Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 353: The real treasure (thanks to Lonely Banyan's reward~)

The boy finally agreed to take the three of Andy to the so-called forbidden area on the indigenous island. With his help, Andy and others no longer need to worry about the various traps set by the headhunter tribe on the island.

And the boy is very familiar with this place, which also makes the three of Andy move much faster.

Although there is no need to worry about traps, Liye has not been idle along the way. After all, there are many dangerous creatures such as poisonous snakes and poisonous insects in the jungle of the island.

"You mean... your father was the last priest of your tribe?"

Because the aboriginal headhunters had entered the treasure trove and fought the monster guarding the treasure, Andy chatted with the aboriginal boy.

To his surprise, the boy turned out to be the son of the previous headhunter priest, but he was too young to lead the tribe when the priest died, so his father's younger brother became the new priest.

Because the indigenous people are very grateful to the boy's father for sacrificing his soul to communicate with the gods, and finally letting the monster fall asleep, the new priest is still cultivating this little guy, hoping that he can grow up.

The aboriginal boy nodded absently, and he glanced at Olivia from time to time, with shock and fear in his eyes.

Because alchemists bought a large number of poison dart frogs, which are now rare in the central sea, Olivia took the poison dart frog with them when they left.

The poison dart frog was only injured in the leg, not dead. It was a good little pet for Olivia.

What surprised the boy was that Olivia grabbed the poison dart frog directly from the tree trunk without any protective tools.

You know, because of the attack of the wood thorns, the injured poison dart frog has long since secreted venom, and the highly toxic venom is covered with the gorgeous skin of the poison dart frog, even if it is only touched with hands, it will be poisoned.

But Olivia was fine, she even kissed the poison dart frog!

The aboriginal boy felt as if he had encountered a fake poison dart frog. He looked down at the poisoned wooden thorns in his hide bag, wondering whether to throw them away.

Olivia took out a small glass bottle from the package and put the poison dart frog in it, and then Andy could see what was in his package.

Some empty bottles, various potions, strange dry powders, mysterious alchemy materials, shrunken Hands of Doom, and even a few shrunken corpses.

"There are a lot of rare alchemy materials on the island, so I made some preparations."

Seeing Andy's surprised eyes, Olivia said with a chuckle.

"I think I need to prepare such a package in the future."

Andy nodded thoughtfully, he tapped the boy on the shoulder and continued to ask.

"Have you seen that monster? What does it look like?"

"No, I was only so tall when my father sacrificed his soul to the gods."

The boy gestured with his hand and reached Andy's knee, when he was just a few years old.

"There has always been a forbidden area on the island. My father was the most powerful priest since the establishment of our tribe, so he wanted to see what was in the forbidden area, but he left us not long after he came out. and sacrificed his own soul."

The boy said slowly, his eyes became firm.

"No matter what it is, I will kill it! The priest said that I can only kill it if I am stronger than my father, but..."

The boy said with some pain, and he clenched his fists.

Andy knew that the boy had no confidence. His father was the most powerful priest that had appeared since the establishment of the tribe, and even so, he was no match for the monster.

That's why the boy disobeyed the priest's order and took the initiative to find Andy and others.

"Olivia, you say, what monsters will the gypsy wizards leave there? Was it made by sorcery?"

Andy doesn't know about gypsy magic, but Olivia, as a gypsy, is a powerful fortune-teller and wizard, she should know these things.

"The production of dark creatures is generally voodoo witchcraft, such as revived corpses, some special sea beasts... As far as I know, there is no such type of witchcraft in gypsy witchcraft, but generally mysterious and powerful Treasures will attract certain sea beasts or monsters, and even the power of the treasure makes the animals around it evolve and mutate, so... maybe this monster is not left by the wizard."

Olivia thought for a while and said firmly.

"That's right, if that wizard wanted to pass on gypsy sorcery, he wouldn't have left behind such a powerful monster."

"In this case, the monster may have been born because of treasures, but since it is on an island, it should not be a sea beast of some fish... Unless the middle of the island is sunken down, or the mountains in front are hollow. ."

Andy thought for a while, and he looked at Olivia with some doubts.

"Is there any powerful treasure in the Gypsy Empire?"

"Of course, the treasures of the Gypsy Empire are enough to fill this island!"

Olivia glanced at Andy with disgust and rolled her eyes.

"Give me the treasure map and I'll take a closer look."

Olivia took the treasure map from Andy and looked at it carefully. There was indeed only the outline of the sea area and the island, and then there was a star mark.

"Hey~ this parchment..."

Olivia just wanted to exchange the treasure map for Andy, but she faintly felt that this parchment seemed a bit magical.

"It's parchment soaked with a special potion!"

Olivia said excitedly, she seemed to have thought of something, and a silver-gray light suddenly appeared on her It was the magic of divination.

The magic was absorbed by the parchment, and the pattern on the treasure map suddenly became obscure, then twisted and disappeared, as if ink was absorbed by the parchment.

Olivia raised her head and looked at Andy, both of them a little excited.

After the pattern on the treasure map disappeared, new symbols and words reappeared on the parchment, as if a transparent person was writing on the parchment.

"This is……"

Andy frowned, realizing that he didn't recognize the words on it.

However, Olivia seemed to recognize this kind of writing. As more and more words appeared on the parchment, Olivia became more and more excited. In the end, her body even trembled.

When the last word appeared, the whole parchment floated from Olivia's hand, burned eerily, and finally turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

And among the ashes, there was a blue spar the thickness of Andy's thumb nail.

Olivia picked up the blue spar, and she took a deep breath to calm down her excitement.

"This is the key to unlocking the real treasure... I think, if nothing else, I know what that treasure is."

"What is it? You look very excited. When I brought the Stone of Destiny back, you were not so excited."

Andy asked suspiciously, and at the same time became excited. Judging from Olivia's performance, this treasure was not ordinary.

"Remember our agreement? That's the same thing I told you... Dragon tiles."

Olivia handed the spirit stone in her hand to Andy.

"This spar is the key to open the treasure chest. In the treasure chest, there are clues to find dragon tiles!"

ask for a ticket~~

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