Never Fall In Love With Me

Chapter 14 - "Utterly humiliated by him :The cruel devil's cold show.."

It's past midnight..

around 12:30...

when she heard a screech of a car that has been parked very swiftly...

she saw its late so she immediately preheated all the dishes..

and eagerly waited for him to come in

... in the meantime she forgot that she also haven't eaten anything from the evening..

the enterance door opened and all the maids n Butler's welcomed him while bowing as low as their spine can possibly bend while standing

...and spoke in unison..


but stopped in the middle..

n without turning back he asked the head maid...


. why she isint here along with the other maids to welcome me..

Mrs Bennet replied politely...

she's in the dinning Hall young master she waited the whole night for you .

..and she also prepared dinner for you...


without listening further he went straight towards the huge n luxurious dinning Hall...


she was really excited listening to his footsteps coming closer..and closer...



She was startled...

but still kept her..

smile and composer intact...

welcome home young master...

why were you so late..

n its my first time preparing dinner for someone else..

try some if your hungry...

here come sit..

he looked down to her with cold eyes that holds no warm in it...

that looks like depth of cold arctic ocen

who gave you the permission to ask about my whereabouts ...!!?

who do you think you are... ??

are you now assuming yourself as my wife.


after all your still a s.l.u.tty girl from that dump..

n a gold digger..

just like others...

*her eyes swelled up with tears..with all the heart-piercing words from him..she felt all the admiration she had for him after knowing who he now shattered into millions of pieces.. but she hold her tears..while clutching her dress tightly...

I-I-am- not ...

I just ...

I was concerned about you ..OK.

..after what happen in the morning...

I really felt sorry though it was not my fault

but I just wanted you to have dinner

..that's all...

she looked directly into his ice-cold eyes

with her red watery eyes...

looking at her eyes like that he felt somewhat uneasy in his heart

..but he ignored it..

he took off his well styled luxurious tuxedo..

and loosened his tie and cuff...

and Sat down disinterestedly on the head chair at the right end of the dinning table.....

when she saw him settling down in the chair She became so happy for the moment that she forgot all her sorrows and went towards him and served all the dishes that she cooked for him after asking about his favourites from Mrs Bennet....

she was eagerly waiting for his appreciation ...

he very swiftly sliced the tenderly cooked beef ribs..and took one bite

*inner thought:

hmm it's good really good actually!!!

..but it's actually cooked by that s.l.u.tty gold digger ...

...he put his knife n fork down with a loud thump...

you call this cooking..

even my dogs won't eat this...

and with one swish of his hand he threw everything on the floor...

all the plates and dishes turned into a pile of broken trash...

she was startled with his sudden doings..

and was sad beyond comparison...

she never cooked dinner for anyone but she's actually a good cook..

and actually know how to cook or bake different types of dishes..

she even have her own website..

where she share her own recipes ..

it's just one of her hobbies...

she was blank at first and after few seconds.

.she spoke up...i-i know I don't usually cook but still I'm not a bad cook...even if you don't like it there's no need for you to broke Costs a know..

he stood up fuming in anger...

and spoke in a harsh tone...

who gave you the authority to spoke to your master like that!!!..

and who gave you the right to voice your thoughts out


and you gonna teach me how to use my own money.!!!...

it seems like

. I have treated you too kindly..

.he stormed towards her and grabbed her hand and twist it backwards harshly..

.and bringing her body closer to him...

it seems like you have forgotten who you are ...


he released her harshly .

.and she flump on her knees bruising it in the process..

tears forming in her eyes..

but she forced it not to flow..

.until she saw his large and huge self disappearing in the hallways

she ran into her room and flump on her bed burying her face into the pillow she cried her heart out...

after crying for about few minutes she heard Roberts shouting at Mrs Bennet...

who went inside my study..


Mrs Bennet was bowing and shivering but kept silent..

looking at her weak self...

Sara spoke up while running towards her..

it was me..

I went there just to clean your room I also....

she was about to say something when suddenly ..

something hit her face..

with a hard force....

but she kept quite..

despite of the stinging pain....

Roberts was standing in the stairways.. when he suddenly throw the box of pastry directly on her face...

that hit her hard.

.don't put this trash in my study room ..from next time..

and no one is permitted to go upstairs saying this he left.

..towards his room upstair

just right then n their....

she promised herself..

that there won't be a next time..

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