Never Date A Man In Pink

Chapter 180 - Dirty Dancing

Ye Rim left Dr. Kim's apartment directly for Hunter Shin's house. Her unnie explained that the Fairy Eater had located where they lived, and so the place was compromised until he was captured. 

Although Eun Ha told her to continue her ordinary activities, just being more attentive than usual, it worried Ye Rim. Eun Ha was in danger, and even "Hunter Shin", as she had been informed recently! Daebak! It was like she was living a kind of Supernatural Romcom starring Gong Hyo Jin!

The dangers of the past came back to haunt them, but according to Eun Ha, Hunter Shin was working on a way to capture the monster.

It had put her out of sleep, as well as the fact that Pearl's reopening would take place the next day. She had received the news that they rescheduled auditions for the role of the drama towards the end of this week. She needed to practice hard. 

With so many things to do, Ye Rim got up early. Picking up her toiletries, she headed for the bathroom. The house was old, and the upstairs had few bathrooms and no modern master rooms.

Stepping out into the hall, she found Eun Ha walking out the door in front of her, and smiled. None of them used to wake up so early, usually. Her unnie quickly explained that she had an appointment with Park & ​​Zhang in the morning. They were talking softly when the door at the end of the hall opened and sneaked like a cat, Chang Mi came out, wearing a T-shirt and pajama shorts, barefoot, towards the bathroom. He saw them and looked uncomfortable, his feet scrambling between going back to the room or running. Eun Ha changed her expression immediately, and Ye Rim frowned,

"Aigoo. Isn't that the homeowner's room?"

"Chang Mi?!" Eun Ha strode up to the student, whom Ye Rim saw for the first time in his life, intimidated.

"Ah, well, I can explain ...!" 


She imagined that Jun Hyeon would have laughed if he knew what happened, but that implied telling details that Ye Rim was not sure if it would make sense. Lately she also thought a lot about how to tell Jun Hyeon about all the supernatural things in her life, but in the end, she was always unsure. Like when she introduced the subject, and he asked about fairies. It was difficult for a modern man to accept that. She needed to find a way, because she didn't want to create a bad situation later, when he found out. 

But tonight, as they stretched before revising the choreography, a melancholy feeling overcame Ye Rim. Looking discreetly at Jun Hyeon as he touched the floor with his legs stretched out, eyes closed and completely relaxed, Ye Rim thought she would miss those daily moments with him. Today was the dance lessons last day.

Jun Hyeon felt watched and opened his eyes, and winked at her. 'Awn, my heart will melt!' she thought, delighted with this fan service.

"Ok, do you want to review the choreography?" he asked, unaware of her feelings.

"OK!" she agreed, and they went through the choreography for about an hour and a half, until Jun Hyeon said,

"Well, now you're going to record the choreography to send to the casting board."

"Now? I thought I would do that in front of them!"

"Well, that's what hyung asked me to do tonight!" he laughed when he saw Ye Rim's despair.

"I'm not ready!" she whimpered, startled. 

"Relax a little while I'm setting up the equipment," he ignored the drama and started setting up a tripod and camera in an appropriate location, "I have a surprise kept for you."

'Surprise? What does he mean by that? I already said that I hate surprises! '

She sat on the dance floor for a while, breathing heavily. Jun Hyeon had thought of a fun and modern choreography, and although he said it was 'small and simple' for Ye Rim, it was quite complex. But Ye Rim tried harder than he would have done, he didn't lose her temper or give up, because Jun Hyeon had dedicated all this time and created something for her.

He sat down next to her, thirstily drinking his  water,

"It's sad that we are getting to the end of this, but ... I can't believe we are so close to the day of the audition, Ye Rim! I hope it was helpful, by the way. I saw a huge evolution, even this little choreography for the audition already showed that you just needed confidence in using your body to express yourself."

"Uhn, is that so? You think?" she was still a little unsure, but his words comforted her.

"I do," he sat down next to her. "But I'm sure of one thing: you are counting on your other talents to win it. The audition thing. Dance is just your extra card. I'd like you to change that attitude and do everything as well as you sing. Including my choreography."

Ye Rim turned to Jun Hyeon, feeling unwell,

"Oppa! I'm doing my best!"

"You are doing everything right, but the passion is still missing! I'm going to record the video just once, Ye Rim. And I have two surprises for you!"

She opened her eyes wide. Well, she thought she was doing well enough, but in fact she was not 'in love' with choreography or tap dance as he was. He stood up, and she did the same. Perhaps for the first time, Ye Rim felt an enormous fear of disappointing him, after Jun Hyeon pressured her to show more than just repeat the steps.

He turned on the music, but it was a different, slower tempo version of the music they rehearsed. She started tapping her feet in the new time, experimenting with choreography again.

"You know the movements, right? Now interpret them for this new tempo. It's easier to enjoy the dance, isn't it? Express the rhythm!"

Ye Rim was a little intimidated because she knew that dancing was not her forte. The rhythm was so sensual and delicious that it prompted something more than mechanically doing the choreography. Maybe if she just followed the song… 

Jun Hyeon suddenly took her hand, and pulled it out of her thoughts,

"Think about it: the mirror is the audience. And you are my partner," he tilted his face forward, and pressed his forehead lightly to Ye Rim's forehead. "Now, starting at 8, let's alternate the verses. You first," he reached for Ye Rim's other hand, now holding both. "Hey, hey, don't slack off, don't miss a beat! Look at me! Don't take your eyes off me! Challenge me! 7,8!"

He continued to keep his gaze fixed on hers, so Ye Rim couldn't look in the mirror or anywhere else. Her feet moved, and in that way it was very interesting. There was the tap sounds made by the shoes and not thinking about how to get around or anything. She smiled when he started dancing, and she stopped. Kim Jun Hyeon was fantastic! 

They continued to 'duel' into the choreography, and it encouraged her to be more daring and to improvise and challenge him as well. Of course, Ye Rim didn't have the expertise to perform better than him, but she was satisfied with her newfound confidence! Jun Hyeon made the choreography more free and sensual, provoking all the time with very ... exciting movements. 

There was that spark of mild e.r.o.t.i.cism in his movements, and she tried to match the maximum. Her heart beat faster each time he held her hand, walked behind her, or touched her cheek with his, romantically, as the music and dance evolved.

The experience didn't exhaust them, but their breaths were fast and Jun Hyeon took her hand, placing it over his heart,

"I loved the way you moved!" he exclaimed, and Ye Rim did the same, taking his hand so he could feel her heart. It was on purpose. She longed for more of him.

"I loved it too!" she looked up at him, and Jun Hyeon stared at her immediately. The song was on repeat, but they didn't care. He leaned down to kiss her, first a brief peck on her parted lips. But he quickly returned to several others, quick as butterfly kisses, until his free hand slid down Ye Rim's back and he kissed her passionately, long,

"You drive me crazy, Ye Rim!" he murmured, pulling her close to him, smashing her entire body to his. The hand that was between her b.r.e.a.s.ts slid to her waist and then to her h.i.p.s, feeling her buttocks with evident desire. She could feel the effect it had on his body, just as she was sure Jun Hyeon knew how she was feeling now, wrapping his neck around and begging him to pick her up. 

As if guessing her desire to stick to him like a starfish, Jun Hyeon lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, without stopping to kiss her. Ye Rim wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly, wishing his hands would run all over her body. It was so good to kiss him! It felt so good to touch him! From the first moment Ye Rim knew she had a strange and overwhelming chemistry with this man, Dr. Kim, but she had no idea that every time she touched him she'd feel so naughty and l.u.s.tful.

Jun Hyeon leaned against the mirror, and one of his hands slid under Ye Rim's T-shirt. She m.o.a.ned into his mouth when he squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t with l.u.s.t, nibbling lightly on his lower lip in response.

"Ahem!" they heard a very close voice calling attention.

'OMO!' the two quickly looked at who had interrupted them.

It was Lee Dae Won, standing at the door with an unreadable expression.

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