“Guys… Impermanence! ”


Everything, all in smoke.

The breath, the momentum, all dissolved at this moment.

It wasn’t until a long time before Renwang reacted and glanced at the tennis ball that had popped up behind him on the back of the court.

He didn’t care about the trick just now, it wasn’t something he could learn to master now.

However, he cares a lot about the one from Echizen Nanjiro just now… Reification.

Samurai, still samurai.

But he vaguely remembered that the samurai who flashed just now had more traces of years on his face.

Moreover, the katana has an extra scabbard, and all the cold light is hidden in the scabbard, so it does not look like the slightest pressing atmosphere.

But when the blade hidden in the scabbard came out of its sheath… Smoothed out all the human fireworks.

That…… It’s more like the power of ‘God’.

“Everyone’s will is different, everyone’s tennis path is different, what I get… It is the embodiment of my experience, suitable for me but not for you~ To what extent, what direction it will go, everything depends on yourself~”

Nanjiro’s voice sounded softly, making Renwang’s thoughts, who was still in thought, slowly become alive.

The breath that flashed just now seemed to be caught by him.


Last day.

Nioh still failed to break through Nanjiro’s defense, not even once.

“You’re waiting for this, right? Although I don’t know what you’re going to do, but… Fulfill your wishes~”

Echizen Nanjiro’s voice sounded.

Let King Ren’s face change slightly.

Opposite him, the samurai phantom behind Nanjiro disappeared instantly.

In its place was a violent white aura and an unusually strong egoless aura.


The system pioneered by Echizen Nanjiro was reproduced in him.


“This is ~!!”

Renwang’s pupils shrank slightly.

Aichi brilliance, fortitude brilliance… And the glory of loneliness!!

This is not ordinary seamless, but… Truly seamless, truly reserved!

The three radiances merge and coexist harmoniously in the body of Echizen Nanjiro!

Almost at the same time, a little white light appeared on Renwang’s body, enveloping him completely.

Perfect quality!

“So that’s it?”

Echizen Nanjiro raised his eyebrows and waved the racket in his hand.




Time passes little by little.

Perfect quality is more of a state than a trick, like Shiraishi’s Star Bible, both of which are built on strong foundational abilities, but they take two completely different paths.

When faced with a seamless, there is not much difference between perfect quality and seamless, and the performance depends entirely on the strength of the player.

But when the three kinds of clothes appear seamlessly on a person’s body~

Nio’s perfect qualities were completely devoured by Echizen Nanjiro’s three seamless brilliance, and he had no ability to resist at all, and kept serving.

Echizen Nanjiro is still acting as a tool man, incidentally defending all of Nio’s attacks, without high-intensity consumption, Nio’s endurance today has also begun to show.

An hour and a half later, Nioh was still returning the ball.

The difference is that the spirit of will behind him begins to unfold, from being completely crushed to being suppressed, and although it did not break through Echizen Nanjiro’s defense, the battle process became a little longer.

Moreover, the main body of the will soul behind King Ren also began to gradually churn, and as the fight continued, this surge became more intense.

The momentum on his body also began to change from a mysterious sense to a sense of great oppression, and in normal times, King Ren only appeared this obvious sense of oppression when he was in other different dimensions.

“Boy, come on~ I can’t glimpse a glimpse of the sky… Just look at this time~”

Echizen Nanjiro’s heart also began to lift with the change of Nio.

Being able to enter the next realm earlier, when the foundation is already very solid, is definitely good for Renwang.

In the world now, it is not just King Ren who is a demon.

One step ahead, it is possible to lead step by step.

Similarly, one step behind, it is possible to fall behind.

If you want to overtake, the price is unimaginable.


A faint white light flashed.

If there are professional players here, they will definitely be shocked by this kind of matchup.

On the ground, which is not even a basic court, there is a match that is not inferior to the quality of the top players in the tennis world.

Echizen Nanjiro also slowly felt a little pressure, and when he returned the ball, he seemed a little more serious, and there was always a breath hanging in his heart.

He knew that King Ren exerted this kind of strength not because King Ren was already so strong, but by chance, and it was even not as good as yesterday King Renwang forcibly phantom Pingyuan, that state King Ren can phantom out at least when he has sufficient physical fitness, but this state is not something that King Ren can enter if he wants to enter.

Before truly entering the second realm, if Renwang wants to exert this strength again, he may need new opportunities.


The sound of hitting kept ringing.

I don’t know when, the white light of perfect quality on Renwang’s body suddenly became rich, even the pupils were filled with this light, and the whole person had begun to act instinctively, but the will began to stand alone, watching this game like a bystander.


As his physical condition declined, Renwang’s performance seemed to become more and more intense, but it always seemed like something was missing.

“Almost stressful?”

Nanjiro’s gaze froze slightly.

Renwang’s state is obviously no longer able to communicate, and the choice is now in his hands alone.

If you guess wrong~ Ren doesn’t know when he will be able to have this opportunity.

“Ancient and modern ~ Matchless!!

At the next moment, Echizen Nanjiro made a decisive move.

“It hurts~”

Renwang, whose state of will was somewhat magical, clearly felt the truly terrifying pressure brought by this one pumping ball at this moment.

At the same time, he also felt that his will had undergone an uncontrollable magical change.

In a flash.

All the brilliance in King Ren disappeared.

And the main body of the soul of will behind him was completely formed at this moment.

That mysterious figure completely unveiled the mystery… It is Nio’s own figure!

“Fall… Star!! ”


Like a shooting star in the sky, this unbeatable state of this ball broke through Nanjiro’s defense, fell to the ground, and hit a depression with a diameter of tens of centimeters, and the terrifying sound alarmed the two people in the room. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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