“What’s going on over there?”

It took a long time for Byodo-in to change the topic.

“I don’t know, it’s nothing more than wanting to form an alliance here, and then challenge the traditional position in Europe~ The specific situation, only Coach Mifune knows.”

When it comes to business, Renwang is obviously a lot more serious.

“So, it should be a good thing?”

Byodoin raised an eyebrow.

Only by truly feeling it can we clearly understand the real gap with those places.

Although the Byobanji Academy now feels that in terms of high-end combat power, the neon team is definitely not inferior to other teams, but the foundation is still too far behind.

There are certainly benefits to be able to form an alliance.

“There are definitely benefits, it’s just… How much benefit we should get, and if the benefits are not enough, then it is not a good thing! ”

Renwang let out a low laugh.

The next trip to country M will definitely not be so simple~

“I heard that you kid is in the limelight at the base~”

After Byodoin nodded, he didn’t say anything anymore, these players could only put forward opinions, and they definitely had no right to decide in such a big matter, even if Renwang was the NO1.


Renwang rolled his eyes.

This joke was so strong that he didn’t even want to answer the call.

Of course, Byodoin did not wait for him to answer, got up and walked to his tennis bag.

“I’m waiting for you.”

Without speaking, he sat in place, watching the figure of the Byodoin gradually move away.


U17 training base.

“Didn’t Byodoin come back the day before yesterday? Why haven’t you reported for duty today? ”

Saito began to chant in the monitoring room, this person’s return, it is not a small matter for them.

There are too many masters, and for them, it is also a happy distress~

“Just got the news that he’s in Tokyo, but… At the scene of the national competition~”

Kurobe came in from the outside, and after hearing Saito’s words, he said.


Saito’s face changed, the scene of the national competition… He couldn’t think of a second reason.

“Actually, it’s not bad to let them solve it themselves. Both of them have a number in their hearts, knowing how difficult the current situation is, and they won’t mess around~”

Kurobe seemed much more relaxed than Saito.


After thinking about it for a long time, Saito sighed and felt that Kurobe was right.

It is better to solve it privately than to stir up the wind and rain at the base, and it also helps to maintain the relationship between the players.

“When they all come back, it’s really business~”

Kurobe’s words made Saito’s face become serious.

That’s right, what’s next is the right thing.


“Come out, do you still want me to find you?”

Renwang shouted from behind a tree not far away.

Maori and Kirihara both twisted and pinched

Enough time for them to digest what they had just seen, although it was still shocking, but it did not show on their faces.

“Yes~Senior also started tracking this set~”

Renwang looked at Maori with a smile.

As for Kirihara being directly ignored by King Ren, this silly boy doesn’t look like the mastermind at first glance.

“Ahem, it’s just a coincidence, a coincidence, Kirihara and I wanted to walk around Tokyo, and it turned out…”

Mao Li’s eyes rolled rapidly.

Renwang’s face turned dark, did you take me for Kirihara?

Can the reasons be made up a little like this?

“Huh, Kirihara?”

Looking at Renwang’s face, thinking back to the performance of Renwang and Byodoin just now, Maori felt a little weak in his heart.

The national competition is over, and Renwang is not afraid of his own injury, if he fights a so-called guidance match with himself ~ Maori subconsciously a stirring spirit.

No, you can’t let that happen!


Kirihara reacted and was nodding.

“Huh? Kirihara? ”

Renwang snorted.

“It was the Maori seniors who pulled me here! I can’t tell Renwang-senpai! ”

Kirihara shook Maori to the sky while running to Nio’s side and hiding behind Nio.

“Oh~yes~Maori senior~”

The smile on Renwang’s face became very bright.

“This… This…”

His expression was a little stiff, and Maori wanted to say something, but looking at Renwang’s gaze, his mouth seemed to have lost the function of words, and he just couldn’t speak.


In the end, the three returned to Kanagawa together.

Along the way, both Mori and Kirihara lowered their heads, not daring to look at Renwang.

Renwang actually didn’t say much, and it wasn’t a big deal to see it when he saw it, anyway, he would know sooner or later.

After just telling the two not to talk nonsense, King Ren let the two go on the surface.

When he got out of the car, Maori seemed to think of something.

“Last time, he came to you too, right?”

Renwang’s footsteps paused.

Then turned to look at Mao Li, looking a little confused, “Last time? What last time? ”

“It’s okay, I said nonsense.”

Maori laughed sarcastically, but there were some doubts in his heart, not knowing why he always felt that something was wrong.

When did Byodoin and Nioh meet?

That time, was it really just the whim of that guy from Byodoyuan?

Renwang, who turned his head, gently breathed a sigh of relief~

Good risk! If he hadn’t reacted quickly, he would have almost been exposed!


In the afternoon, the tennis club announced the holidays, and then it was… Dinner!

Winning the national championship and the highest honor of the league is naturally a very worthy celebration for Lihai University.

“I have a little bit of things to attend to for the next while, and I won’t come back until the holidays are over.”

When Renwang was eating, he spoke to everyone in advance.

Everyone glanced at each other, and more or less had some relevant speculation.

More times, they can always think of something, although they can’t think of the specific situation, but the general direction, but can’t hide this group of smart people.

“Go, just come back on time~”

Yukimura nodded.

“Please take such a long vacation~”

Kirihara hummed, a little upset.

I haven’t been able to see Renwang Senpai for a long time~

“Make up the lessons well, and practice tennis, if you don’t improve when I come back, there will be punishment~”

Renwang’s words not only made Kirihara’s face change, but also the faces of others.

The national competition is over… The process of torturing each other with Kirihara is about to begin again!!!


In the evening, after returning home, Reina and they also celebrated with Nio.

“For the next while…”

Renwang said his plans for the next period.

“Away for so long again?”

Renwang’s mother was obviously a little worried and reluctant.

“Go ahead, take care of yourself! When you get to the place, you must report peace to your family~”

Nioh Masao blocked his wife’s words, as parents, they should not block the promising Masaji, just need to silently support behind their back~


Renwang nodded.

After going upstairs, Nioh went to his bedroom and found the note given by Mifune last time.

Then he walked into the study and dialed the phone number left on the note. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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