Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 583: Sea of ​​Storms, chase!

Chapter 583: Stormwind Sea, chase!

After a day of sailing, the Black Fantasy finally left the range of the Misty Islands.

The wonderful experience of seeing the sun again after half a month made the pirates sing.

Most of the crew came out of the cabin and ran to the open deck, enjoying the sun and the turbulence of the Black Fantasy on the waves.

"Do you feel it? This wild sea breeze! I think we are very close to Stormwind Sea."

A crew member who had been with Andy since Stormwind was standing on the deck. He supported the railing with both hands, and looked at the endless blue sea in front of him, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Along the way with Andy, they have experienced too many things. At this time, when they returned to the stormy sea, a feeling like a lifetime spread to their hearts. They looked at the huge black fantasy and looked at the powerful crewmates on the deck, proud of them. The feeling arises spontaneously.

"Storm Sea, I'm back."

The pirate couldn't help shouting to the sea, the wild sea wind stirred the sail, and the sound of the waves beating on the sailboat could be heard from time to time in the pirate's ears, and the sailboat rhythmically moved up and down with the waves.

The water mist condensed into droplets constantly, and it seemed to rain on the deck.

Andy was standing on the **** at this time, with his eyes closed and his arms open, feeling the familiar sea breeze.

Because he has obtained Stormwind Sea's complete heart of the ocean, Andy's intimacy with Stormwind Sea is far stronger than others.

Like a fish entering the sea, like a bird returning to its nest.

"This is my Storm Sea."

Andy opened his eyes, he felt the rhythm of the heart of the ocean in his body stronger than before, an indescribable excitement rose from his heart and spread to his limbs.

When he was on Skull Island, Andy once said that he was the pirate king of Stormwind Sea. He got this complete heart of the ocean and had some kind of illusory but real connection with Stormwind Sea. The Pirate King is no exaggeration.

But Andy still remembered that Yagyu Ichitoro told him that the pirate king of the Storm Sea was Yagyu Kotaro on the merchant ship from the Tenglong Empire he met in the waters of the Eki Empire.

The fool who was fooled by Andy and stabbed himself several times, or a lunatic is more appropriate.

Although Andy doesn't like him, he has to admit that Liu Sheng's spirit of insisting on family glory is terrible. It is not too uncommon for him to become the pirate king of the storm after Andy and Augustine left. thing.

Although Stormwind is still only a small sea area, there are still some pirates with the same strength as Roger and Andler at the beginning. To stand out among these people, Yagyu Kotaro is considered to be somewhat capable.

However, now that Andy is back, he must see Yagyu Kotaro.

The relationship between the Liu Sheng family and Nie Xiao was the best reason for Andy to do it.

It's not just Yagyu Kotaro. If there is a chance, Andy will go to the Wind Demon Sea of ​​the Sun Empire to have a look. Andy is still more interested in the famous Yagyu Jubei.

"Charles, set up a route according to the wind belt of the Sea of ​​​​Storm. We will be in Viking Harbor within a week."

Andy returned to the captain's room and took out the nautical chart of Stormwind Sea and handed it to Charles. Now that he has become the pirate king of Stormwind Sea. Then the chances of seeing Yagyu Kotaro in Viking Harbor should still be quite high.

As long as the other party does not go to sea, there will be a great chance of berthing in Viking Harbor.

Charles took the nautical chart, nodded and studied it. It was the first time he came to Stormwind Sea, and he was very curious about this sea area where storms occurred all the time.

"Sailboat! There are white sails ahead!"

On the observation deck on the main mast, Yiwang looked forward with a long telescope in his hand, and then shouted excitedly.

White sails are generally navy ships or boarding ships, and if they are pirates, most of them are equipped with black sails.

However, it is not excluded that some timid pirates are afraid of being attacked by the navy and hang their white sails.

Of course, there are also some insidious and cunning pirates who don't want the merchant ships to escape when they see them, and they also hang up white sails. Only when they approach the merchant ships, will they suddenly show black sails to catch them off guard.

Andy and the rest of the crew looked in the direction pointed by his fingers, and they could only see the endless sea horizon.

Randy knew it was because he was looking at the first stop so he could see the sails and masts of the sailboat ahead above the sea level.

"Full sail!"

"Full sail!"

Andy gave an order, and Billy passed the order to the rest of the crew. The pirates worked excitedly, pulling the rope tightly so that the sails could withstand more wind.

They haven't looted ships for a long time. To a pirate, they are like a man who has been holding back for a long time and suddenly sees a woman stripping naked in front of him.

"The wind is in our favor, and the Black Fantasy is fast, and it looks like we can catch up with each other within two hours."

Billy climbed along the cable net to the observation deck to have a and slowly climbed down from above, ran to Andy and reported.

"Very well, tell the crew to get ready, load the guns, clear the gun barrels, and prepare the ammunition."

"Let the pirates of Storm Sea and the navy of the Eagle Empire know that the Black Fantasy is back!"

Andy laughed loudly. He had some hope that it was a navy ship, preferably Jervis' sailboat.

He remembered Norrington saying that after Jervis was taken away by Andy, the Royal Family of the Eagle Empire stripped Jervis of the position of Admiral, demoted him to Vice Admiral, and even confiscated him. The sailing battleship Victory built for him by his family.

After that, Jervis changed his normal behavior and began to take the initiative to eliminate the pirates in Stormwind Sea, and his reputation was even louder than before.

It is said that the current Victory is already a relatively important military ship for the Eagle Empire to resist the Western Ban Empire Armada, which has to make Andy sigh.

You must know that Jervis, who owned the sailing battleship at the beginning, was not even an opponent of the Crystal Sea Pirate Empress. Whether a ship is strong or not, the captain's role in it is quite big.

As the crew waited excitedly, two hours passed quickly, and there was only a few kilometers left between the Black Fantasy and the sailboat with white sails in front.

When the Black Fantasy appeared at sea level as far as the ship could see, the sailboat spotted it and began to speed up.

But unfortunately, this is a brig, and it is not as fast as the Black Fantasy.

The ending seems to be doomed.

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