After returning to the base, Renwang obviously felt the usual restless atmosphere of the base, and there were games going on in many stadiums, and he knew that this was the shuffle of the base and it had begun.

When Renwang went to the training room to train according to the training method given by Takuchi, the members who started from Irie and went down disappeared.

They, in preparation for this shuffle, in addition to the front to the person can sit firmly on the fishing platform, the rest of the players do not know when the challenge of others will fall on their heads, no one wants to be eliminated at this time, it is inevitable to be prepared.

“When does Senior plan to leave?”

Renwang asked in a low voice while Tanishima was around.

Now it is four or five days before departure, counting the time of the shuffle battle, the time left for the first army to repair after the shuffle is only one or two days.

Naturally, it was impossible to catch up with the speed of their flight.

“Wait until the shuffle battle is over~ How to say that there is still a NO4 head, you can’t leave at this time~”

Tanishima smiled a little.

Just when he said NO4, his eyes flickered slightly.

Now he… Are you qualified to challenge those people?

Domain level~

He won’t necessarily lose~

Although his own extinction is far from the end, there is also some progress in silence.

“It’s okay ~ when the senior is alone, be careful on the road.”

Renwang nodded and instructed.

After the shuffle battle, they will set off, and the island may arrive at their destination before them, paying attention to safety is real, and everything else is a small matter.

After all, with the high-end combat power of the current Neon team, even if the island is held at the base, there will be no big problem.

“I understand.”

Taishima glanced at Renwang and nodded slightly.

Once upon a time, Renwang, who was still a junior, only made him excited that Lihaida was about to harvest a pillar, but now he was already in front of him, leading them forward.

Time flies so fast~

In the blink of an eye, the next World Cup qualifiers are not far away~


As most people expected, this time the shuffle battle was extremely fierce, with members of the first army being replaced from day one, and then new members replacing those who had just gone up, and those who were replaced unwilling to challenge again.

After three days, the dust had basically settled.

What has changed in King Heren’s previous life is that the two people at the right end and Nakaganoi took the initiative to attack and gained a firm foothold in the first army.

However, the fight caused them to just replace Akitei Momiji and Kishiki and hang the tail of a car.

The rest is that Mitsuya actually replaced Hakamada Izo~

This made Renwang a little surprised, according to the strength. It’s not that easy for Mitsuya to defeat Hakamada, unless… He has been eyeing this person for a long time.

This made King Ren’s heart one more than one.

If you participate in the competition, there will inevitably be substitutes and the like, and the round robin competition requires a large group, and the quota of twenty people ~

Some are not enough.

Anyway, among many other teams, the number of places in the first army is not only twenty, in the past, the neon team did not have that strength, even if the strength of the people behind the twenty first army did not look at it, now with this strength, maybe you can choose to expand.

Although there are no substantial benefits, the extra places will also be a different kind of incentive for the players.

Except for these three, the others were firmly pressed into the alternate court.

It seems that Saito’s words did play a big role, making most people arouse the upward desire in their hearts.

This is the end of the shuffle war.

No, it can’t be said to be the end.

Because both the First Army and the alternate members are waiting, waiting for a person’s shot.

When King Ren led the people of the First Army to appear under the central podium to greet their new members, the medals of all the First Army members also fell into the eyes of the alternate members.

Masaharu Nio, NO1~

This time, there was no more cover-up.

The coaching staff knew that news would inevitably get out after this time, but they didn’t care anymore.

After all, next, after they set off, this matter could not be covered up.

People who care will naturally pay attention, and those who will not pay attention will not have the slightest wave.

“Is he?!”

A dazed look appeared on Tokugawa Kazuya’s face.

How can NO1 be this player who does not seem to be the slightest threat?

Could it be that this person is stronger than Byodoin and Oni Jujiro?


Irie quietly glanced at Tokugawa with a complicated look, and the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

Watching the play, he likes it the most.

The right end of the two of Weitaro and Nakakawachi have not changed, although the right end is a little surprised in his heart, but the top five players are too far away for him, no matter what the ranking of Nioh is, it is not something he can compare, just study his tennis honestly, now that he has entered the first army, he does not want to be squeezed out by others.

As for Nakakawachi, he is a lonely character in himself, and his face is also a paralyzed face, which has nothing to show except that he looks a little scary like a ghost.

At the same time, the expressions of the two people changed slightly.

The first one is Oni Jujiro.

He who is often with Irie also discovers what Irie discovers.

Tokugawa’s tennis always seems to be keeping his hand and pointing.

After joining the base, Tokugawa has always challenged and made a lot of waves on the alternate court, but the wind is very good, because most people can vaguely see something from Tokugawa’s tennis.

What was the reason for this, Oni Jujiro did not know.

But he vaguely felt that this person… Maybe it’s the person you want to choose.

So he didn’t want something to happen.

The other is the Byodo-in.

Byodoin, who is not NO1 and whose personality is not as extreme as in his previous life, actually does not have much feeling for Tokugawa’s actions, as long as he does not provoke his head and does not destroy the team, he will not care.

Even he appreciated Tokugawa’s positive character, as well as Tokugawa’s talent and strength.

But he… Sensing some of Oni Jujiro’s thoughts about Tokugawa.

As Renwang expected, some thoughts also appeared in his mind.

The competition between him and the ghost has never disappeared, but it has shifted from a clear competition to a competition in all aspects.

What’s more, to cultivate a good player, someone to cultivate, then someone has to put pressure.

Although not everyone is like this, most players have experienced it, especially the pressure, and many excellent players have experienced a lot. _

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