Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 329: leave modris

After being refused to enter the castle, Andler swayed in the manor. He found that there was a lot of gunpowder and cannonballs in a warehouse in Frank's manor. Thinking of Andy's instructions to him, he twisted it and stood in front of the warehouse. The necks of the two navy men took out a barrel of gunpowder and some shells.

The previous artillery bombing was indeed made by Ander, but Andler did not use artillery, but bombs, which are similar to artillery shells, and they will explode when thrown out.

After doing all this, Andler left the manor because of the collective dispatch of naval soldiers, but not too far, but mixed with a group of guards of other nobles, and it was not until things in the castle were over that he found He. Mann.

"Andy! You're fine, that's great!"

After Anna opened the door, she saw Andy in the room. At this time, Andy had changed back to his clothes and appearance. Anna quickly ran over and hugged him tightly.

"Well... Sister Anna, I'm fine."

Andy hugged Anna, and the surprise and worry in Anna's eyes just now warmed his heart. Andy looked at Andler, and he was also relieved.

The two looked at each other and smiled, seeming to understand what the other was thinking.

"Hmph, why don't you praise me?"

Margaret walked over slowly, looked at Andy who was hugging Anna tightly, and pouted.

"Ha! Margo, I have to say, I was able to leave that **** castle tonight, all thanks to you!"

Andy let go of Anna, looked at Margaret, who pouted, and pulled her into his arms.

"Thank you, really, surprised me."

Margaret struggled symbolically for a few times, and finally hugged him gently, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

The chaos in Port Modris only ended in the early morning of the next day. Andy and the others did not leave the hotel in a hurry. The naval soldiers were searching the streets and alleys of Port Modris. Going out at this time was undoubtedly looking for trouble.

And the next morning, Andy and the others had breakfast at the hotel as if nothing had happened, before planning to leave.

Before leaving Port Moderis, Andy went to meet Nina, with the little girl Valina.

John didn't embarrass Nina too much, just asked about Will and let her go.

John didn't doubt Nina, because Andy didn't take special care of Nina. Without Ellen, Nina and Jessica would have been smashed into meat sauce by the falling crystal lamp last night.

"Did you just leave like that?"

Nina was a little reluctant, she looked very depressed.

"Well, although John ordered the blockade of Port Modris last night, my ship left the port before the banquet last night, but even so, leaving early is the wisest choice."

Andy replied that in order to make it easier to leave here, before Andy and others attended the banquet, Andler went to inform Hudson to take the Twilight out of Port Modris.

The current Twilight is moored in front of a coastal fishing village outside the small town of Moderis, about half a day away from the town.

"Will you come back later?"

Nina sighed and slowly drank the red wine in the goblet.

"Of course, you still have a vein of mine there."

Andy patted Nina, he hugged her, and whispered.

"Help me take care of that girl, she's a poor little guy, the whole village was killed by pirates."

Nina looked at Valina sitting at the long table in the hall. She said nothing and looked at Nina timidly.

"Also, she is very important to me and holds a secret that I must know."

Andy's voice made Nina stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her, but if you don't come back, I will give her and all your gold coins to others."

Nina buried her face in Andy's chest and murmured.

"I'm leaving."

Andy kissed Nina's forehead and walked to Valina's side.

"This sister will take care of you in the future, and no one will bully you anymore. When I catch that pirate chief, I will come back to you."

Valina bit her lip and nodded slightly.

Andy looked back at Nina, who covered her mouth and smiled, tears streaming down her face.

Andy took a deep breath and turned to leave. Andler and the others were waiting for him outside the manor. When they saw Andy coming out, they got into the carriage.

The carriage followed the path towards the fishing village.

When we arrived at the fishing village, it was already afternoon.

The village looks shabby and primitive. There are many large wooden barrels in front of many wooden houses, and the barrels are filled with various sea fish.

Some are alive, some are being pickled.

The villagers living here make a living by fishing, and they will send the caught sea fish to various taverns in Puerto Moderis, or some noble houses.

If you are lucky, you can also get some special fish

Not far from the fishing village, there is a simple port with many small wooden sailboats moored in front of the port, and not far from the port, a brig is quietly floating on the sea, it is Twilight No.

On the Twilight, Husson was anxiously waiting for to check the position of the sun from time to time.

He knew that Andy would leave Port Modris today, but it was afternoon, and he didn't even see the shadow of Andy and the others.

Although Hawthorne knew Andy's strength was very strong, this was Porto Modris!

Here's an Admiral called the Pirate Adjudicator!

"Boss! Look at that! Here comes a carriage!"

Huo Sen's first mate pointed to the entrance of the fishing village and shouted excitedly.

"Let me see!"

Hawthorne took the worn binoculars from the first mate's hand, squinted and looked over, he recognized Andler in front of the carriage at a glance.


Horsen breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Andy was back, and his curse was saved.

Andy and others got off the carriage. There were many fishermen by the small port, who were carrying the freshly caught sea fish from the boat.

Seeing Andy and others, some villagers smiled kindly at them, but they didn't know if they would greet them with a smile if they knew that Andy and others were pirates.

Without too much stagnation, Andy and others got on the Twilight. Although John only blocked Port Modris now, no one could guarantee whether he would send someone to search the surrounding villages.

"Full sail!"

After everyone got on the ship, Huo Sen shouted, and the pirates acted quickly. After so many days on the ship, they couldn't wait to find a pirate port and relax.

"Sir, where are we going next? Back to Hoag Harbor?"

Husson asked Andy cautiously.

Andy shook his head. He glanced at Andler and pointed to the nautical chart.

"Adjust the course, go here, Idia port!"

I'm going to have a formal internship tomorrow... Sang Xin

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