New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1453: Lesser World Fruit Ripens

"Let's go."

Ajax wanted to see how the lesser world tree forms the treasure. So, he didn't waste any time and hurriedly left the tree chamber with Queen Siora.


Outside the tree chamber, all the elves in the Ancient evergreen woods gathered around the lesser world tree to witness the birth of a treasure.

Generally, the lesser world tree would produce less world fruit once every 100 years. 

It's been only 15 years since they witnessed a lesser world fruit ripen on the lesser world tree; however, they didn't expect another lesser world flower would bloom and turn into a lesser world fruit right in front of their eyes.

"Everyone, be ready. As soon as the lesser world fruit ripens, the pure essence of nature will be released. It can help those who struck at the breakthroughs and as for others, they could stabilise their cultivation foundations."

The leader of the patrol team Flinar shouted at all the elves, who nodded their heads with a serious look on their faces.

"Huh? What is happening?"

As soon as he came out of the tree chamber, Ajax was surprised to see thousands of elves were sitting in the cross-legged position.

"Whenever a lesser world fruit ripens, it will be beneficial for the cultivation of all the elves. So, they don't want to miss this opportunity to increase their cultivation."

Queen Siora explained to Ajax with a slight smile and pointed at the branch before saying, "The lesser world fruit is about to ripen. The treasure will be inside the fruit."


Looking at the huge fruit that was about the size of a football hanging on the corner of the branch, Ajax nodded his head.


In the next second, Ajax and everyone around the lesser world tree were hit by a wave of the pure essence of nature.


  The host absorbed one million units of the essence of nature.

'What? One million units of the essence of nature?'

Ajax was shocked by the sudden system notification.

Even though he could tell that purity of the essence of nature was much higher than anything he had felt before, gaining one million units of the essence of nature just by standing was a little too much.

Moreover, Ajax didn't even try to absorb the essence of nature; instead, the essence of nature entered his body on its own.



As Ajax was surprised with a million units of the essence of nature, he heard the crisp sounds coming out of the elves' bodies who were sitting around the tree to cultivate.

Soon, their cultivation increased and the aura they emitted became stronger.

'No wonder, a lesser world tree or world tree is considered as a Godly being among the elves.'

Finally, Ajax understood the reason behind why the elves worship the lesser world tree and the world trees in every story he heard from Elder Boron.

"Let's see what type of treasure is hiding inside the lesser world fruit."

The lesser world tree's voice resounded in the entire region as the lesser world fruit was plucked by a thin branch.

Everyone including Ajax was looking at the lesser world fruit with curious looks.


All of a sudden, the lesser world tree and the lesser world fruit both started shining with a bright light that blinded everyone.

The bright light didn't last for long before Ajax and everyone saw the treasure that came out of the lesser world fruit.

"I-isn't that…"

Ajax was shocked and a little bit disappointed to see the so-called treasure that came out of the lesser world fruit.

"That's right! It is a lesser world tree's seed."

From the side, Queen Siora replied with a slight smile on her face.

To her, no matter what item comes from the lesser world fruit, she was happy with it.

However, Ajax was not excited about the treasure anymore because he already had one lesser world tree seed.

Even though it was better to have two lesser worlds, nurturing them would make Ajax go bankrupt.

He already has a 'Tree of blessing', 'Soul nourishment tree' and a rotten lesser world tree's seed which became normal after using 10 drops of the plant essence.

Nurturing three trees already required a lot of resources and he was not even able to find the resources for them.

For 'Tree of blessing', he needed Sacred energy or Sacred astral energy.

For the Soul nourishment tree, he needed plant essence.

He had already decided to nurture a lesser world tree into his normal elven world after seeing the benefits a lesser world tree gave to the elves.

So, another lesser world tree was useless for him to nurture as it would only make his resources burn at a much faster rate.

'Should I just nurture two lesser world trees in my normal elven world since I can use the world cores to nurture them?'

Even though he learned that he could nurture the lesser world trees with the word cores, Ajax had other things to do with the world cores and he could get only one smaller world core daily.

"Son-in-law, I have no use for this seed because I can't nurture another lesser world in this world as it would only make things difficult for both in the future."

"Even if I can adjust, the five elemental world might not be able to bear nurturing two lesser world trees."

Suddenly, the lesser world tree's voice resounded in the surroundings as it continued to speak.

"Since son-in-law is able to travel between the worlds, you can try to nurture it in another one of his worlds or you can just sell it off to someone else at a good price."

As soon as the lesser world tree finished its words, a branch brought the lesser world seed to Ajax.


Ajax remained silent for a moment before taking it.

'Since I can't nurture two lesser world trees in a single world, I will just hold it with me until I conquer another elven world in the future.'

This was the conclusion he came to after taking the lesser world core.


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