Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 349: Treasure Maps and Forbidden Lands

"These are the things on this guy, you can take a look."

The package was opened, and there were no other items except what Vajiluo just said, which made Andy a little puzzled.

He looked at the priest and asked in a deep voice.

"Does he really only have these things?"

"Of course, outsider, I am willing to swear by our gods."

Perhaps feeling the change in Andy's aura, the priest frowned and said seriously, he didn't want to have a conflict with Andy, after all, his tribe was no longer fit to fight with so many pirates, and these pirates were very powerful.

The priest was so sincere, but it made Andy even more puzzled. Could it be that the treasure map was hidden by Philip?

Andy looked at the headless corpse on the ground, he subconsciously touched the ring Nie Xiao left him, his expression gradually became strange.


Andy looked at the ring that had been in his body for a week, gave the priest a tangled look, then squatted down, pulled Philip's body to him, and quickly took off his clothes. .


Liye asked subconsciously, what he wanted to say, but Andy glared back.

Philip's body is very strong. Even if he is dead, he can still see the muscles on his chest and abdomen. His body is full of skull tattoos, and there is almost no clean skin, which looks a bit scary.

Andy pressed on Philip, took out the dagger from the side of the boot, and stabbed him **** his left chest.

A small amount of viscous blood was used, and Andy peeled it out with a dagger a few times, and saw a heart glowing with a little blue light under the viscous blood.

"Sure enough, it has merged with the heart of the ocean. It should have been awakened. It seems that this corpse is Philip."

Andy didn't particularly believe in the aborigines of the headhunters, so he still had to confirm it. After confirming that this was Philip, Andy sighed.

Thinking about it, Philip never thought that because of a treasure hunt, his life would be completely ruined, and even his head was made into jewelry.

Owning a large three-masted sailboat, awakened the heart of the ocean, a big pirate who wandered in the central waters, and died silently on an indigenous island.

Andy's eyes were a little dazed, he seemed to see his future self...

He didn't know the exact location of the stomach because he had never dissected the body, but he had a general understanding. He took out the dagger, wiped the blood on Philip's tattered clothes, and then used the dagger to slowly cut open Philip's body. abdomen.

The surrounding natives stared at it with wide eyes. They didn't know what this guy was doing. Even the native priests were the same, watching silently, not knowing what they were thinking.


A sound of swallowing saliva came from behind Andy, and Andy froze. He turned his head and found that Liye was swallowing saliva constantly, glancing at the position of Philip's heart that had been cut open from time to time.

"Take a few steps back! Don't forget what I told you!"

Andy glared at Liye, Liye took a few steps back depressed, he shook his head forcefully, hoping to shake the scarlet temptation out of his head, and then picked a fruit from the bushes on the side. , took a bite.

Andy carefully opened Philip's stomach, and a stench came out. Andy looked at the organs inside. Some of Philip's organs had been ruptured, as if they had been hit hard, with blood and coagulation. Grease, and some rotting from the inside, presumably due to witchcraft.

Andy looked up at the indigenous priest. If nothing else, this guy not only has a strange witchcraft curse, but also has a strong physique and fighting skills.

Andy quickly found Philip's stomach. He pressed it with a dagger, and found that there should be a lot of things in it. He was excited. He took a deep breath and began to slowly open Philip's stomach.


A stench came out of it, and a pair of vomit-like things flowed out from it, and in the middle of these things was a rolled up parchment, the surface of the parchment was smooth and not stained with any filth. s things.


The aboriginal priest made a sound of surprise. He obviously did not expect that there was still such a magical thing hidden in Philip's stomach. He wanted to pick it up, but before he could make a move, Andy had already grabbed the roll of parchment. in his hand, and then stood up.

Philip obviously knew that he would be searched after being captured by the natives, so he swallowed the parchment. Philip knew that the headhunters were very cruel, but they could negotiate terms with powerful enemies.

It's just that Philip obviously didn't count it. Because of the existence of killer crabs, the natives of the headhunters hated him so much that he was executed by an angry priest before he could even tell his outsiders, then It belongs to us, and if you want it, you need to exchange it for an equivalent item. "

The indigenous priest looked at the parchment in Andy's hand, thought and surprise flashed in his eyes, and said firmly.

Andy glanced at the priest, opened the parchment, glanced lightly, the eyebrows at the corner of his eyes jumped up, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he looked carefully, and then put away the parchment, Looking at the indigenous priest, he laughed.

"Of course, my friend, I can give you something your tribe needs. From what I understand, you seem to like rum, and I have quite a few on board, but I have one request."

The smile on Andy's face made the priest feel uncomfortable. He thought about it and didn't agree, but asked:

"any request?"

"Take me somewhere."

Andy said slowly, he opened the parchment, pointed to a place marked on it, and said.

The priest looked suspiciously at the parchment in Andy's hand, and suddenly exclaimed, his face became ugly.

On the parchment was a map of the sea area, and in the middle of the parchment was the outline of an island. As an aboriginal living here, he recognized at a glance that this island was the one under their feet.

And what Andy was referring to was a place marked on that island, which was in the center of the island and was regarded as a forbidden place by the aborigines of the headhunters.

"Outsiders, you'd better not go here, there is a terrifying monster sleeping there, and once you wake it up, the island will face a disaster."

The indigenous priest said in a deep voice, he looked at Andy with a serious expression.

"So I can't grant your request, now, to leave our island."

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