New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 251 Picking up people

"Harry, good evening, I'm here to pick you up." Xia Ran smiled, "Are everything ready? We will leave soon."

Harry suddenly became anxious and said hurriedly: "Uh, Professor... wait a minute, I'll be down with my suitcase in a minute." He didn't say that he hadn't packed his luggage yet, and was rushing back to the bedroom to pack his things.

Xia Ran saw it, smiled, and walked to sit on a sofa in the Dursley's living room.

Vernon Dursley had bulging veins on his forehead. He seemed extremely angry at Xia Ran's actions, but at the same time he was afraid of his strange magic.

In the end, it was Petunia Dursley who was the first to react. She sat next to Dudley, some distance away from Xia Ran, and asked him: "You came to pick up Harry and go to He's not Was he fired? Because he used magic on Dada." While speaking, he looked at Dudley lovingly.

"It's true that Harry used magic, but I believe he didn't use magic on Dudley, but on a dark creature." Xia Ran said softly, "Maybe Harry has told you that The name of the thing…”

"Photograph...dementors?!" Dudley suddenly spoke, his voice trembling.

Vernon and Petunia were obviously startled and looked at their son in surprise.

Dudley said intermittently: "He said...Harry said that dementors absorb people's happiness..." He couldn't help but shuddered as he spoke, with a look of fear on his chubby face.

The people who encountered Dementors at that time, besides Harry, were also present, and had their happy memories absorbed by a Dementor. If Harry hadn't summoned the Patronus in time, he would have been kissed directly by the Dementor on the spot. , turned into a vegetative state with a dead soul.

"Yes, that's right." Xia Ran nodded, "Dementors are terrible things, but they are terrible. They specialize in the happiness of living people as food. If you want to deal with them, you can only use the Patronus Charm. Others No spell will work.”

Vernon and Petunia both twisted their faces, as if Xia Ran had said something disgusting.

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders.

The atmosphere in the living room seemed very depressing, mainly due to the Dursleys, who expressed their sincere distaste for magic, but because they were afraid of Xia Ran's magic, they did not dare to put forward any opinions, so they could only sit on pins and needles.

After a while, Petunia suddenly spoke and asked: "That Voldemort, the person who killed Lily, is he... back again?" Her eyes were very strange, her big light-colored eyes were wide open, and inside There seems to be not only fear, but also other emotions, such as hatred? !

Xia Ran didn't know if he had seen it wrong, because Penny quickly looked away and said: "Yes, Voldemort, Dumbledore should have mentioned to you that the extremely powerful and powerful man who killed the Potters The evil dark wizard is back."

"Isn't he dead?" Vernon asked doubtfully, his face wrinkled, and he said impatiently, "The big guy said that he left, died, and will never come back! Don't even think about it. Lied to me!"

He stared at Xia Ran, and suddenly saw Xia Ran raise an eyebrow, and suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not his nephew Harry, who would not let him press him, and was even proficient in various magics.

He still remembered the last time a young wizard came over and gave Dudley a pig's tail.

Vernon immediately avoided Xia Ran's sight.

"Just because he's dead doesn't mean he won't come back!" Xia Ran smiled softly and said, "Even if you don't understand the magical world, you can still understand a concept from so many movies and TV dramas that have been broadcast on TV."

"What?" Petunia asked, actually already having the answer in her mind.

Xia Ran whispered: "Resurrection from the dead! Voldemort, he is back again!"

"Resurrection?!" The Dursleys huddled in a corner of the sofa, with extremely frightened expressions on their faces.

"Yes, resurrection!" Xia Ran sighed, "In the magical world, there are many things that you think only exist in myths and legends, such as ghosts, werewolves, vampires, giants, etc. Not to mention that Voldemort is so powerful that he can be called a legend. He is a wizard, so in fact, resurrection is something he can do, so you shouldn't act so surprised."

"Um, Professor Frémont, what is this?"

At this moment, Harry came down carrying a suitcase and an owl cage. When he saw the Dursleys huddled together with frightened expressions, he was stunned for a moment.

Professor Frémont taught the Dursleys a lesson?

"We just chatted about something." Xia Ran said, "Let's go and get to Grimmauld Place early. Everyone else is waiting for you to come and have dinner."

Harry walked down the stairs in two steps at a time, carrying his suitcase and owl cage tightly.

Xia Ran stood up and said, "Mr. Dursley, Mrs. Dursley, excuse me."

Harry was already at the door ahead of him, clearly eager to leave the Dursleys.

Suddenly Petunia Dursley spoke and asked slowly: "That dark wizard, the reborn Voldemort...will you kill him?"

As soon as the words came out, there was two seconds of dead silence.

Petunia Dursley and Xia Ran looked at each other without moving their heads, avoiding Xia Ran's eyes that turned to look over.

Vernon and Dudley looked at her with wide eyes.

Harry's mind was also in confusion. Aunt Petunia... why... wasn't she the most reluctant to mention anything related to the wizarding world? Why……

"He won't win!" Xia Ran was silent for a while and said, "All of us will do our best to stop Voldemort. Our war will completely kill him this time!"

"I hope you can succeed." Penny whispered.

"I'd like to lend you some good advice." Xia Ran nodded and said, "Harry, let's go."

Harry walked out of the Dursley's house in a daze, his mind still confused.

"Harry, take my hand." Xia Ran's voice seemed to come from a distance, "If you can already disapparate on your own, I certainly welcome you to rush to Grimmauld Place by yourself, but obviously, you He has not reached sixth grade yet and is underage, so he does not meet the requirements for learning Apparition and Apparition."

Harry woke up from a dream and put his hand on Xia Ran's outstretched arm.

"Hold your owl cage tight." Xia Ran reminded again.

Harry grabbed the suitcase and the birdcage tightly with his other hand, turned around and took a look. The Dursley's house was brightly lit, and someone seemed to be watching through the window. Before he could see clearly who it was, his eyes suddenly changed and distorted, and his whole person It seemed that everything was twisted. The next second he stepped on the hard ground and looked up to see the Grimmauld Place that he had been longing to come to.

A shabby house squeezed out between 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place, and then dirty walls and gloomy windows appeared, and the Muggles living in houses 11 and 13 , apparently not noticing anything.

Harry had already been here once, so he didn't express much surprise. Instead, he was full of doubts and had no answers.

"Professor Frémont, just now...Aunt Petunia...she..."

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