New World! Start Becoming A Bounty Hunter!

Chapter 2 The New Bounty Hunter Sets Sail

Come to the shooting range.

From a distance, Su Jingxian spotted Fang Yuan's figure, who was shooting with a pistol.

Fang Yuan is a young man in his thirties.

He is tall and strong-looking.

"Bang, bang~"

When Fang Yuan finished loading the magazine, Su Jingxian smiled and clapped: "Okay, your shooting skills have improved!"

Fang Yuan put down his pistol and cursed with a smile: "You guy, can you stop saying such misleading words all the time. What's the matter? Come to me today. It seems that you have done it."

Su Jingxian said happily: "Haha, thanks to the connections you found, it's really reliable!"

Fang Yuan showed off: "That's right! It's all trivial."

Su Jingxian also knew some of Fan Yuan's background.

Guns are banned in Daxia. (Shotguns are not prohibited in some mountain villages)

Getting a qualification certificate for opening a gun shop is as difficult as it gets.

This shows how tough Boss Fang’s background is.

It is said to be related to Marquis Wuchang, one of the founding princes.

About 200 years ago, due to various reasons such as the emperor's incompetence, eunuchs' manipulation of power, natural and man-made disasters, etc., the prosperous country of the previous dynasty resulted in the rise of princes and chaos in the world.

At that time, Emperor Tianqi was born. With firearms that transcended the times, outstanding personality charm, and the strength to brave the entire army, he attracted heroes from all over the world to join forces with him. Later, he also took into account the morale and public opinion of the army, and his morale was like a rainbow. In just eight years, he swept away the enemies of the Eight Wastelands, unified the world, ended the troubled times, and established the Great Xia Dynasty.

And after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

A total of eighteen heroes received hereditary and alternative titles.

Among them are six dukes and twelve princes.

Marquis of Wuchang is one of them.

As for the Emperor Tianqi who was born out of nowhere.

Su Jingxian knew it well.

Just look at his inventions, poems, novels, etc. and you will know where he comes from.

Seeing Fang Yuan being so arrogant.

Su Jingxian rolled his eyes: "Okay, where are the things I asked you to prepare?"

"Look, he's in a hurry."

Fang Yuan stepped forward and hugged Su Jingxian's shoulders, leading him to the armory.

"Then, it's all here."

On the counter were two large-caliber pistols.

The gun is silver-white all over, with a contrast device above and on both sides of the sleeve. Because it looks like a pair of small wings, this gun is named: Silver Wings.

There is also a gun that is completely dark blue and is named: Wrath of the God of Thunder because of its powerful power and gunshot sound.

Although bounty hunters are allowed to possess firearms, there are many restrictions.

Only handguns can be used in the country is one of them.

In addition, firearms are not allowed in and out of the city during non-working hours.

Even when you are working, you must report.

Su Jingxian picked it up and played with it fondly.

"So handsome!"

Fang Yuan showed off: "That's right! I asked the master to make this all by hand. The materials used are all ultra-rare metals. Not only can..."

Fang Yuan endlessly introduced the functions of the two pistols.

After talking for a few minutes, he still said, "To be honest, I don't want to sell it to you anymore."

Su Jingxian smiled and said, "Come on, I've already paid millions of dollars."

"You're just kidding. I don't want to be a bounty hunter, and I don't have the idea of ​​exploring the forbidden area. It would be a waste of money if you keep it on me."

Fang Yuan patted Su Jingxian on the back: "Let's go! Go to the shooting range and try your hand!"

The next few hours.

Su Jingxian was familiar with the feel of the two guns at the shooting range.

The power of these two guns is unparalleled, and their accuracy is also top-notch.

The disadvantage is that the recoil is strong and the magazine has a relatively small bullet capacity.

This is nothing to Su Jingxian.

He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and has a very strong body.

It doesn't matter if the magazine capacity is small, just prepare a few more magazines.

Power is the most important thing.

A real man's pistol must be powerful!

Finished testing weapons.

Su Jingxian left the gun shop with satisfaction and returned to Jianghai County next door.

Jianghai County has a very advantageous geographical location.

It is bordered by the sea in the east and a large river in the north.

Transportation and trade are very convenient.

Therefore, after the founding of the People's Republic of China in Daxia, it quickly developed into the most prosperous large county.

Tens of millions of people moved.

Precisely because it is a large county town, gun shops are not allowed to be opened for safety reasons. This is also the reason why Fangyuan Chicken Thief opened in the next county.

Su Jingxian spent more than 100 million to buy a villa with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters in the urban area of ​​Jianghai County.

The shell of the villa is built in the style of ancient architecture.

There is also a garden and small pond in the front yard.

After returning home.

Su Jingxian eagerly came to the computer room, turned on the computer, logged into the official website, and checked the bounty tasks.

Prioritize searches for bounties in Yangzhou.

The division and names of the continents of Daxia, as well as the names of some famous mountains and seas, were all given by Emperor Tianqi.


Su Jingxian locked a reward mission, which happened to be in Jianghai County.

Enter your ID to apply for file access.

Su Jingxian looked at it very seriously.

About half a month ago, people in Jianghai County discovered a deceased person.

The whole body of the deceased had been bitten by some creature, and his flesh and blood were bloody.

After forensic identification, it was found to be canine bite marks.

And within a few days, a second deceased person appeared, with the same death condition.

After checking surveillance cameras, the police discovered that the perpetrator was indeed a large stray dog. After detailed investigation, the murderous dog finally escaped into the intricate underground pipelines.

As a large county with tens of millions of people living in it, Jianghai County's underground pipelines are very complex.

In view of the shortage of manpower, the local government issued a reward order.

There is one last paragraph.

[Supplement: Through expert research and comparison, the target is an abnormal creature, suspected to be a human-faced dog. 】

Su Jingxian opened the Classic of Mountains and Seas - The Record of Demons and searched for related content.

This Classic of Mountains and Seas is not that Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The Book of Mountains and Seas of this world is a record of extraordinary things compiled through history books and legends from various places after the founding of the Xia Dynasty.

Modern civilization is all about convenience.

Just click search and you will get what you want.

【Human-Faced Dog】

[Dogs that were brutally killed, monsters that were mutated by negative energy pollution. 】

[Can hide in the shadows, has a strong bite force, has enchantment-like abilities, and is afraid of the sun. 】

There are many kinds of higher energies in the extraordinary world.

For example, there is a kind of spiritual particle in the air, which is good for the human body.

Human beings absorb certain spiritual particles every time they breathe.

Because of the large population in cities, the content of spiritual particles in the air is very, very rare.

So many people like to live in mountainous areas where there are few people.

"If this is really the case, then I have to make more preparations."

Su Jingxian liked dogs very much, and when he saw the conditions for the formation of this monster, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But it is a monster after all, so let’s give it some relief.

to this point.

The benefits of Jianghai County's prosperous trade are reflected.

Whatever you want, you can get it if you spend money.

Exceptions are illegal items.

Su Jingxian opened the shopping website and ordered a pair of lightweight high-end protective clothing, Kaifeng swords and hand crossbows, as well as many needed items.

Anyway, there is a heaven and earth, and it can hold any number of things.

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