Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 372: Galois Sea

Carl sighed helplessly. The three-masted sailboat under his feet has been cracked by the blow of the dragon fish just now. If he is attacked by artillery again at this time...

It will definitely sink to the bottom of the sea, and all of them will be buried in the belly of the fish.


The central sea area is located in the center of the entire world, connecting countless sea areas in all directions. It is a paradise for countless pirates and explorers. Of course, in addition to pirate ships, most of them are merchant ships.

Merchant ships traveling between different continents generally have two routes to choose from. One is to cross the central waters, and the other is to follow the offshore coastlines of the major empires. However, sailing along the offshore coastlines is better than crossing the central waters. It can take months or even half a year.

Generally, small merchants who trade and save their goods will choose to sail in the coastal waters. Although there may be pirates in the coastal waters, the probability of encountering pirates in the central waters is much smaller than that in the central waters. What's more, pirates in the central waters are generally All have the strength of a small sea pirate king.

For those big businessmen who travel between different continents and engage in cross-continental trade, time means a lot of gold coins. One boat trip on the coast is enough for them to cross the central sea twice or more.

You know, the longer you sail on the ocean, the more gold the merchant has to pay the sailors and guards.

The extra half a year of sailing also means that the merchants need to prepare hundreds of people for half a year of consumable materials, and because of the long-term ocean voyage, the damage rate of the sailboats has also greatly increased, and the merchants need to pay more maintenance costs for this.

Therefore, generally powerful big businessmen will choose to traverse the central sea area.

They will hire a large number of armed **** ships, so that the pirates in the central waters will not dare to provoke them easily, and some powerful businessmen will even cooperate with the pirate kings in various waters of the central ocean.

The most famous chambers of commerce even cooperate with legendary pirate kings. They will give the profits from each trade to part of the pirate kings in the seas they pass through in exchange for the opportunity to pass safely. Of course, they will also prepare some extra gold coins. , to be handed over to other pirate ships that accidentally come across.

Central Sea, Jia Luo Sea.

This is one of the seven broadest seas in the central sea, the back garden of the legendary pirate king Eric the Red Devil, and the place where countless pirates dream of conquering.

There are hundreds of small islands in the Garo Sea, most of which are dangerous islands with indigenous tribes. Among these hundreds of islands, there are countless treasures hidden, waiting for others to discover.

Even if Eric the Red Devil became the pirate king here and dominated the Galo Sea area for so many years, he could not fully dig out the hidden secrets of these islands.

The Jialuo sea area is the sea area on the northwest edge of the central seven seas. Some small sea areas that pass through the outer sea area of ​​the Jialuo Sea are the sapphire of the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore, there are many merchant ships in the Jialuo sea area. The Eagle Empire traded oriental spice, tea or silk, and china, a merchant ship that could earn a lot of gold coins.

The azure blue sea was shimmering with golden light, and the warm sunlight shone on the sea. From time to time, one or two huge fishes appeared on the sea surface, and then suddenly disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

A three-masted pirate ship with a dark hull was sailing smoothly on the sea. Two crows stood on both sides of the tall mast, quacking in boredom.

"Hey! You two **** idiots! Can you shut up!"

Charles, who was leaning against the railing, took a sip of rum and shouted to the top of the mast, waking up a few pirates who were confused on the deck.



The two crows on the mast were unmoved, hopped twice at both ends of the mast, and continued to quack, as if they were talking to each other.

"Oh shit!"

Charles cursed secretly, squinted his eyes and raised his head, showing a helpless expression, and walked towards the cabin gloomily.


In the middle of the Black Fantasy, several pirates were fishing, and there were many fresh fish in the oak barrels beside them, which seemed to be harvesting a lot.

It has been more than a month since the Black Fantasy left the indigenous island of the headhunters. Andy recruited Carl and dozens of pirates who survived. As for the others, they have become food for sea fish. Black Fantasy is now The location is the southern part of the Jialuo Sea, and in a few days, you can reach the Ghost Sea.

And their destination is the headquarters of the Pirate Alliance in the middle of the Ghost Sea and the Devil Sea, the world's largest pirate port Alliance Island. Of course, it has another name, called Skull Island.

It was a huge island dedicated to pirates, a pirate empire on the ocean, and the entire Skull Island was even larger than the Holy Roman Empire.

Before entering the Jialuo Sea, Andy was still worried. After all, he stole the thirteen crystal **** of Blood Axe, causing the red devil Eric's plan to be disrupted, and the Jialuo Sea , but it is the back garden of the Red Devil Eric.

Although Ryan did not know that he stole the crystal ball, there are many incredible witchcraft and alchemy in this world, and no one can know whether Eric has the means to know who the person who stole the crystal ball was .

But after the Black Fantasy entered the Galo Sea, Andy knew that he thought too much, and even if Eric knew his identity, he didn't need to worry.

The Galois Sea is too big, and there are too many pirate ships. Moreover, even a legendary pirate ship cannot easily catch up with the Black Fantasy.

After entering the Galois Sea, the Black Fantasy encountered two to three pirate ships on average every day. Of course, they just looked at each other from a distance.

After all, most of the pirates who can appear here are of some strength. Unless there are special circumstances, no one wants to conflict, because it is difficult to guarantee that after one pirate ship is defeated, another pirate ship will suddenly appear.

And this month, the Black Fantasy has encountered a total of four merchant ships. Two of the merchant ships are surrounded by several three-masted armed **** ships. Only a powerful pirate group can eat them. The Black Fantasy has changed course far away. .

The other two ships... showed the flag belonging to the Red Devils Pirates when Andy approached, and after transporting a box of gold coins to the Black Fantasy in a small boat, they left here swaggeringly.

This also gave Andy a better understanding of the central sea area. The pirates here have more experience in finding legendary things.

Gold coins are far less important to them. After all, a legendary item can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins.

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