small world.

in the sun!

Su Jingxian took out all the trunk and joints of the puppet.

"This is the left hand, this is the right hand..."

Although the puppet was beaten to pieces that night, the main body was not seriously damaged, only the joints fell off.

First, clean off the dust on the puppet and the decaying dyes from before.

"The material of this puppet seems to have undergone some kind of transformation."

Su Jingxian knocked on the wooden body, and felt something like wood but not wood, and something like iron but not iron.

This is the specialness of strange objects.

Even if it is a mortal object, once it transforms into a magical object, it will cause extraordinary changes.

Carefully clean up the dirt on the puppet.

Maintained it again.

"Woof, woof~"

Po Jun, a silly dog, was barking at the side, wanting his owner to play with him.

Su Jingxian was busy repairing the puppet and pushed the dog's head away: "Can't you learn from your brother? Look at people sleeping peacefully under the tree, you are the only one who is naughty!"


Seeing that his master was so ruthless, Po Jun was disappointed and ran to bother Greedy Wolf.

Wait for the puppet to dry.

Su Jingxian calmly mixed various colors of paint.

"Just try to restore it to its original appearance."

The original appearance of the puppet was so badly damaged that Su Jingxian could only draw a rough sketch based on his memory.

After a while.

Su Jingxian concentrated on painting the puppets.

His steady right hand holds the brush and paints delicately.

The bright sunshine shines dappledly on the land through the lush canopy of the banyan tree.


A few curious little chirps hid on the thick branches and watched secretly.

In several bird nests, there are several eggs lying in each.

These little guys have already started breeding offspring.

The appearance of the puppet gradually improved.

That's what a little girl looks like.

A delicate face, big bright eyes, with a tear stain in the corner of the eye.

Finally, paint the entire body of the puppet with a color similar to human skin.

Then put on a wig made of synthetic fiber.

I feel uncomfortable with wigs made from real hair, and I can’t accept them.

Wear a fairy skirt with wide sleeves specially made by the master.

Light blue, plum blossom embroidered skirt.

Pure white cloud sleeves with peach blossom trim.

Then use the light and elegant drawstring to secure the waist.

"Ya! It's so elegant!"

Su Jingxian couldn't help but praise his taste.

"The last step! The finishing touch!"

Su Jingxian picked up the paintbrush and added pupils to the puppet's bright eyes.

"Master...have you finally come back to me..."

The puppet's pupils slowly focused, and light came into view.


Two hundred and sixty-seven years ago.

"Ling'er, come!"

"This is a puppet that belongs exclusively to you. The final finishing touch must be put on by you, the master!"

A man with a vicissitudes of life smiled and handed the paintbrush to his daughter.


The young girl happily took the paintbrush from her father's hand and painted the eyes on the puppet that would accompany her throughout her life and travel around the world.

Puppet master, also known as puppet master.

Makes a living performing puppet shows.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life!

Every scene is a puppet's life.

The puppeteer gives new life to the puppets, and the puppets will earn a living for the puppeteers.

The puppeteer has a double talent!

The painting is unique, and the skillful hand is unique.

"Ling'er's painting skills have improved a lot, and she seems to have never been lazy."

The vicissitudes of life man praised.

"That's right! Ling'er is a puppeteer who is about to make her debut on stage! How can we not learn how to eat!"

The young Ling'er spoke with great energy and her eyes were full of longing.

I dreamed of being able to perform wonderful puppet shows like my father and receive applause from the audience.

I dreamed that I could earn reward money and share it with my family.


The vicissitudes of life man laughed loudly, pleased that his daughter was so sensible.

"Here, give your partner a name."

Ling'er pondered for a moment and said, "My name is Ling'er, so let's call him Ling'er."

The vicissitudes of life man touched his daughter's hair: "Okay, okay, Ling'er will be an independent adult from now on!"




"My name is Ling'er? My name is Ling'er... My name is Ling'er!"



Ling'er performed on stage for the first time. Although she was a little jerky, she performed very well.

Received applause from the audience.

The applause from the audience made Ling'er feel spiritually satisfied.

I also received my first red envelope.

She happily told Ling'er her excitement.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Year by year.

One show at a time.

The former girl has grown up and become a famous puppet master.

But my father, who was once as tall as a mountain, is getting old.


Father and daughter were lying in rocking chairs talking.

"Father, can puppets really not come to life?"

"Silly Ling'er, the puppet is made of wood, how can it come alive!"

"It would be great if Ling'er could talk to me like a living person..."

"Haha! This is a common problem for every puppeteer. When you get along day and night, you will always have different thoughts."

"So, it really can't be..."

"Unless it creates a human heart!"

The old and vicissitudes of life man made such a joke.

Good times don't last long.

In the prosperous dynasty, the emperor was fatuous, the eunuchs were taking power, and natural and man-made disasters occurred everywhere.

There are also foreign enemies watching eagerly.

Internal and external troubles, storms are coming.

Not a few years.

The peasants who were exploited and could no longer survive revolted!

Warlords rise together and the world is in chaos!

The people are so worried and precarious that they have no time to talk about romance.

The puppeteer also had no means of making a living.

"Father, I heard from the victims who were fleeing that King Yao Tian is about to lead his army to fight here."

"This man has a cruel character. It will take three days to capture the city. The people in the city will flee into the mountains, and Ling'er will also leave."

Now in her prime, Ling'er put Ling'er and her father's memorial tablet into a wooden box, and left this dangerous place carrying all her belongings.

Hiding in Tibet!

Decades in a hurry!

Ling'er, who was once in her youth, has turned into a gray-haired old woman.

She traveled around and took refuge everywhere.

It has lost the vitality it once had, and is like a walking corpse. Only the wooden box behind it remains.

While resting.

A war horse roared past!

"Announcement! General Zhou was crowned king three days ago! His name is King Xia!"

The old woman's cloudy eyes were a little brighter: "General Zhou...has become king..."

General Zhou, who occupied the three continents in the south, was a rare benevolent master in these troubled times.

He came out of the sky a few years ago, wiped out one side, and created a peaceful territory.

When people all over the world heard about it, they all took refuge with their families.

"It's great, peaceful days are coming again!"

The old woman leaned against the tree and remembered the beautiful scenery of her youth.

At that time.

She is still in her prime.

At that time.

My father is still alive.

No matter how good the past times are, they will never come back.

The old woman put the wooden box on her back and walked away step by step with a sad pace.

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