New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 208 Coma Curse


The moment the red-armored fire dragon stared at it with its eyes raised, Harry, Ron, and Hermione immediately took a breath and their hearts pounded.

" found us?" Ron's teeth were chattering.

"" Harry's heartbeat increased and his palms became sweaty.

"Stop talking!" Hermione whispered, her eyes still fixed on the red fire dragon. The fire dragon's vertical pupils were cold, as if looking at a few ants. As soon as the huge dragon head raised, a ball of red flames began to shine.

"That's..." Hermione's expression changed drastically and she hurriedly shouted, "Get out of the way!"

She no longer cared about the fear of being discovered by Professor Frémont.

Harry also reacted in time, and together with Hermione, he pulled Ron and ran aside quickly to avoid the breath of the red fire dragon.

"What? Harry? Hermione? Ron? Why did you come here?" Hagrid said in shock, "You shouldn't have come!"

Suddenly he looked up at the fire dragon and shouted: "Run! Get away! Xia Ran, Charlie..."

Hagrid was now deeply complaining about why he didn't bring his umbrella. His umbrella was his wand.

"Got it!" Charlie shouted, "Quick! Subdue this fire dragon!"

A group of dragon tamers took out their wands and aimed at the red fire dragon.

at this time--

"Collapse!" A loud shout overwhelmed all other sounds and resounded throughout the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

call! !

A ray of fire was like a bomb shelling, lighting up the dark night sky and hitting the red fire dragon directly. Although the layer of red fine scales was thick, it was still unable to withstand the magic of the coma spell, and sparks shot out all over the sky. beauty.

The red fire dragon had a crooked body and stood precariously on its hind legs. Its mouth was wide and it let out a final silent roar. The flames in its nostrils and mouth were suddenly extinguished, but it was still green. Smoke, then it slowly fell down, as if unwilling, as if angry, as if fear, and hit the ground heavily.


This powerful red fire dragon with bright red scales weighing several tons crashed to the ground. The ground shook a few times and the trees shook, as if there was an earthquake.

"Who is it?" The dragon tamers all looked up and looked back, just in time to see the sparks extinguish at the tip of Xia Ran's wand.

"Is it him?! The combat professor at Hogwarts?!"

"So strong!"

"One person subdued a fire dragon... We all need the combined efforts of seven or eight people to do it!!"

A group of dragon tamers were shocked.

Indeed, it was Xia Ran who took action. He had the wand in his hand - he had taken it out just now but had not yet put it back into his pocket - and turned around to aim at the other two fire dragons.

"Fainted to the ground! Fainted to the ground!"

He waved his wand twice in succession, and two brilliant blazes of fire flew quickly and hit the other two giant dragons. The smaller green dragon and the silver-blue dragon fell to the ground one after another. Their layers were hard and thick. His scales seemed unable to withstand Xia Ran's spell, and he fell directly into a deep coma and sleep.

The dragon tamers put down their wands and looked at each other. There was no need for them to act together in a tacit agreement. Xia Ran could handle it all by himself, which was really frustrating.

They hurried towards the giant dragons lying on the ground. Each dragon was like a hill. They tightened the chain and tied the chain firmly to the iron pillar. Then they waved their wands and nailed the iron pillar deeply into the ground. in.

"Xia Ran, thank you." Charlie said, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "You are much better than before! How can you deal with a giant dragon so easily?!"

He was very emotional.

"Professor, if you are willing to be a dragon tamer, there is basically no dragon in the world that you cannot tame." Another wizard smiled.

"It really deserves to be Hogwarts!" Another dragon tamer exclaimed, "Any professor can have such terrifying magic power! I had heard of the name Hogwarts when I was in my hometown. The White Wizard’s territory!”

Xia Ran thought to herself that I relied on the Force points, otherwise... I would be lucky to become a level 5 wizard. How could I dare to hope for a level 6 wizard?

But these words don’t need to be spoken to outsiders.

"You three... tell me, how did you get here?"

On the other side, Hagrid had a stern look on his face and was scolding Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The trio bowed their heads and said nothing in response.

Xia Ran and Charlie walked over, and Charlie also scolded with a serious face: "Ron, who allowed you to run out at night? You also took Harry and Hermione with you... This is the Forbidden Forest. You don't know how big it is. Is it dangerous?"

Ron muttered something, but it was obvious that Charlie didn't hear him clearly. When he glared, Ron immediately stopped mumbling.

Harry said in shame, "I was the one who suggested following Hagrid and Professor Frémont to come over and see what happened."

"We were wrong." Hermione admitted her mistake sincerely.

Hagrid's face brightened slightly and he said, "Never again! You shouldn't know about this kind of thing!"

The trio breathed a sigh of relief, and Harry couldn't help but say: "Professor Frémont, you are so powerful, you can subdue a giant dragon with just one spell!"

"Yes, Professor Frémont, Charlie and the others were not subdued..." Ron also said, sensing Charlie's gaze, he immediately shut up.

Charlie hummed: "If you had Xia Ran's skills, where would you like to go and how many people would ask? The question is, you are only in fourth grade, what do you know?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You should study hard. There are not many shortcuts to the growth of magic power. Only when the magic power becomes stronger can we deal with various dangers." But she was thinking in her heart that Force points are the best shortcut!

"Charlie, can we take a closer look?" Hagrid turned back to look at the three fire dragons with an obsessed expression, as if he had seen Ms. Maxim.

The trio looked at each other and giggled.

"Then let's take a closer look. Anyway, they were all knocked unconscious by Xia Ran." Charlie did not refuse.

Xia Ran put the wand back in his pocket, and approached the three sleeping adult fire dragons with the others. The huge dragon body, the ferocious dragon head, and the fierce breathing, the closer you get, the more you can understand the terror of the giant dragon.

"How about it? It's very powerful, isn't it?" Charlie said with a smile, "Although raising a dragon is a very dangerous thing, it is always very satisfying to be able to tame these powerful big guys."

Xia Ran squatted down and looked at the red dragon that he had knocked unconscious at the beginning. The eyes of the red fire dragon were still slightly open, as if Xia Ran's stun spell had not completely knocked it out. A layer of hard and thick scales with extremely strong defense.

"What kinds of things do you have here, Charlie?" Xia Ran asked.

"This is the Chinese Fireball." Charlie pointed at the red fire dragon in front of them and said, "The smaller green one is the ordinary Welsh Green Dragon, and the last silver-blue one is the Swedish Brachysaurus."

"Chinese fireball?!" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows. Could this kind of dragon with wings be a giant dragon from China? !

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