New World! Start Becoming A Bounty Hunter!

Chapter 51 Earth Spirit Fruit

Seeing everyone in the group looking at him.

The diviner's brows were slightly depressed: "According to the hexagram, the Rat King should be in the southeast."

Such is his character.

Talk less and speak concisely.

After spending most of the day together, everyone has gotten to know each other's temperaments.

"What exactly?"

The monkey couldn't help but ask.

The fortune teller replied: "To be specific, I need to go over and do a fortune telling."

"Okay, let's change the scene then."

Su Jingxian made a suggestion, which was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Not a moment.

Everyone took advantage of the situation and got on the truck that was going to pull the haystacks.

Su Jingxian and Daxian were sitting together.

Both of them have the word "fairy" in their names, and they are both breeders, so they naturally have something in common.

The immortal plays with the spirit mink.

Su Jingxian rubbed the bellies of Po Jun and Tan Lang, making the two little guys whine.

"Lao Su, I think your two dogs don't look like ordinary breeds."

After all, Daxian has been raising ferrets for so many years, so he still has some discernment.

"I don't know either. I bought these two little guys from the village."

Su Jingxian didn't tell the truth.

Then he changed his words and said: "However, these two little guys are indeed very spiritual. They may have the bloodline of some kind of spiritual beast."

The Great Immortal nodded: "Well, from my point of view, it is indeed possible that the inherited spirit beast bloodline has awakened."

This probability is relatively low.

But it can't stand the huge base.

With so many creatures in Daxia, the phenomenon of atavism is not too rare.

Seeing how cute the two dogs were, the immortal stretched out his hand to touch the dogs' heads.

"Ouch, ouch~"

As a result, the two dogs bared their teeth and gave him a vicious blow.


"I'm sorry, the guard dog has a wild personality."

Su Jingxian smiled softly and protected his dog.

This potential biting action is not correct behavior for ordinary people.

But to Su Jingxian, this is called a good dog!

"it's okay no problem."

Daxian waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

It took more than an hour to drive this way.

"Thank you, brother."

I said thank you to the driver who sent me and others over.


Su Jingxian looked at the fields in the distance, and the fight was really going on everywhere.

This rat plague is considered the most serious in recent years.

No wonder the government mobilized tens of thousands of people to participate in this rodent eradication operation.

Everyone looked at the soothsayer again.

Waiting for news from him.

The soothsayer suddenly Alexander.

Sitting on the cement floor, he took out the props and started divination.

Although everyone was a little curious about how the fortune teller made the fortune, after all, it was their privacy and no one asked.

Only Su Jingxian, who had shaken hands with the fortune teller, knew his ability.

It's called: Telepathy.

You know, any living thing emits pheromones that are invisible to the naked eye.

And this ability is to be able to sense these pheromones secretly.

and get the information you want to find.

It can be regarded as a low-level extraordinary ability of the prophecy system.

The diviner's ability level is neither high nor low.

Therefore, you need to get closer to get more detailed information.

As for divination.

Probably this was a way for him to hide his identity.

Or maybe divination itself is his hobby.

However, this ability is obviously ineffective against Shenyin.

Ma Zaixian followed him all the way, but no one except Kong Liancheng and himself was noticed.

for a long time.

Several people in the group were idle playing cards.

Kong Liancheng relied on his super memory to win and made the others lose their temper.

Su Jingxian has a relatively reserved personality and doesn't like to show off.

I don’t want others to see my abilities.

Even if you can win, you will lose.

Anyway, it’s just for fun, no stakes and no punishment.

"found it!"

The soothsayer's call interrupted everyone's entertainment.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Where is the Rat King hiding?"

Tie Ta was impatient and took the lead in asking questions.

"About three kilometers east."

The diviner wiped the sweat from his forehead. Using this ability consumes too much energy and energy.

As a result, his body was always in a state of exhaustion.

This was the reason why his face always looked depressed.

Tie Ta waved his hand: "Brothers, run over."

Only three kilometers.

In a short time, everyone had arrived at their destination.

The fortune teller sat cross-legged again and began to search for the hiding place of the Rat King.


Su Jingxian also activated his treasure hunting ability.

Just a few breaths.

The target's aura node has been sensed.

【Rat King】

[An alien rat that evolved due to accidentally eating the Earth Spirit Fruit. 】

[Opened his intelligence and gained the ability to drive lower rats. 】

"What a fat vole!"

With the help of the memory palace, the picture displayed in the mental map in the mind becomes more and more vivid.

In Su Jingxian's field of vision.

You can clearly see what the Rat King looks like hiding deep underground.

Almost like a field mouse.

It's just that it's a lot bigger, about half a meter tall.

What concerned Su Jingxian even more was the word "Earth Spirit Fruit" in the information obtained by the Eye of True Sight.

"Earth Spirit Fruit!"

Su Jingxian exclaimed inwardly.

This is an extremely rare treasure.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures Chapter.

The pen and ink focus on describing the origin and effect of the earth spirit fruit.

As the name suggests.

The Earth Spirit Fruit is a treasure that grows deep underground.

The appearance is like a fist-sized, irregularly shaped rock.

It is a treasure of heaven and earth that took hundreds of millions of years to be nurtured by the virtuous earth.

As for the taste? How does it work?

Apart from Emperor Shenwu, the founding emperor of the Daluo Dynasty in history, probably no other person would know about it.

Because the Earth Spirit Fruit grows deep underground.

No one knows the exact location of its growth.

Therefore, no matter what era, they will not dig up hundreds or thousands of meters of soil to find those illusory possibilities.

As for how Emperor Shenwu obtained it.

According to folklore, he obtained it after falling off an unfathomable cliff while being chased by his enemies.

Mr. Chen Lingyun, one of the editors of Shan Hai Jing, left his own speculation in the Di Ling Guo chapter.

As everyone knows.

The formation of cliffs is caused by the movement of materials within the planet causing earthquakes.

Earthquakes in turn caused ruptures in the earth's crust to form cliffs.


Maybe the Earth Spirit Fruit itself does grow underground, but because of the earthquake, the earth cracked open, and the Earth Spirit Fruit revealed its true face.

Emperor Shenwu accidentally discovered the Earth Spirit Fruit when he fell off a cliff.


One thing is for sure!

When Emperor Shenwu returned to the world, he already had inexhaustible divine power and a long life.

Because this great emperor lived for a full four hundred and twenty-seven years.

The Daluo Dynasty only had a total foundation of more than 800 years.

Just because Emperor Shenwu lived a long life.

Before his death at the age of 92, the prince of the current dynasty shouted: "How can there be a prince who has been in the world for ninety years!"

Excuse me.

There really is.

His grandson is the great-grandson of Emperor Shenwu.

He was trained as the successor of the empire since he was a child.

As a result, he lived to be 121 years old.

Still hasn't sat on the throne that he longed for.

The direct descendants who have the right to inherit in the following generations can simply be destroyed.

Live your life freely and happily.

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