Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 295: Rear Admiral

Everything went right next, and the injured pirates began to make simple dressings. They found clean sackcloth, or simply ripped off their sailor's turban and restrained the wound tightly.

Andy didn't prepare so much for the scarlet potion that could heal wounds quickly, and the gold coins of these pirates would obviously not be spent on potions.

However, each pirate more or less carries some herbs that are useful for healing wounds, chews them up, and applies them to the wound. Anyway, that's what happened. Whoever came out to be a pirate hasn't been hurt yet?

Several seriously injured pirates were carried by their companions to rest in the cabin on the second floor. Some of them were seriously injured and might not make it through tonight. This made the surviving pirates feel a little heavy, but this was something they always experienced.

Andy walked to Asa's side. He was sitting on a rum barrel at this time. He didn't know who got a pipe from someone, and the white smoke was suffocating.

"Master Captain..."

With a hoarse voice, Asha moved his eyes and looked at Andy with a little longing and apprehension.

"how do you feel?"

Andy looked down and saw that the blood on Asha's calf had solidified, and the broken bones were not very neat, and the forced standing up made it even more irregular.

"I'm unconscious, but I can't seem to die, ha."

Asha gave a wry smile, he squeezed his leg and laughed like a self-deprecating laugh.

"If you let it go on like this, you may get infected. I still have a bottle of healing potion here, but the rules of pirates, you know."

Desire erupted in Asha's eyes, his hand holding the pipe trembled a little, and he nodded.

Although Asa is Andy's subordinate, even the captain of the Black Fantasy, but he was injured in the battle, it is his own business, because he is not Andy's confidant, which is cruel, but very realistic.

Although Andy is the captain, he cannot establish a deep emotional relationship with all the pirates. Those people are his subordinates, not friends.

If Asha is injured on a normal pirate ship, someone else will take his place. If he can't heal himself, Asha will be lame because of this, and he will become a dispensable pirate on a pirate ship.

Maybe they will clean up the deck and guard the cargo... or maybe they will be sent to the ship thanks to the lack of emotion. The selfishness of the pirates is shocking, and they are worthless partners, or they are abandoned without hesitation.

This is the world of pirates, the rules of pirates.

Andy had a potion there, but it was the captain's personal belongings. Andy didn't have the idea of ​​using this potion to win over people's hearts, because if he gave this potion to Asa, what would the other injured pirates think? You know, there are still a few guys in the second deck cabin who are about to die.

"Very good, ten gold coins, I will let Andler give you the potion, but your bones need to be re-joined, which may be very painful, you need to hold back."

Andy snapped his fingers. Andler seemed to be ready. He walked over and took out a bottle of advanced scarlet medicine from his arms.

Asha took a deep breath, he took out the money bag from his arms, there were only a few gold coins in it, and he squeezed his fist.

"The remaining gold coins can be deducted from this reward. You did a good job today. After landing, follow Charles to do something for me. After the end, I will ask him to give you another gold coin."

"Thank you, Captain."

Asa bit her lip and whispered.

Andy patted Asha on the shoulder without speaking. He took the gold coin from Asha and turned to leave. Andler squatted down, looked at Asha's calf, and tried to remove the bone stubble that pierced his skin. Connect with the broken bone.

Asha's deliberately suppressed groan came from behind, Andy paused, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he walked towards the mast.

If Andler and the others were injured, even if it was Charles, Andy wouldn't accept their gold coins, the rules of the pirates? On Andy's boat, his wishes are the rules.

That's because Andy knew that Charles and the others would definitely remember Andy's kindness, so they were grateful and repaid, and Asha... the ambition in his eyes really made Andy too uncomfortable.

Most of Asha's money was not used to squander it, but was used to establish a good relationship with other pirates. Andy had long wanted to take away Asha's gold coins, but he couldn't find the opportunity...

"God's favor, Amen."

Andy walked to the mast, and the navy was **** by thick cables, looking at him nervously, twisting his body to make way for Andy.

Uruk, whose leg bone was trampled off by Charles, was also **** and tied to a sub-mast. Judging from the way he was sweating profusely in pain, he knew that he was tortured a lot.

A few pirates who have been favored by Asa are trying to make Uruk feel better. They got a bucket of seawater and put Uruk's right leg into the seawater bucket and soaked it. The wound has been soaked white. And it begins to rot, and before long, the entire leg is crippled by the infection.

"Go back to your place!"

Andy scolded, and several pirates left Uruk in a sullen manner. Andy frowned. He asked a pirate to take away the oak barrels filled with sea water.

"Fake bastard, if I don't die, I will cut off your head and send your filthy soul to hell!"

Uruk's resentful voice stopped Andy, who had already passed him. Andy walked towards Uruk. He looked at Uruk, who was bound like a lamb to be slaughtered, and chuckled lightly. one sound.

"It can be seen that you hate pirates very much... It's just that you don't have this chance."

Andy stuck to Uruk's ear and said softly, he patted Uruk's face inadvertently and turned to leave.

Uruk wanted to say something, but suddenly found that something was blocking his throat, and he felt that it became difficult to breathe, as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice cave.

The bone-chilling chill made him shiver, and Uruk's consciousness gradually blurred.

Mog was still in a daze, his face was red, as if he had been scalded by fire, and his head drooped weakly, as if he had died.

Andy looked at him, a scarlet light flashed on his hand, a force got into his body, and then his eyebrows twitched.

"Ha, a rear admiral who knows how to endure humiliation and survive, how to play dead on a pirate ship, is this also the glory of your navy?"

Andy jokingly said that his curse on Mog had been completely suppressed, because he did not feel his curse spreading in Mog's body just now, and a powerful force filled his body. , suppressing the power of the curse on his skin, that is to say, Mog in front of him is pretending.

His body is very healthy inside, and all the manifestations of diseases are superficial.

In fact, when the pirates tied Mog to the mast with rough hands and feet, this guy had already woken up. Although Andy's curse was very powerful, it was not a death curse after all. After so long, Mog also Found a way to use his own power to banish the curse.

Although all he could do was isolate the curse from within his body, that was enough.

He can completely suppress the curse like this, and then find a way to escape from the Black Fantasy. As long as he finds any naval port, as the Rear Admiral of the Empire, he can get the treatment of those holy priests.

You know, the power of the silver cross has a powerful clearing effect on these curses.

Mog has been waiting for Andy to take back his sea beast. After all, that guy is in the sea, he can't jump into the sea to escape, but to his despair, Andy has not moved...

He seemed to be waiting for the sea beast to eat his poor thresher shark clean before giving up.

Mog was still breathing hard, he ignored Andy, because he thought it was just a temptation by this evil wizard pirate captain.

"Well, if that's the case, maybe I can test my sorcery on you..."

Andy's voice shocked Mog, his heart beat violently, and he kept comforting himself:

"He is testing me and scaring me, I must persevere... I am the Rear Admiral of the Empire, my family has unparalleled power in the Roman Empire, and my uncle is the Admiral of the Empire! He must not Such……"

Mog prayed in his heart. He closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly felt an evil force that was so powerful that it almost suffocated him emerging from Andy in front of him.

"Oh! My God... what is this?! Is he going to curse me! No, no..."

Mog roared frantically in his heart. He wanted to open his eyes, but he was afraid that when he opened his eyes, there would be a terrifying grimacing curse that would fall on him again.

"Did you really not wake up?"

Andy's slightly puzzled voice made Mog's heart happy, but Andy's next sentence made him feel as if he had fallen into the abyss and hell.

"If you don't wake up, you won't be able to see from his reaction how much pain the curse has brought him... It's a pity, maybe it can be strengthened."

Andy said, a beating flame appeared in his hand. He has only five years of lifespan now, so those curses that require lifespan to cast are taboo for him, but there are so many prisoners here, just sacrifice One, enough for him to cast a curse.

That black flame danced in Andy's hand, and once it was combined with the sacrificer's soul, it would become a powerful curse that was fatal.

The Plague of Death is equivalent to a non-contagious Black Death Curse disease. Even if there is no soul sacrifice, its unique magic will erode other people's bodies, making them abscesses and rotten.

Since most of the necromancers of voodoo are related to the soul and lifespan, they are not very suitable for use in battles, so Andy consciously began to exercise his plagues and curses in the Book of Death.

Those curses will make the cursed become weak and even die due to the disease, which is a kind of witchcraft very suitable for Andy now.

At the moment when the flame in Andy's hand appeared, Mog's trembling became more intense. Even though Mog's eyes were tightly closed, he could clearly feel that there was a terrifying thing in front of him.

Once infected, I'm afraid he will never have a chance to return to a certain naval port to wait for the priest's treatment.

"Maybe we can talk, dear pirate captain!"

Mog opened his eyes. He saw Andy was playing with the flame in his hand, so he hurriedly said. There was fear in his eyes. Although his body was firmly tied to the mast, he still wanted to avoid it. The thick cable tugged his clothes deep into Mog's muscles.

"Oh? Awake?"

Andy's half-smiley eyes made Mog a little uncomfortable, but fortunately the flames in Andy's hands dissipated, making him subconsciously relieved.

"I know, you are not a pirate in the Sapphire Sea, you are from the Central Sea?"

Mog quickly looked at the deck of the Black Fantasy. Most of his naval subordinates had been captured, and those who were not captured were obviously killed in the tragic battle just now.

Andy looked at Mog with a smile. He tidied up his pirate hat, the leather triangle hat that was knocked down and finally picked up by the pirates.

"General, it's not me who is tied here now, so you don't have the right to ask me questions."

Mog narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly, trying to stand up straighter.

"Introduce your identity. You own a three-masted sailboat and a powerful thresher sea beast. Your subordinates call you general... I'm curious, are you... an admiral from the Roman Empire?"

Andy asked in a deep voice. Although this Thresher is not as big as the Victory, it is similar. In a real fight, the Victory is definitely not an opponent of the Thresher.

Short answer, because Jervis is no match for Mogg.

In such a small sea area as Stormwind Sea, the Victory is the overlord who dominates Stormwind After all, Jervis is enough to deter Stormwind Sea, but once it is out of the scope of Stormwind Sea, the central sea area will not be able to survive. Any pirate seems to have the power to defeat it.

Of course, this is also related to Andy's ignorance of the Eagle Empire.

Eagle Empire is just an archipelago country, and its more powerful power is almost used to fight against the armada of the West Spot Empire. When one day, the myth of the invincible fleet is shattered, the power of the Eagle Empire will make people look down on it at this time. Andy was taken aback.

You must know that it was because Davy Jones was afraid of the power of the Eagle Empire that he let the octopus sea monster restrain himself and did not destroy the Victory.

In other words, Jervis can have a Victory warship comparable to a legendary pirate ship, so how many such huge sailboats are there in the Eagle Empire?

"I'm sorry, Captain, I'm not an admiral. With my abilities, I'm not enough to be an admiral of the Roman Empire. In fact, I'm just a major general. Besides, my uncle is still Roman. A marshal of the Martian Empire!"

Mog said calmly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he knew that Andy must understand what he meant.

His uncle was an Admiral, and the Thresher was very powerful, even so, Mog was only a Rear Admiral.

If Andy is not stupid, he will definitely understand what Mog is trying to convey, how powerful the navy of the Roman Empire is.

"It's...a great threat."

Andy laughed suddenly, and he looked at Mog with a cold light in his eyes.

Today's guaranteed update is 4,000 words... There should be a 4,000-word helm master plus update tonight... (Since I won't let me say a few chapters, I'll say the number of words... Hmph, don't care, before the 2,000 words are a chapter of……)

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