New Dawn - A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Chapter 36 - Flitwick's worry

The enraged scream was the first sign that something had gone terribly, terribly wrong as Flitwick along with the rest of the staff members moved toward that enraged scream and he once again cursed his small legs as he fell behind his peers in the race to rescue one of their poor student.

And as they got closer and closer, the words in the scream became clear to them.

"I'll kill you."

Flitwick remembered that voice.

He would have remembered that voice anywhere as it belonged to one of the most talented students that ever stepped on the Hogwarts ground and he internally realized that the situation had somehow just become even worse. Thus, he forced his feet to move faster in order follow Dumbledore, who despite being the oldest of them all was still able to lead them in the race to save their student just fine.

And then screams took an almost feral form and they were hardly able to understand what Harry was even saying anymore and for a short moment, they all ȧssumed the worse.

But it was only when they heard the pain filled roar of the mountain troll did they realize that maybe there was yet a chance for them to save their student.

And as they went closer, the Beast roared in pain only last time before it's voice was cut off at once and Flitwick, who had taken part in the last war and seen too much death for his own good instantly knew what had happened.

Mr Potter, had somehow managed to kill the troll without dying himself.

And they knew that Harry Potter was not dead because he sorrow filled screams had yet to subside.

When they reached the bathroom, the scene was so gruesome that almost half of the staff members instantly lost their recent lunch. And it was only when they moved aside in order to vomit their guts out that Flitwick got a chance to look at the scene and he was ashamed to admit that despite being a veteran of two wars, he almost joined his colleagues in puking out his guts as well.

Half of the bathroom was covered with blood and scattered bit and pieces of meat here and there with the floor completely covered with the troll's blood.

He absentmindedly saw a young girl, Penelope Clearwater, one of his claw, puking out her guts at the side of the bathroom but most of his attention was once again back on the troll.

Or what remained of it.

The two unharmed legs were the only indication that all the blood and gore in the room came from a single being.

The whole wall behind the troll was covered with it's organs and bones and he distinctly saw what he might have guessed to be an eyeball and felt the bile rise in his throat once again but pushed it down in order to survey the situation.

The troll was dead. Deader than dead. It was blasted to smithereens and despite never having fought one before, he was well aware of the fact that a troll's skin was highly magic resistant.

He doubted that he would have been able to do such damage to the troll himself.

Kill it, most likely, as he had a lot of tricks in his pocket but he was far from powerful enough to be able to blow it to smithereens like this.

In fact, there was only person he personally knew that could achieve this feat.

He silently glanced at Headmaster Dumbledore and realized that the old wizard was frozen in his place and was now silently staring at something behind the troll.

He moved to the side in order to gaze at what the headmaster saw and the tragic sight that he saw in front of him shocked him to the core.

A distraught looking Harry Potter held onto the pale body of Hermione Granger as he rocked her back and forth in his arms and kept mumbling 'don't die. Please don't die.' Again and again.

Then Snape arrived in the scene as well and his loud spashes made by his footsteps must have brought Harry's attention as he suddenly stopped rocking back and forth and went very very still and silent.

Then he looked up at them and Flitwick felt his own heart shatter at the devastated expression as he saw in the child's eyes and as he distinctly remembered Harry's history, he was once again reminded of the fact that Hermione had possibly been the first friend he ever made in his life.

Harry's eyes moved from him to Headmaster Dumbledore and in that moment, all of them felt something change in the atmosphere as Harry's expression froze instantly at the sight of Dumbledore and then just as quickly, it was replaced by madness induced rage that burned so brightly that Flitwick himself felt a bit of fear despite his veteran status.

He glanced at Dumbledore who expression looked as blank as ever and he wondered if the headmaster also felt that slight pang of fear when he facing the full brunt of that hate filled, madness induced rage.

"You…." Harry growled out in an almost animalistic manner and Flitwick held his breath for he had the feeling that whatever was going to happen in the next few moments might change their future a great deal.

"You…" Harry growled once again and somehow, the glare got even worse.

"You…" he growled "You did this…" he said softly enough that Flitwick almost didn't hear those words.

"You caused this." And then Harry gently put Hermione's still form down on the ground and then stood up to face Dumbledore and Flitwick found himself reaching for his wand once again.

"I'll kill you." Harry growled under his breath but in the silence of the bathroom, sporadically broken by staff members who were still retching on the ground at the grisly sight in front of them, his words were heard by all of them.

"I'll Kill You." He said once again and this time it was clearly heard by everyone in the room.

"I'll…" a Petrificus Totalus spell from Snape hit him right in the ċhėst and he froze where he stood and started to falling to the ground, before he broke through the magical binding as if it was something totally insignificant.

And then all went silent for a moment.

"AVADA KEDAV…" that was as far as he went before three overpowered Stupify from Dumbledore, Minerva Mcgonagall and himself struck the poor child who flipped two times in the air under the power of the spells and struck the wall before dropping on the ground, out cold, beside the still form of Hermione Granger.

Flitwick felt his shoulders shag as he looked around at his colleagues and he suddenly felt far more older than he did in the morning.

And then he and Dumbledore were savagely pushed aside as Pomfrey moved forward and shouted.

"She's still breathing you fools. Help me carry her to the infirmary." And then the mediwitch was on top of the girl, weaving and chanting the kind of spells that would possibly diagnose and save the life of the girl whom Harry Potter had named his friend friend.

And suddenly Flitwick felt hope rise in his ċhėst as he realized that perhaps, not everything was lost.

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