New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1450: Finding a Source of Plant Essence


Ajax tried to stop the lesser world tree from injecting the plant essence into the rotten seed; however, the lesser world tree had already injected before it even mentioned about the plant essence.

"Son-in-law, what happened? Is there something wrong with injecting the plant essence into this spoiled seed?" 

The lesser world tree was surprised with Ajax's sudden reaction and asked him about it.


However, there was nothing he could do about it now. So, he shook his head.

Currently, Ajax needed plant essence for nurturing the Soul nourishment seed.

Even though nurturing a new lesser world was necessary, for Ajax, nurturing the soul nourishment tree was much more important than anything else.

So, why would he waste the plant essence in nurturing the spoiled lesser world seed. 

Nevertheless, he was too late to stop the leser world tree and could not shake his head with a bitter smile on his face.


Of course, the lesser world tree didn't believe Ajax's words and replied, "Actually, I have a little bit of plant essence left with me."


Hearing those words, Ajax's bitter simile turned into an excited smile as he hurriedly asked the lesser world tree, "Can you give it to me? I am in dire need of the plant essence."

Actually, when he first met Queen Siora, he asked her about the plant essence; however, she said she didn't have any.

However, the lesser world tree had the plant essence, making Ajax pleasantly surprised.

Therefore, he didn't hesitate as he directly asked the lesser world tree to give it.

"Since my son-in-law needs the plant essence, I will give it to you."

Soon, a tree branch came out of the ground bringing a jade box with it and gave it to Ajax.

"Thank you."

Ajax hurriedly thanked the lesser world tree before opening the jade box.

Inside the jade box, there was green-coloured liquid that emitted a strong vitality from it.

'Even though the plant essence inside the jade box was around 10 drops, it must be a tough decision for the lesser world tree to bring it out. Moreover, it also injected around 10 drops of the plant essence into the spoiled seed, making it better.'

Ajax silently thought inside his head as he looked at the plant essence in his hands with mixed emotions.

For a lesser world tree, the plant essence was very useful and beneficial for its own; however, it was giving the plant essence for him, which made Ajax warm in his heart.

'I will definitely repay you for the plant essence in the future.'

Ajax silently swore in his heart to repay the lesser world tree.

"I don't know why my son-in-law needs the plant essence; however, I can produce a single drop of plant essence every month. If you want more, you can always come and I will give you the plant essence that I gathered."

Sensing the mixed emotions on Ajax's face, the lesser world tree said he could always come to it to take the plant essence.

"What? A drop of plant essence every month?"

Ajax was surprised to hear those words; however, in the next second, he was excited and hurriedly nodded his head.

"Mother-in-law, do you need anything? Even if I don't have it right now, I can always find it for you."

Ajax hesitated a little and called the lesser world tree as 'Mother-in-law' before asking the tree whether she needed anything.

"Haha…I am already happy that you called me 'Mother-in-law'. So, there is no need to worry about it."

The lesser world tree was happy with the way that Ajax addressed her.

Since she was a tree and Ajax was human, she felt that Ajax might not like to call her 'Mother-in-law'.

"However, there is one thing I want from you."

Suddenly, the lesser world tree said she wanted something.

"What is it? I will definitely try my best."

Since the lesser world tree was giving him something so precious, he would definitely try his best in repaying her.

"Please look after my daughter"


Ajax nearly collapsed to the ground when he heard those words; however, maintaining his composure, he nodded his head.

'Brat, what do you have to ask her what she needs? Can't you think about what she needs the most?'

All of a sudden, his father's voice resounded in his head.

'Huh? What does she need the most?'

Ajax frowned when he heard his father's words out of nowhere.

'The favourite and most beneficial food of a lesser world tree or a world tree is none other than the world core. Since you have a lot of small world cores, you can give one or two to her.'

Vaugh calmly explained what Ajax had to give to the lesser world tree.

'Not only the world core will help the lesser world tree to grow but at the same time, she will give birth to legendary items depending on the grade of the world core.'

'What? A lesser world tree eats world cores to grow?'

Ajax was pleasantly surprised with his father's words.

Actually, Ajax had already thought about it when he saw the name of the tree using the system appraisal; however, at the time, he was not close to the world tree.

Moreover, he felt only plant essence could nurture the lesser world tree after his experience with the soul nourishment seed.

'Since you have kept the system under upgrade, it's time for you to think and stop relying on the system all the time.'

His father's words sounded serious as though he was indirectly telling Ajax that the system might leave his body in the future.

'I understood, father.'

Ajax nodded his head and agreed with his father's words because they were true. He was relying a lot on the system; however, compared to the beging of his cultivation journey, he was not overly relying on the system.

"You can all leave now."

Coming out of his thoughts, Ajax asked everyone to leave the tree chamber before taking out a shining fist-sized orb.

"This is….son-in-law, where did you get this orb?"

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