New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1445: History of the Five Elemental World

The lesser world tree knew how Aron Alpenswift had died because it formed a special link with him similar to the spirit contract.

Moreover, Aron Alpenswift had left a few words for it before his death.

From that, it knew how Aron had died.

From the last words of Aron, the lesser world tree knew it was an automated voice transmission that was only sent to everyone close to Aron.

"Because the previous emperor was a close friend of my master."

With a slight smile on his face, Ajax replied to the lesser world tree.

"You are the disciple of Master Mostror?"

Before Ajax could tell the name of his master, the lesser world tree's surprised voice resounded in the tree chamber.


Queen Siora and others remained silent and tried to understand the history of their Five elemental world.

"You know my master?"

Ajax was surprised when the lesser world tree said his master's name.

"Of course. He was the closest friend who helped Master Aron a lot in managing the five elemental world."

The lesser world tree had the same level of respect for Emperor Mostror.

"Now, tell me. What happened to the races that lived in the five elemental world?"

Soon, Ajax asked the lesser world tree to go back to its story-telling.

"After Master Aron died, the races in the five elemental world started fighting for power over the five elemental world. The fight between them escalated to the point where they annihilated one another."

"What? Didn't my master come to stop the fight between the races?"

Ajax frowned as he asked the lesser world tree.

"He did appear in the five elemental world for a few days; however, he was called back for a mission from his organization. So, he left after saying, 'If you have any respect left for Master Aron, stay united and don't fight'."

"It worked for a few decades; however, the peace didn't last for long as new leaders arose from those races and started aiming for full control over the Five elemental world. At that time, I was not powerful; however, I had a talisman that Master Aron had left for me."

"Using that talisman, I protected all the elves and sealed the 'Ancient evergreen woods' for a century before the talisman's effects disappeared."

The lesser world tree said that Master Aron's idea of uniting the weaker races was not successful and it only made them greedy for power after he made them stronger.


After hearing everything the fight among the races on the five elemental world, Ajax started to re-think about his plans of uniting the weaker races.

That's right! 

Since Ajax had experienced the killing of innocent children when he was young, he always felt that the world was broken.

The strong always stomps the weak and Ajax wanted to change that.

However, when he learned that someone had already tried that but without the leader, it won't last for long.

'I have to find a way where even if the leader dies or goes somewhere, the weak should always stay together and fight the strong as one.'

'It should not happen where the weak races fight among themselves for more power or if one of the weaker races becomes stronger and takes the place of the stronger races to bully the other weaker race.'

Ajax kept a note about the history of the five elemental world in his head and decided to take preventive measures to stop such situations.

"Then what about the Ancestors of these tribes?"

Pointing at the bird, fox and lion tribe members. 

According to the information he had on the five elemental worlds, each tribe has an ancestor which emperor realm cultivation. 

"Oh. The ancestors of all the tribes that exist in the Five elemental world were once unevolved spirit beasts; however, Master Aron left a few inheritances for the spirit beasts and among the hundreds of thousands of spirit beasts, only seven spirit beasts were able to found those inheritances and re-cultivated before creating their own tribes."

The lesser world tree explained the origin of the ancestors of the tribes.

"Where did they go? I heard they have ascended to greater beast worlds."

Ajax was not surprised with the achievements of Aron Alpenswift anymore and asked what happened to the ancestors of the tribes.

"That's right! They have ascended to the greater beast worlds. Even though they were reluctant in the beginning, they realized their cultivation was progressing nowhere. So, in the end, all the ancestors of the tribes discussed and left some inheritances and treasures for the later generations."

With that, the lesser world tree had ended its explanation.

"Now, we got to know about the history of the five elemental world, it is time to decide our future."

Ajax remained silent for a few moments before continuing, "I have some plans for the future development of the five elemental world and the tribes that were living inside it."

Soon, Ajax started explaining his thoughts about the future development of the five elemental world and other things.


In the depths of the 'Ancient ruins',

Snow, Sparrow and Raweth looked at the huge portal that opened in front of them.

"Let's go."

Snow emitted a powerful aura as he entered the portal that opened after she cleared the trial set by their ancestors.

The reason she entered the portal without any hesitation was that she sensed no dangers from it.

As an emperor realm spirit beast, Snow's senses had reached the point where she could sense half of the five elemental world just by standing in one place.


Raweth and Sparrow also sensed there were no dangers and since they had already risked their lives for the treasures stored by their ancestors, they decided to take the one final step to enter the portal.

"Welcome my dear descendants. I have been waiting for you to enter this secret realm for a long time."

As soon as they entered the secret realm, they heard three voices in the cave that they just entered.

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