Tizzie, Boss and some of the other children bid her farewell and watch Vy leave. 

"Are you sure about this, Bean? What if she turns around and gets the other survivors to attack us and take our weapons for their own? And this plan she's talking about, can we really trust her?" Tizzie blurted. 

Boss had the same concerns, but he trusted his gut. It was the one thing that kept him and the others alive. He wanted the other children and him to lead a life without worry as they grew up. The Jungle was not ideal for anyone, let alone children. 

"We are capable of taking care of ourselves. If all else fails, we can defend ourselves. But if it works, it means we can finally get out of here. That is a chance we have to take."

She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Alright. If you think it will work, then I trust your decision."

Vy continued making her way through the Jungle. By chance, she came to the centre of the Jungle, there a gigantic tree stood tall and proud towering over everything else. Looking up at its branches and leaves, Vy realised that she could not see any birds or other animals perched on it. 

This was highly unusual since the natural wildlife of the Jungle made nests in almost every single tree. How could the largest one not be home to some form of animal or bird?

But this was the least of her worries. Right now, she needed to find ways to convince the other two groups of survivors about her plans. She decided to go to the survivors with the bows and arrows first. 

Although it was not ideal for her to turn up at their campsite unannounced, Vy could not think of a better solution. Just then, in the distance, she heard a few different voices. It sounded like an argument. 

She approached with caution, holding her sword in her right hand as she peered through the cover of the leaves. To her surprise, she saw Sorren badly injured and lying in a pool of blood. 

Bruises and cuts covered his entire body as he was gasping for air. 

Rage took over Vy as she gripped her sword tightly. She stepped out of the cover of the Jungle and approached. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Vy shouted at them. Her voice was filled with anger. 

Her sudden appearance and shout made the people in front of her flinch. One of the people who was attacking Sorren stopped and looked up. A human-like creature with scales covering their entire body. 

Vy had seen this person before!

Sorren looked up, coughing up blood. Through his swollen eyes, he could barely see who it was. But he recognised that voice almost instantly. 

"Vy… Vyrena?" He muttered. 

She did not know what Sorren was doing here on his own, but she was not about to leave him here to die. 

"Do you mind explaining what you're trying to do?"

Vy had half a mind to not include them in her plan. What did Sorren ever do to deserve such treatment from them?!

The scaled creature picked Sorren up by the collar of his shirt as if he did not weigh a thing. 

"We caught your friend here spying on us. When we questioned him, he's speaking gibberish. So we decided to do what we can to make him talk." 

Finishing her sentence, the scaled creature threw Sorren's body at her feet and dusted her hands. Sorren grunted in pain as he landed the hard ground with a thud. 

"He turned out to be useless. But since you're here," the scaled creature looked at Vy, "you care to explain what you and your friend here were trying to do?"

Vy did not care for the creature's questions. She was more worried about Sorren. 

"Sorren, Sorren, are you alright?" She asked, her voice filled with urgency and worry. 

"I… I was looking for you. For days, I wandered here on accident and lost… lost my way. They ambushed me while I was asleep," he explained through raspy breathing. 

"You came looking for me, alone?" She asked. 

"El… El wanted to come but they wouldn't let her."

Vy looked up at the scaled creature who was smirking at her. A part of her, fueled with rage, wanted nothing more than to snap the creature's neck right where she stood. 

"He says you ambushed him while he was asleep, is that true?" Vy asked the scaled creature. 

"Oh so he is actually capable of talking?" The creature joked. 

Vy stood back up and walked up to the scale-covered creature. Even though Vy was tall, the creature still towered over her by a head. But she did not care about that. The scale-covered creature pulled her bow and shot an arrow at Vy. 

Everything was a blur, but Vy felt as if time slowed down all around her. She could see the arrow flying through the air. It was aiming for her heart. She dodged out of the way swiftly. 

She also caught the arrow in her hand. 

The scaled creature was amused by this. She had never seen someone stop an arrow with their bare hands before. But due to the creature's lack of focus, Vy was able to get up close. 

Vy elbowed the creature with a swift and decisive move. The creature fell back, dropping its bow. 

"Cass!" The other human-like hybrid creature rushed forward to help the scaled creature up. 

"For the record, he was not spying on you. He came out here to look for me. I, on the other hand, came down this path to look for you and camp. NOT to spy on you but to offer you a chance to get out of the Jungle."

Cass, the scaled creature, felt the soreness of the bruise that formed on her ribs. She never expected a human's physical attack to be able to cause her this much pain. But Vyrena's words intrigued her. 

"A chance to get out of the Jungle?" Cass scoffed, "Scaling the wall is impossible. You think we've not tried that?"

Vy grinned, "Who said anything about scaling the wall? Although, kudos for considering and trying."

Cass arched her eyebrow. Vy walked over and offered Cass a hand. Although wary at first, she grabbed onto Vy's hand and got back up. Whatever this human had planned, Cass wondered what it could be. 

There was no harm in hearing it out. 

"So what's your plan? Tear down a section of the wall?"

"Close enough."

"With what exactly?"

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