New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 Making a decision

"The Ministry of Magic under the leadership of Cornelius Fudge has become corrupt and is the biggest stumbling block to our current fight against the dark wizards!"

Xia Ran said softly: "Led by Voldemort, the alliance of dark wizards and dark races are enemies. There is nothing to say. They are already in a hostile relationship. But the Ministry of Magic... was originally the backbone of our side, fighting against the Dark Alliance. The strongest shield!"

"What now?"

Xia Ran sneered. He had a very bad impression of Fudge. Not only were their respective philosophies and policies different, but the main reason was that Fudge completely ignored the dark wizards and basically relied on the Auror Office to proactively hunt him down. He, a member of the Ministry of Magic, The leader, openly or secretly, has not expressed any signs or words of support, and there is no way to talk about practical help.

If Xia Ran remembers correctly, in the original time and space, when Voldemort was resurrected and returned to recruit Death Eaters and recruit vampires, werewolves, dementors and other dark races, the Ministry of Magic under the command of Fudge could not accomplish anything. .

Well, he did a great job of holding back the Order of the Phoenix and smearing Dumbledore, and he was a good hand!

"Fudge is a pure-blood wizard. He may not have openly declared that he supports the theory of 'pure-blood supremacy', but..." Xia Ran sneered, "Judging from what he has done, I'm afraid that the theory of 'pure-blood supremacy' will not work for him." It’s not exclusive! It’s just that it hasn’t reached the extreme level of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, not to mention..."

Looking at Dumbledore, he said calmly: "Dumbledore, you should know that Fudge has been jealous of you all these years. Just like now, doesn't Fudge realize anything? No, he should have realized the news you announced. It was true, but admitting it meant that he had to take risks and delegate power. As a politician with a strong desire for power, this was a scene he absolutely did not want to see! To him, it was like a nightmare, far away More terrifying than the darkness sweeping across the magical world!”

"Besides, he is a pure-blood wizard. As long as he doesn't fight to the death against Voldemort, I don't think Voldemort will be willing to spend more time on him."

Dumbledore was silent.

He was unwilling to openly overthrow the Ministry of Magic. Even though he agreed to Xia Ran and Sirius's proposal and appeared at certain points in the plan, he was still quite resistant in his heart.

He believes that the most urgent task in the magic world at the moment is to unite and point the sword outward to fight against dark wizards and dark races.

Xia Ran wanted to say that Dumbledore was too hesitant.

Fighting foreign aggression does not necessarily require settling domestic affairs first, but the prerequisite is that the two sides must form an alliance and be willing to continue to fight against the outside world, rather than start conflicts with each other and start fighting.

Fudge's Ministry of Magic now has such a practice. It ignores internal and external threats and does not listen or believe them. Fudge seemed to accept death. As long as he suppressed Dumbledore, he felt that his position would be safe and no one could threaten him!

As for the many wizards and even innocent Muggles in the wizarding world who have been persecuted by dark wizards or attacked by dark creatures, what does Fudge have to do with him? He wasn't persecuted and attacked, right?

Because of Harry's coma a few days ago, Xia Ran believed that the launch date of the plan to take over the Ministry of Magic must be moved forward and could not be delayed any longer. Ollivander was the first victim, and there would be thousands of wizards in the future. Melon was killed.

Xia Ran didn't agree with Voldemort's theory, and he didn't want to see the Muggle world and the wizarding world in ruins. He felt that sometimes he had to stand up and push forward. Anyway, he already had level 6 magic and could be called the top wizard in the wizarding world. Even if Encountering the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort, who has a powerful magic power of level 7, there is no chance of resistance.

Why shrink as usual?

Snape also agreed with Xia Ran and said in a deep voice: "We must speed up, Dumbledore, the mysterious man should be looking for something now. I don't know yet, but if he really succeeds, and gather together The dark wizards and dark creature races under his command can only rely on the Order of the Phoenix... haha."

He only sneered at the end.

Dumbledore pondered. The reason why he seemed hesitant was that apart from his unwillingness to face the threat of darkness, there was also another important factor in the fierce internal fighting between them and the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore was afraid that his inner desire for power would peek out!

He knew that he was not a saint, a great wizard, or a liar as the Daily Prophet said.

In his youth, his desire for power, his dissatisfaction with the situation of wizards, and his friendship with Grindelwald—or some other emotions—led to serious and tragic consequences—the unfortunate death of his sister Ariana—Deng Bullido still remembers it, after all, his only living relatives no longer want to pay attention to him.

He was worried that he would fall back on the same old mistakes.

Xia Ran knew that Dumbledore was worried, and now it was up to him to see what Dumbledore thought, so he would no longer interfere.

The portraits of the old male and female principals hanging on the wall no longer pretended to be asleep, and all stood upright. Countless pairs of eyes stared at Dumbledore, but none of them said anything to disturb Dumbledore's thoughts.

After a long time, Dumbledore gave a bitter smile and sighed: "Well, I am an old man now. I have only a few years to live, so what should I be afraid of? It would be too much to look forward and backward, but put countless people in danger. Take responsibility!”

"So, what do you think, Xia Ran? When will you launch the plan?" He said and looked at Xia Ran.

"The sooner the better!" Xia Ran replied, then paused and said thoughtfully, "Well, you don't have to be in such a hurry, maybe... you can change your mind."

"Tell me more about it." Dumbledore was interested.

Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said slowly: "Overthrowing Fudge and putting our people in charge of the Ministry of Magic does not conflict with the fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters."

"And, most importantly, we want everyone to see that Voldemort is not invincible! Death Eaters are also a group of characters who will die under a spell!"

"Nowadays, wizards in the magical world have to say that their fear of Voldemort is a bit too much. They are afraid even when they hear his name and dare not call him by his first name!"

Snape looked slightly unnatural.

"What you say makes sense, Xia Ran." Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "Breaking people's fear of Voldemort is also an important task! Since he is an enemy, why should he be afraid? At the very least, we must dare to call him Its name can be seen directly from its face."

Snape looked increasingly unnatural.

"Hogwarts is not a good place. There are too many underage wizards. I think..." Xia Ran said softly, "The location in the Ministry of Magic is very good! It happens that there are many adult wizards there, and Aurors are often on duty, fighting. We have rich experience, so we won’t be in a hurry, not to mention we have Aurors in-house who can make defense preparations in advance.”

"Even if Voldemort assembles an army of Death Eaters, I'm afraid it won't be possible to attack him for a while..."

Snape suddenly interrupted: "You are wrong about this, Xia Ran."

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