Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 191: fighting pirate ship

Margaret wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a hurried knock on the door. Andy's expression changed. It was almost midnight. There was no major event, and the pirates would never bother Andy.

"What's up?"

Anna also ran out when she heard the sound, but looking at her appearance, she had already thought about it.

"Who's outside?"

Hearing the knock on the door, you knew it wasn't Andler and Bibab. They were much calmer and wouldn't do such a thing.

"Hey~ Captain, come out quickly, there is something good!"

Sure enough, Buck's excited voice came from outside the door.

Andy shook his head, stood up, and walked to the door.

"If there's nothing very important, I think I'll take all your rum back!"

"Haha, I can guarantee that you will definitely be interested!"

Buck shouted excitedly, Andy pushed open the door, a strong smell of gunpowder came over, and Andy's eyes fell behind Buck.

Or rather, on the sea behind Buck.

The flames burned violently, dyeing the sea not far away red.

Through the light from the burning flame, Andy could clearly see what was happening in the distance.

Two three-masted sailboats about the size of the Black Fantasy were leaning against each other. The main mast of one of them should have been broken. The canvas of the two submasts was still burning, and the blazing flames followed the sea breeze like a The beast ruthlessly devoured the hull of the sailboat.

I don't know how long the fire has been burning, and the entire ship is almost only a silhouette surrounded by flames.

Apparently, the ship was under heavy artillery fire, and it seemed unfortunate that their powder depot was hit by another ship's artillery.

The situation of the other ship was not much better, but the flames were not burning very violently, but the sound of fighting above could be vaguely heard.

It appears that the pirates of both ships are mainly congregating on that ship, engaged in an intense pick-up battle.

Perhaps it was because of this tragic pick-up battle that the pirates of the two ships did not notice that in the darkness not far away, an equally huge three-masted pirate ship was secretly spying on them.

Andy came out, and he could clearly feel that the ship in the distance was full of fear and evil thoughts.

A large number of ghosts gathered in the sea water at the bottom of the ship, and it was the dead pirates who were reluctant to leave their ships.

Andler and Bibab were watching from the railing, and their eyes lit up when they saw Andy come out.


Looking at the appearance of the two of them, they were thinking of going up and picking up a bargain.

Andy glanced at the deck and found that the pirates were almost ready. From time to time, pirates came out of the cabin with muskets and machetes.

And looking at the number of people, there should be gunners ready below. As long as the Black Fantasy adjusts its position, there will be dozens or hundreds of shells rushing out of the barrel.

"Wait, there is movement under the sea."

Andy said in a deep voice, he could feel the turbulence of the sea, and he wanted to come to the sea, and there were two behemoths fighting.

Andy thought for a while and instructed Anna to take out the small fish tank in the captain's room.

A small dragon fish is having fun in the fish tank, and it seems that it likes its new environment very much.

Moreover, it seems that the dragon fish is much stronger than before. After eating the frilled shark, the dragon fish's fangs look sharper, and the green luminous body on the head is brighter, and it is a common ghost in the dark. .

The wound on its body is almost healed, but there are still signs of decay in some places, which is the effect of the venom left by the rose.

Arowana put its head on the side of the fish tank, its protruding eyes stared at the burning sailboat not far away, and rolled in the fish tank.

Obviously, it felt the two big guys fighting in the sea, and the smart dragon fish knew that once it appeared at a suitable time, then it was possible to harvest two delicious foods.

Arowana's head hit the fish tank a few times, looking a little impatient.

Andy tilted the mouth of the fish tank to the sea, and the dragon fish got out of the fish tank little by little, and its body became huge.

The sea was churning, and the terrifying roar of the sea beast was faintly heard below. The dragon fish twisted its tail and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

"Bibabu, adjust the sailing direction, and give friends a little greeting first!"


Bibab laughed gloomily, and the bloodthirsty brilliance flashed in his eyes. He strode up to the bow of the ship and adjusted the sailing and position of the Black Fantasy.

The cries of the barque not far away and the collision of the scimitar covered the sound of the Black Fantasy breaking the waves. In the night, the Black Fantasy was like a ghost, slowly approaching.

When the Black Fantasy adjusted my position, the battle in the distance seemed to be coming to an end, and the shouts of killing gradually faded, and many corpses were thrown into the sea.

"Looks like the battle is over, guys, a big gift for our victorious friends!"

Andy shouted, UU reading www.uukanshu. com sound spread far and wide.

The ears of a pirate who was sorting the spoils on the barque in the distance moved. He seemed to hear something. The pirate raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The fire is on!

There was a look of horror on the face of the pirate, and he opened his mouth, "There is a ship there...!"

The pirate's words came to an end, and a red solid iron bullet burned by gunpowder hit him fiercely, and his tattered clothes instantly burst into flames. fly backwards.

However, before he fell to the bottom of the sea, he had already died due to the rupture of his internal organs after being hit hard by a cannonball.

A cannonball is just the beginning. When the pirates saw that their partner was injured, they couldn't care less about tying up their captives. .

However, before they could find a place, dozens of shells that followed had already bombarded the sailboat that had just been baptized with blood.

"Damn it! Who is it! Don't let Lao Tzu lean over!"

A pirate wearing a pirate hat and holding a long sword with blue light in his hand cursed loudly. He shuttled through the fire and ran to the bow of the ship, turning the rudder laboriously, trying to reach the Black Fantasy. Lean over there.

Although the sails on this ship were seriously damaged, they were still useful. If they were bombarded like this, the ship would have to sink.

"damn it!"

The guy who was steering the sailboat suddenly stiffened. He subconsciously glanced at a conch pendant on his chest, and his brows wrinkled deeply. He glanced at the majestic Black Fantasy not far away, and squeezed himself tightly. fist.

Just now, the contractual connection between him and the sea beast was broken...

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