.

The pupils also shrank slightly.

However, then the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

He knew that his chance…

Already coming.


The moment the bong-in racket touched the tennis ball, the golden light attached to the tennis ball instantly became more powerful.

But it is different from the original golden light.

This time, the light is even more dazzling!

And inside the golden light, it also exudes the same aura aura as the pirates.


Tennis tears the court apart in an instant.

At this moment, the space of the stadium seems to have completely lost its meaning.

With the double blessing of pirates and light batters, tennis came to Nioh almost instantly.

The opposite Pingyuan Temple let out a slight breath and looked coldly at the reaction here.


Tadashima stood up abruptly.

This ball, even on the sidelines, he can feel the power of this ball.

“How will it be?”

Instead, calm was restored.

Waiting for Renwang’s reaction.

If King Ren could have the means to deal with it, the heavens in his heart would truly lean towards King Ren.

If not… Then no matter how strong it is, it should not help.

In the face of a player of the level of Byodoku, it is not so easy to exert the role of spiritual power.

Under the gaze of the three.

A racket appeared in front of the tennis ball.

“This is ?!!”

Byodoin’s face froze.

In just two words, it was full of disbelief.

“…… Monster. ”

Irie just spit out these two words.


He knew that as long as there was no problem with Renwang’s physical fitness, Byodoin… Should lose.

I have already seen the entry of King Ren’s hole card, and I really can’t think of any chance for the Byoyuan to turn over.


Shine brightly.

Behind King Ren.

The golden lion phantom has turned into a pirate.

Triumphantly waved the double knives in his hand.

With empty hole eyes, look at the skeletons on the opposite side who are also dressed.


The tennis ball landed on the other side of the court in an instant.

The pirate’s phantom was instantly defeated, and then reappeared.

“40 is better than AD, Nioh is ahead!”

Tadashima announced the score with some excitement.

Perhaps, after a while, the base’s NO1 badge will really appear on the neckline of Renwang.

“This can’t be!”

Byodoin roared angrily.

Light shots, pirates, these things that only appeared in front of King Ren, were actually used by King Ren against himself?

How much suffering did he endure when he obtained these things?

How so?

However, after the roar, Byodoin subconsciously remembered the Maori that King Ren had phantomed just now.

It seems like……

My heart gradually sank.

It seems like…… It should be understandable to appear on the person opposite.

But Byodoyuan didn’t know how he should fight in the face of such an opponent.

At first, I thought about blocking the advantages of Renwang, but now it seems …

Even he appeared on the opposite side, and in the face of this kind of opponent, Byodoin really didn’t know how he should deal with it.

“This… Is it the meaning of the dead fat man calling himself? ”

Byodoin gritted his teeth.

“Three years of sweat in junior high school, the fiasco of the U17 base, the practice in Houshan… And also…… The experience of the world. ”

On the other side, the ‘Byodoin’ pointed to himself.

“These things are deeply engraved in my bones.”

“There is no opponent, it is invincible! If there is, it is… Not strong enough! ”

“Not strong enough?”

Looking at the opposite self, using his own tone and speaking, Byoyuan was a little awkward.

But King Ren’s words made him close his eyes slightly.

Thought of what Renwang said.

Three years of sweat in junior high school.

The U17 fiasco led him to abandon his path and embark on a different path.

I thought of the appreciation that flashed from time to time in the fat man’s eyes when he was practicing in the back mountain.

Also, in the world, with endless regrets, the world suddenly fell on the pitch in darkness.

“Boy, go on, let me see how far that fat man specifically asked me to find can go!” A little pimple in the heart of the Pingyuan slowly dissipated.

The abyss that stared at him invisibly also completely closed the door.

Opposite side.

Byodoin smiled.

In the spiritual world of Nio.

A little shadow of the Byodoin began to dissipate.

But his spiritual power has quietly completed the task.

How could the real Byoji Academy be a little unstable because of the appearance of a phantom? His will is no joke!

It’s just that now, there is a little problem with the will of the Byoto.

And today’s experience can be regarded as helping the Equality Institute to solve those problems.

Now King Ren knows why Byodoin became the same as in his previous life.

In the previous life, the Equal Court must have conquered the shadow in his heart, otherwise he would not have become more powerful.

It’s just that while conquering the shadows, Byotoin itself was still affected, and an obsession was deeply buried in Byodoku’s heart.

That not only became the motivation of the House of Equality, but also the source of his more assiduous work, and also became the culprit of changing the House of Equality.

Help Byodoin a little, of course Renwang doesn’t mind.

After all, he has already regarded the Byobanji Institute as a tool man, and now this tool man is about to play a role.

Then I don’t mind being a tool man.

It is…… I feel a little sorry senior~

Obviously promised to fight seriously, and it turned out like this.

Forget it, it’s already at this point, when the time comes, go to U1, and then have a normal fight with the ghost seniors.

This thought flashed through Renwang’s mind.


Race…… Go on!

And now… The clash between the two Byoyuan Courtyards caught the two people watching the game outside the court a little off guard.

The style, the tricks, even the habits, seem to be exactly the same.

This game, under the deliberate control of Renwang, seems to have turned into a tug-of-war again.

Or a long terrible tug-of-war. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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