Translator: Pink Tea Editor: JackOFallTrades

「Master, I am back.」

「Yea, welcome.」「Welcome back.」

When I had returned to Master’s side after having left the village in its state, the interior of the small cabin where he was waiting had been remade with the power「Lust」had. The place where the floor would normally be now show the visible surroundings of Kikitto village, it felt as if we were standing in mid-air.

The two that welcomed me with affectionate smiles on their faces were Shuria and Master.

The little girl「Lust」was on top of the giant man「Sloth」, playing with his clothes, as he had laid down on the floor alongside the unconscious bodies of Leone-san and her other companions.

「Good, Good. And now guidance have been completed. With this, a group coming from town should be able to pick up the children that were separated.」(Shuria)

「So this is the power of the box『Lust』has…, amazing. 」(Minnalis)

It would seem that what is being shown here had been synchronized with what is really happening in real time, so with a simple gesture, Shuria could drive the monsters in the forest away, mow down trees and hinder the people that have tried to come to this village.

Thanks to that in the span of those three days I could enjoy my revenge without any interruptions.

Though it has great side-effects after its use, the power of『Lust』allowed the user to freely set the rules for the space within the box.

According to Master, compared to the other Swords of Mortal Sin, the requirements to activate the power『Lust』had were easier to fulfill which just required a certain amount of blood depending on the mood『Lust』has at that point in time.

The power 『Indolence』had was strong enough to the point of it being called unfair.

Even though it used cursed weapons as payment, 「Indolence」 ability allowed to set up a special field named workshop, for which one could freely choose any influences that it should reject. Different from 「Lust」 ability, which could be resisted to some extent, this one is impossible to resist even for that Evil Dragon.

Anyway, Master’s Mortal Sins series have rule breaking strength.

「Minnalis, did you have fun?」

「Yes, now all that is left is to move out.」

Saying that, I walk towards Leone-san.

There is still one last cleanup to do.

「With this, it really will be over. Farewell, Leone-san.」

I took out a knife from my pocket and proceeded to swing it at Leone-san. Moments before the knife managed to pierce her neck…

「…What is the meaning of this, Master?」

「Hey, I can’t allow my accomplices to do dumb stuff. Of course, I would stop you.」

Master’s hand had stopped it dead it in tracks.

「Dumb stuff? Why is that? They are our enemies. They hid this village from us. 『Without Lying』was a condition in the contract. If we did not notice it, this three-day long revenge would not have happened. She was deceiving me.」

「Well, leaving shady deals under intimidation aside, I never actually participated in proper contract negotiations before. Leaving a loophole in the contract was completely my miss.」

Drop by drop, blood dripped down from Master’s hand.

「Then why did you stop me!! Leone-san and her group are our enemies!! They got in the way of my revenge!! We have to kill them, we must kill them!!」

「…Then what with that face and trembling hands, idiot.」

「! Ah…」

Against my will, The knife was snatched from my hands and now was moving along the floor, its rattles disturbing the silence after being flicked away.

As if that knife cut the strings controlling my body, my strength left me at once.

「I, I…」

For some reason, tears were running down my cheeks.

But, it is weird.

「Listen, Minnalis. Revenge is over. In other words, now they cannot obstruct us. We have no reason to kill them.」(kaito)

「But, But!!」(minnalis)

But they are enemies. We must kill them.

「They are idiots that held back even when they tried to prevent you from revenge. Them being not just upright and clean-handed only adds to my evaluation of them.」(kaito)

「But…, Even so!!」(minnalis)

They are enemies.

My hands were shaking, was it because I thought that I don’t want to kill them?

「They are enemies… Enemies must be killed, they must be… 」(minnalis)

「Really, so dazzlingly good. If your malice is that lacking it would get even detached me thinking.」

I knew that are you worried about me, I knew that much, but enemies have to be killed!!

「Even so, there is no way around it!! They are our enemies!!」


Pam, a sharp sound resonated within the otherworldly room.

With two hands, Master violently grabbed my head that I was swinging in protest.

「Okay, listen well. If you want to kill them, go ahead, but what kind of idiocy is killing someone you don’t want to kill!!」

Master did not let me escape his grasp, no matter how much I writhed to get free.

「I, from the first circle, could not do that. Not knowing what I should do, what I want to do, as a result I laid hands upon the person that was most precious to me. I thought about it over and over, was there really no other way, is it okay for me to live after committing such a mistake.」(kaito)

With sour expression on his face, Master closes his eyes.

「But you don’t have to go through that as well. If you are going to kill, don’t hesitate. If you hesitate, don’t kill.」

Without averting his eyes from me even for a second, Master kept on talking.

「Minnalis, it’s okay to stop. Your revenge on those that destroyed your world has ended.」

Those words were the last blow.

「……It’s unfair. If you tell me that, I won’t be able to kill them.」

「It’s just what I think. You are much better than I was during my first time.」

Shrugging his shoulders, Master dons a wry smile.

I contemplated on how unfair it all was as the last of my strength leaves my body, leaving me with no will for action.

「Please, Kaito-san… Hug me tight. Tight enough to break me. Please. Stroke my hair, caress my cheeks… Please, tell me what I did well. Tell me what I am precious to you.」(minnalis)

「Yes, of course. You are my precious accomplice. You did well. That was good revenge. So, now it’s okay to cry without holding back.」(kaito)

「Waaah, Uuaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Aaaaaaaah!!」(minnalis)

Tears and sobbing burst out uncontrollably, like some barrier broke inside me.

My mind, body, and all of my emotions, moved on their own without any restraint.

Grasping to Master, all I can do is weep like a baby.

「Damn, you are such…」(kaito)

「Finally, you let your guard down.」(???)

「Wha, Guah?!」(kaito)


A silhouete appeared as if slithering out of shadows and struck master with two daggers dripping with poison.

As we put an end to one revenge, the state my mind was in could only be described as careless.

That presence was similar to that of an approaching snake.

Heralded by a sharp pain, poison starts spreading simultaneously from both blades stuck into my shoulders.

「Heehyaa?! No, I am not done playing.」(Lust)

「Haa, what a drag, what a damn drag.」(Sloth)

Due to poison effects, Lust and Sloth returned within me against my will.

At the same time, Lust’s box dissipates, reverting the surroundings back to how the interior of the small cabin originally looked like.

(This poison, could it be the『Cursed Poison of the Holy Chalice』?! Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck!!)

「Gordes…, You are…Guha…!?」(kaito)

As both Swords of Mortal Sin return inside me, the Curse of the Holy Maiden engulfed me.

Blood sprays from all over my body like I was minced up and pain similar to stupor had spread over it.

It seems that along with『Cursed Poison of the Holy Chalice』that disables inherent abilities, paralyzing poison was used as well. And due to side-effect from 「Lust」 which disables all of the user’s resistances to Abnormal status effects, the poison was spreading even faster.

「Hoho, what, you knew about me as well? Anyway, that’s a blunder. To counterattack in that situation, you mons…」(gordes)

Gordes’ body collapsed after I retalliated with my『Soul Sword of the Beginning』piercing right through his heart.

But the crisis was only getting closer. That fact that he used『Cursed Poison of the Holy Chalice』most likely meant that…



「Don’t drop your guard!! Brace yourself!!」(kaito)

I raise my voice to warn the flustering duo, but it was in vain.

「『Water Torrent・Avalanche』,『Water Prison・Ocean Depths』」

「What, Uguuh!?」「Hya, Ah, Gu?」

A violent stream of water roared as it hit a wall of the cabin and swept it away and in no time surrounded Minnalis and Shuria like an eggshell, restraining them.

「This technique…!!! Meteria, why are you here!!」(kaito)

「Ufufu, Aaah, we met at last. Kaito-sama.」(meteria)

From the depths of the forest, I heard a voice akin to a ringing bell, a pure voice reminiscent of flowing water.

Slowly, appeared a figure with light blue hair, that despite having very feminine features was surrounded by an aura of purity that did not allow anyone to suspect any obscenity from her. A woman that was said to have outstanding talent even compared to her predecessors.

Dressed in a white priestess outfit, with a staff head reminding one of a starry sky, a staff of white porcelain lauded for its surging magic power was in her hands, was Saintess, Meteria Lorelia.

「Aaah, it took so long. To reach this point, it really took so long. 」(meteria)

Saying emotionally, she shows a smile that can captivate anyone.

「Now, Kaito-sama. Let us reset the story that has gone astray. For the sake of the story that really was meant to be told.」(meteria)

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