New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1458: Quasi Unofficial Contract

The reason why Ajax entered the demonic castle was to see whether the mutated bronze demon king had entered the elemental spirit world nor not.

So, when he heard that the bronze demon king had just started his secluded cultivation, Ajax was excited and entered the so-called guest room.

Ajax knew what that secluded cultivation meant. It means the mutated bronze demon king had entered the elemental spirit world to capture more elemental spirits.

'White, protect me when I enter the Elemental spirit world.'

As soon as he entered the guest room, Ajax summoned a little 10-year-old boy and asked him to protect his body.

"Yes, brother."

The cute little boy in white clothes nodded his head and with a serious look which made him look even cuter.

He was none other than the little snow lion who settled in his inner world after the battle with the demons ended.

He was frustrated that he was not much help in the world because his strength was not even king realm because of his re-cultivation process.

So, he took permission from his parents and entered a bestial ice paradise inside the inner world to cultivate.

After ten days of serious cultivatio inside the inner world, he had successfully became a king realm re-cultivated beast with the battle prowess that were enough to fight against a mid-level king rem cultivator.

Among the elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts, he was the only one who looked weak as he could perfectly hide his cultivation. 

'Since the demon kings would definitely spy on me, it is better to fool them with Litlte white's cute appearance.'

It was Ajax's attempt to fool the demon kings, in case they were having second thoughts regarding him when he was inside the elemental world.

'Let's enter.'

Soon, he sat in a cross-legged position and entered the elemental spirit world.

In some random place, Elemental spirit world,


Ajax's spirit consciousness appeared in the elemental spirit world.

'This body is filled with the demonic essence of nature.'

Even though he left the bronze demon world, he still felt the same essence of nature in the elemental spirit world.

'It looks like the elemental spirit world is getting corroded by the demonic essence of nature day by day.'

Even though an elemental spirit world is known for absorbing all types of energy, when it was filled with the demonic essence of nature, the other elemental essence of nature would disappear.

Once the entire elemental world was filled with the demonic essence of nature, all the elemental spirits except for the demonic elemental spirits in the elemental spirit world would either corrode or die.

'I wonder whether that mutated bronze demon king knew about it?'

Ajax was sure that the mutated bronze demon king didn't have any clue about it.



Suddenly, a holographic timer appeared in front of him before turning into very small and settled in one corner.

'24 hours? Is it telling me that I can stay in the elemental spirit world for 24 hours?'

It was not his first time seeing a timer; however, it was his first time seeing it appear in the elemental spirit world.

'Is it because the system is currently under upgrading?'

If the system was not under upgrading, it would send a couple of system notifications and inform him about his remaining time in the elemental spirit.

'I hope I can find the spirit consciousness of the Bronze demon king as soon as possible.'

Since he could only stay in the elemental spirit world for a limited time, Ajax wanted to find the bronze demon king as soon as possible and complete the mission.


Without wasting any time, Ajax started his search as he flew in the air to cover as much distance as possible.


At another random place in the elemental spirit world,

"Where are you all hiding? Come out and greet your master."

The mutated bronze demon king's spirit consciousness form was not as clear as Ajax's spirit consciousness.

From this, it was evident that the bronze demons were not suited for playing in the spirit consciousness form.

Currently, he had an evil smile as he shouted as loudly as possible.

"If you are not going to come out in a few seconds, I will release all the demonic energy I stored in my spirit consciousness into this world…Keke."

At the same time, he revealed an eerie chuckle and continued, "You do know what would happen if I repeated the process for a hundred…no thousand times?"

"This time, I want at least a dozen elemental spirits unless you all want to either die or corrode with my demonic essence of nature."

He was threatening all the elemental spirits around him that were hiding in their hideouts.



Soon, 12 elemental spirits that were obviously beaten by their fellow elemental spirits started walking towards the Bronze demon king.

"Keke…I know you value your own life a lot."

The mutated bronze demon king chuckled once again as he walked closer towards the 12 injured elemental spirits.

"Shall we form a quasi unofficial contract now?"

Even though he said that, the demon king didn't bother to wait for the reply from the elemental spirits as he directly placed his hand on them and started forming the contract with them.

Quasi unofficial contract is the lowest grade of contract a summoner could form with an elemental spirit because of the following reasons.

1) It only takes 30 minutes to form that contract.

2) It is very easy to break the contract without any side-effects on the summoner's body and the elemental spirit's body.

3) After breaking the contract, the elemental spirit can't return to the elemental spirit world anymore. So, the mutated bronze demon king could easily leave a slave mark on them and fully control them without any contract.

Obviously, it was not his first time doing something like this. So, the mutated bronze king was fast with the contract process which only took 25 minutes.

'So, here you are.'

From the distance, Ajax revealed an excited smile when he saw the bronze demon king in the distance.

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