New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1422: Soul Nourishment Seed

'Huh? What? I completed two missions?'

Ajax was surprised by the sudden system notifications in his head.

'What missions did I complete without knowing myself?'

Ajax was curious about the two missions he completed without even knowing what they were. 

Without any hesitation, Ajax opened the system notification to check the two missions and the rewards he would be getting for completing them.


    The host completed his revenge on the assassin sect through Elder Boron.


    Mission name:- Revenge on behalf of the 'Silver Orphanage'.

    Clearance rating:- A+

    Mission rewards:- Calculating…


    The host completed his revenge on the four guardians for betraying his parents by destroying their souls.

    Clearance rating:- A+

    Mission rewards:- Calculating…

Soon, a series of system notifications appeared in front of him, informing him about the two missions he completed without his knowledge.

'Wait a second…it is one of the starting missions I received from the system.'

Among the two missions, Ajax remembered the first mission because it was one of the starting missions that the system, had generated.

At the time, he was filled with rage against the assassin sect for killing all the children in the Silver Orphanage.

Since the missions were generated because of his emotions and the events around him, the system issued a mission to seek revenge against the assassin sect with an unlimited duration.

'At that time, I was yet to start my cultivation journey. So, I completely focused on becoming stronger.'

Even though Ajax forgot about the mission, he didn't forget about the revenge.

'My clearance rating is so high.'

'Is it because I ordered Elder Boron to erase the assassin sect or is there something I am missing?'

Ajax didn't understand how he got such a high clearance rating when it was not him who erased the assassin sect.

'Nevermind. I didn't erase the assassin sect for the rewards anyway.'

Ajax shook his head and stopped thinking about the first mission and checked out the second mission.

"When did the system generate this mission?"

Unlike the first mission, Ajax didn't have any idea about the second mission.

'Wait a second…I remember now.'

Earlier, when he killed the three second-order demon apostles, Ajax received the system notifications informing him about the completion of the mission 'Defend the Purple stone world'.

At the same time, a new system mission was generated; however, before he could check the mission, the world spirit 'Purple' appeared in front of him, diverting his attention.

'Anyway, all that matters right now is I completed the mission and I will get the rewards.'

Ajax revealed a slight smile and waited for the system to calculate the rewards for the two missions.

'I hope I can get something like a battleship that could travel between worlds.'

Even though Ajax didn't have problems teleporting to new worlds, he could not go to the Greater worlds using the devourer eagle king's 'Portal creation' ability.

Moreover, he had to collect the world cores and had to wait for 15 days after the devourer eagle kings used that ability.


     The rewards for the two missions are calculated.


     Rewards for the mission 'Revenge against assassin sect' are:-

     1) A small world core.

     2) 100 units of sacred energy.

     3) Third fragment of inheritance sword.


     Rewards for the mission 'Revenge against the guardians' are:-

    1) A normal world core.

    2) Soul nourishment seed.

    3) System upgrade.

Soon, the rewards for the two missions were shown to Ajax separately, making him extremely excited about the reward.

'I am in need of all the rewards.'

There was not a single item in the two lists that disappointed him.

He needed world cores to increase his cultivation, upgrading the world cores of his worlds.

Among all the energies, he was lacking the sacred energy. As long as he had enough sacred energy, he could increase his 'Sacred Astral Healer' rank.

His inheritance sword is lacking the third fragment and as long as he merges it, the sword's grade might upgrade again and reach Mythical grade.

'Every time the system upgraded, it surprised me either with some features or good rewards.'

Ajax didn't have any doubts regarding the system upgrade as his eyes landed on 'Soul nourishment seed.'

Even though it was his first time seeing that item, Ajax could tell that he would be needing it when he found his parents' souls.

'However, let's see how powerful its effects are.'

From the name, he could get a rough idea of the item; however, he wanted to be sure to make full use of the item.


    Item name:- Soul nourishment seed.

    Grade:- Legend grade.

    Use:- 1) If a soul consumes it, the soul's time to construct a body will be decreased by half.

         2) By sowing it in a rich energy-filled land, it will grow into a 'Soul nourishing tree' that nourishes the soul just by resting under it.

    Note:- Soul nourishing tree is a Mythical grade item.

'What? It can grow into a Mythical grade item?'

Ajax was shocked when he saw the note on the item.

For an emperor realm cultivator, a mythical grade item could make them go crazy. So, it was not surprising for Ajax to be shocked to see that.

'This soul nourishment seed will not be enough for both my parents' souls. I guess it is better to turn it into a tree before I find their souls.'

Ajax didn't think much as he already knew what he had to do.

'When it becomes a soul-nourishing tree, I can let my parents' soul rest under it and they can easily construct their bodies easily.'

Ajax became excited when he thought about having his parents rest under the soul nourishment.

'But the problem is where should I sow it?'

Soon, Ajax had a problem selecting the place.

Even though the inner world is the best place he could sow it, he could not do it because his parents' souls can't enter his inner world.


    After the next system upgrade, the host can bring a limited number of souls and the cultivators in their spirit consciousness forms into the Inner World.

'What? Really?'

Ajax was excited when he saw the sudden system notification and stopped worrying about the place to sow the seed.

'Since I can bring the souls into the inner world, why would I waste my time searching for another place.'

The reason why Ajax was excited was that the inner world had the purest essence of nature since it had so many elemental paradises with grade 3.

Moreover, another reason was he didn't have to worry about the security as no one could enter his inner world yet and even if they want to enter, they have to take his permission.


With a thought, he entered his inner world and found a good spot to sow the seed.

'I hope it grows quickly.'

Ajax thought about it for a moment and asked the system, 'System, is there a way to quickly grow this seed into a tree?'

His plan was to turn the seed into a tree as soon as possible before he didn't know when he was going to find his parents' souls.

The bigger the tree grows, the better it is for the soul.

So, he wanted to go all out in nurturing the 'Soul nourishment seed'.

'Previous, I used the Sacred Energy to fasten the growth of the 'Tree of blessing'. So, there might be something similar to that.'

Ajax didn't dare to directly give the sacred energy to the soul nourishment seed because he felt it might not work.


     Unlike the 'Tree of blessing', the 'Soul nourishment tree' requires Astral Energy.


Ajax was pleasantly surprised; however, when he thought about it, he was no longer surprised.

'Astral energy is related to souls. So, of course, it will be nutritious energy for the Soul nourishment tree.'

Ajax was glad that the 'Soul nourishment tree' requires Astral Energy instead of the Sacred Energy. 

Because, unlike Sacred Energy, Ajax had two sources for collecting Astral Energy.

One, the astral branch on the 'Tree of blessing', regenerates 5-10 units of Astral Energy daily.

Two, he could just enter the cursed abyss and refined the cursed energy into Astral Energy.

'Looks like I need to take a trip to the cursed wilderness and fill my Astral Energy space.'

Ajax didn't rush to the cursed abyss as he still had some units of Astral Energy left in his body.

'Let's use 100 units of Astral Energy first.'

With a thought, Ajax transferred 100 units of the Astral Energy into the ground.


     The soul nourishment seed absorbed 100 units of Astral Energy.


Ajax was satisfied with the system's information as he sent the remaining units of Astral Energy in his body which was around 300 plus.

Even though Ajax didn't see any growth in the seed, he was already expecting it.

'But, compared to Sacred Energy, Astral Energy is not rare at all.'

If he had to supply Sacred Energy, Ajax would have called the seed a glutton; however, he was not worried for Astral Energy.


     The soul nourishment seed absorbed 358 units of Astral Energy. Please provide more units of Astral Energy for the seed to see budding.

'Huh? No budding yet?'

Ajax was not expecting to see the Soul nourishment tree already; however, he was hoping the seed would grow a little.

'I wonder if I can find even a faster way to grow it.'


    Additional tip:- If the host can find the plant essence, the growth will be even faster.

Just as Ajax thought in his head, the system replied to him.

'Plant essence?'

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