New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Report

Hermione shook her head and said, "Today's Daily Prophet hasn't been published yet. Besides, if something happens to someone, do you think the Daily Prophet will really publish it? I'm guessing!"

As she said this, she made no secret of her disgust for the Daily Prophet. This feeling arose when the Daily Prophet was almost completely controlled by the Ministry of Magic and vigorously smeared Dumbledore and Harry.

She basically doesn’t subscribe to the Daily Prophet anymore.

"So I ordered 'The Quibbler.'" Ginny said. "Luna and I are good friends, aren't we? I think Mr. Lovegood might report on related matters, provided... he has a way to find out. Got this news."

"Here we come!" Ron suddenly pointed out the hospital window. A group of owls flew outside Hogwarts Castle, and two of them flew to this location in the school hospital ward.

Ginny continued: "Open the window quickly, Ron."

With a kata sound, Ron opened the window, and the owl flew in with a whir, and he said, "Thanks."

Hermione fed the two owls with the soft food she had brought to Harry, and took off the newspapers hanging on the owls. One was the "Daily Prophet" and the other was "The Quibbler."

The owl pecked Hermione's finger lightly and flew away again.

"Super secret exposed! Secrets about Dumbledore when he was young!" Ginny read, getting angry, "The Daily Prophet knows how to smear Dumbledore all day long."

"Aren't you used to it?" Hermione asked angrily, "Now the Daily Prophet doesn't release any news at all, okay?"

"Ron, what did The Quibbler say?" Harry asked.

Ron was holding the newspaper "The Quibbler" and his brows suddenly furrowed. When he heard Harry's voice, he replied: "The Quibbler said that Ollivander is missing."

"Ollivander?" Ginny raised her eyebrows, "The wandmaker from Diagon Alley?"

"It turns out it's him!" Harry said suddenly. He still remembered that when he first arrived in Diagon Alley, he followed Hagrid to buy a wand. The wand shop owner was so weird.

Hermione looked at Harry and asked, "Is the person you are looking at Ollivander? The one who was captured by the mysterious man."

"I don't know." Harry smiled bitterly, "I only know that he was lying on the ground...well, the mysterious man, he caught a man and was tortured and interrogated. It seemed that there was no result, so he became furious!"

"Then how did you fall into a coma?" Ginny wondered, "And how did you know these things? I mean, the mysterious man must be thousands of miles away, and you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes, how can you know about him? What are you doing now? It’s like seeing it with your own eyes.”

"I don't know." Harry still shook his head.

Hermione thought thoughtfully and whispered: "Perhaps Professor Dumbledore and Professor Frémont should know something, judging from the situation last night."

"Did they say something?" Harry asked hurriedly, he was also eager to understand what happened to him.

Hermione shook her head.

"It seems that we have to find time to ask Professor Frémont." Ron said.

On the other side, Xia Ran was sitting in the office, flipping through the latest issues of "The Daily Prophet" and "The Quibbler." He only glanced at the "Daily Prophet" and threw it directly into the trash can.

"Waste of my time!" Xia Ran whispered, flipping through "The Quibbler" again.

In "The Quibbler," the editor-in-chief Mr. Lovegood made sharp remarks. While criticizing Fudge and the Ministry of Magic, he also reported the disappearance of Ollivander, the owner of the wand shop in Diagon Alley, and pointed out that the Ministry of Magic had no control over the matter. The attitude of turning a deaf ear is really incompetent!

Of course, "The Quibbler" will definitely mention something about harassing horseflies in passing, which is considered to be a private matter.

"It's still the same, Mr. Lovegood." Xia Ran laughed.


In the following weeks, the teachers and students of Hogwarts, including students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, focused their attention on the Triwizard Tournament and the disappearance of a wand master. , few people cared at all, many people thought that Ollivander was traveling abroad.

On the contrary, Harry Potter has always been the target of ridicule. In their view, Harry being so angry because he did not become a warrior is really interesting, especially to the Slytherin students.

Harry felt like he was being laughed at everywhere he went, which annoyed him, but he was relieved that his close friends believed in him.

On this day, Xia Ran received a request. Because Ollivander was missing, the Ministry of Magic could not find him, so the inspection of the wands of the three warriors needed another wizard to perform it.

"Xia Ran, I heard that you are quite accomplished in this area, right?" Ludo Bagman said with a smile, "It's just you. We hope you can help the three warriors check the wands to see if they have any Something went wrong."

Xia Ran hesitated.

He does have some knowledge of wand science, but that was during his student days, and later he focused on improving his magic power. Now he doesn't pay much attention to wand science, as can be seen from the messages on his panel.

"Come on, Xia Ran, Ollivander is gone, and apart from you, it will be difficult to find the other wand masters in a short time." Bagman said, "The Triwizard Tournament is also being held at Hogwarts. As a host, you have to do your best, right?"

"Okay." Xia Ran finally agreed, and they came to a smaller classroom. At this time, there were already several people in the classroom.

Most of the desks have been pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving a large open space in the middle, but there are three desks placed side by side in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet. Behind the velvet-covered desks, Five more chairs were placed, and on one of them sat a witch wearing a magenta robe.

Xia Ran recognized her as Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet. Xia Ran had dealt with her several times when she was still working at the Ministry of Magic.

Viktor Krum stood in a corner with a gloomy face as usual, not talking to anyone. Cedric was talking to Fleur Delacour. Fleur seemed very happy. She kept shaking her head, making her long silver hair shine with a dazzling luster.

Xia Ran observed three seconds of silence for Bill.

The pot-bellied man holding a large black camera that was slightly smoking in his hand also peeked at Fleur from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, Xia Ran, it's so nice to see you." Rita Skeeter said with a fake smile, stood up and shook hands with Xia Ran.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "Really? However, I have to say, Rita, it's great to see you. Your report is great! Especially the description of my stupid brain."

He said and moved his wand slightly, looking half-smiling.

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