New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1436: Dusk Mammoth


Soon, Ajax, Queen Siora and the world spirit appeared on a mountain top.

"Master, the comprehension fruit is in there and it is guarded by an unevolved spirit beast."

Pointing her finger at the cave on the mountain top, the world spirit informed Ajax.

Even without her explanation, Ajax could sense a peak rank 6 spirit beast inside the cave along with a small tree.

On the small tree, a crystalline fruit was hanging and the rank 6 spirit beast 'Dusk mammoth' was eagerly waiting for the fruit to drop on its own.

Since it was an unevolved spirit beast, it didn't have much intelligence and only knew that it could eat the fruit as long as it fell to the ground.


     Item name: Comprehension fruit.

     Grade: Heavenly.

     Effect: Any cultivation technique or a cultivator's law below the king grade can be comprehended ten times faster than their usual comprehension speed.

     Note:- The effect lasts only for half a day. So, make full use of it.

     More information: The fruit has ripened and slowly started to lose its effect. Use it as soon as possible.

'The fruit has been long ripe and it has already started to lose its effects.'

Ajax shook and casually walked into the cave.


Seeing someone enter its cave without its permission, the Dusk mammoth let out an angry sound before rushing at Ajax.


A single word from Ajax was enough to make the huge Dusk mammoth onto its knees.

"Because of your lack of intelligence, you are wasting the effect of this fruit."

Ajax waved his hand a little and the green-coloured fruit hanging on the tree flew over to him.

"I will take this fruit for you; however, since you guarded it with your life, I will not take advantage of you."

While saying that, Ajax took out a small pill and a small black-coloured stone from his inventory and tossed them at the Dusk mammoth.

"You can use the pill to break through to the king realm and as for the stone, you can use it to increase the purity of your bloodline or to awaken a bloodline if you don't have any."

At the same time, he didn't forget to mention the effects of the things he gave to the Dusk mammoth.

Even though the Dusk mammoth hated Ajax for taking the fruit, its hate turned into respect when it heard the effects of the items the human tossed at it.


Despite an unevolved spirit beast, it had certain intelligence and knew how to be respectful.

"I will give you a task. Can you do it?"

Seeing that Dusk mammoth was more intelligent than the regular unevolved spirit beasts, he asked whether it was willing to do a work for him.


Without any surprise, the Dusk mammoth nodded its head in a humane manner.

Since the other party was so powerful and resourceful, the Dusk mammoth knew it was finally its fortuitous encounter and it was none other than the human standing in front of it.

So, it didn't hesitate in nodding its head.

"It looks like there are so many unevolved spirit beasts in this region. After you become a king realm spirit beast, make them your subordinates."

Since the five elemental world had finally become his own world, Ajax wanted to increase the strength of the world internally.

And the easiest way was to have control over the unevolved spirit beasts.

Previously, Raweth and other contracted spirit beasts cleared all the unevolved spirit beasts in the Shixato wilds; however, he had changed a lot from that time along with his thinking.

Not only would they fight to the death but they also have a crazy reproduction rate which he could use to increase his spirit beast army.

'If there are more spirit beasts in the five elemental world, I can always send them to my other worlds.'

Ajax didn't worry about the overpopulation of the spirit beasts as he already had four worlds under his control and in the future, he would be having even more worlds.


The Dusk mammoth excitedly nodded and it knew Ajax was asking it to become the leader of all the unevolved spirit beasts in the 'Five elemental worlds'.

"Good. You can directly report to the five elemental spirit beast Pentapus."


As soon as he mentioned Pentapus, the ground shook a little as Pentapus came out of the ground.


Looking at the five elemental spirit beast, the Dusk mammoth unconsciously felt an unknown fear; however, it still nodded its head.

"Okay then. I will use the comprehension fruit now. Don't disturb me for the next 12 hours."

Ajax said those words to the five elemental spirit beast and he was about to eat the comprehension fruit; however, he was stopped by his fiancee Queen Siora.


Ajax was confused and looked at her before saying, "Do you want to go back, Queen Siora?"


Queen Siora shook her head and replied after some hesitation, "You can use my bed to fully utilize the effects of the comprehension fruit."

'Your bed?'

Ajax thought about the shining green-coloured bed in the tree chamber and when he thought about the effects of the bed, he was excited.

"Is it okay to use your bed?"

Nevertheless, Ajax controlled his excitement and asked her.

"Since you are already engaged, you can use it. Moreover, it's just a bed and you will be cultivating on your own. S-so, there is no need for you to be embarrassed."

Queen Siora tried to act nonchalant; however, Ajax noticed she was the one who was shy.


Looking at the slight hint of redness on her face, Ajax could not help but say that in his head.

"Okay, let's go, Queen Siora."

Ajax didn't say much about it as held her hand once again to teleport back to the tree chamber.

"Also, you don't have to call me Queen, just Siora is fine."

In a low voice, Siora informed him that calling her by just her name was okay.

"Okay. Siora, let's go."

With a slight smile, Ajax teleported them to the tree chamber.

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