Translator: "Pink Tea"

「…Really, this world is so cruel. 」

Since she had knowledge of magic I used Appraisal as a precaution and the name that showed up made me doubt my eyes.

Because she was supposed to be dead one month prior to my return to this world and also was one of the reasons Mai hated『Transference Applicants』. However, the traces of the cruelties done by『Kawakami Kumiko』clearly remained in the basement of the house she occupied.

「…I really hope that the excuse you have for the two of them is not completely disgusting.」

Vaguely sensing that it isn't the case, I dropped those words anyway.

Holding Kawakami-san, no, Satomi-chan, who was stunned with electricity manipulation ability of【Blade of Lightning Spears】, I teleport to the classroom in already sealed school.

There, was Yuuto, who looked at Satomi-chan without even trying to hide his hatred and Mai, which looked at her with a complicated expression.

「Welcome back, Kaito. And also, Kawakami-san, or should I say Satomi-chan?」

「Brother… Is that really her…?」

「Yeah, she has a combination of simple spells on her, the current you won’t be able to see through it. But unfortunately…」

I put my fingertips at the base of her neck, where at the first glance nothing could be seen, and like pulling from the seam, tore off the mask from her.

「As you see.」

Under the well-made cover was the face for which I as well had recollections.

「Satomi… You really were alive…」

「…I see, magic is really troublesome. So we were being deceived the whole time?」

「…gah, guuh… Uh.」

Since she won’t be able to reply in her paralyzed state, I restrained her feet and hands with handcuffs, and removed paralysis from her body.

「You should be able to talk now. Go ahead and explain yourself to them. You do have a thing or two to say before you die, right? You will keep on living for as long as you keep answering their questions. 」

「… Soo, the one who used that teleportation spell was you, Kaito-san? I see, so you adopted magic at the sanctuary, mm?」

Her tone was not that of『Kawakami Kumiko』but of『Saito Satomi』from my memories, with her frivolous way of speaking.

「…What was that Satomi, who died that time?」

「Oh, thaat, I made it using the spell called substitute doll and some gore. School, age, parents, all of that became too tedious for my goal of becoming the world's best magus, so I thought I should make it that『Saito Satomi』is dead. Making it into kidnapping and just disappearing would have been fine too, but I just got information about the person, that was one of the targets for the spell during disappearance incident, so I thought, I might conceal that kidnapping this way. I mean, a murder will turn into a huge uproar, wouldn’t it?」

Satomi tells while smiling happily.

「But results weren’t too great though. When Mai-chan came I really panicked, and as for kidnapping that I tried to cover up,『Transference Applicants』brought me a corpse. Isn’t that a pain?」


Ah, shit, I’ve got an urge to kill her right here and now.

To her complete lack of remorse, Mai made a wry face.

「…Say, Satomi, Why? Why you did such a thing to Miyuki…?」

「Eeh, well? Because, you know, Miyuki, that silly thing, was about to realise what I’m experimenting with Kaori-chan and started to doubt me? And that she wouldn’t do anything unnecessary, I turned her into materials for experiments. 」

「!!! Experiments, experiments…?」「…! Why…」

The two frowned at Satomi who was speaking in a light and bubbly manner.

「Why, Satomi? Weren’t the three of us best friends? That day when you cried at the hospital, was that a lie?」

「What a silly thing to say, both of you are important for me, that’s why at first I had no intentions of using Miyuki-chan or you as materials, but we were friends and yet she was suspicious of me, isn’t that cruel? That’s basically a betrayal, isn’t it? I was very hurt. So in turn, I made Miyuki-chan cooperate in my experiments as well.」

「Satomi, you are…」

「Ah, even you are looking at me with those eyes… Even though we are friends, how awful!」

「…That’s enough. Ahaha, I’m such an idiot… To think that I nearly went crazy because of girl like you and almost caused a trouble to Brother…」

That was a moment when Mai, bleeding at heart, cut off all sympathy she had for Satomi-chan, along with a part of her soul.

「…Then, can I ask as well? Why did you kidnap Kaori-chan?」

「Eh? There is no particular reason? If I had to name one, then I guess, because she looked the most fun. 」


To Satomi-chan who showed a puzzled face, Yuuto as well made a confused expression.

「I found her alone in the park. And when I said『I need your help to save big sis Shiori』she followed me just like that. I guess that’s about it for the reason.」

「Just because of that? With such a reason Kaori-chan was… Huh, Ahahahahahhaha!! Ahahahahahhaha!!!」

Yuuto could only laugh.

Looking at Yuuto who had tears flowing from the corners of his eyes while covering his face with a hand… Reminded me of myself, making a feeling of anger surge.

「…Hey, bitch, and what were you aiming for? What were you trying to accomplish that you lived to this day.」

「That, of course is because I want to become the world’s best magus! Kaito-san, since you received your powers at the holy land you understand that as well, right? By opening a hole in the world and filling with magic power the world that was depleted of it, this world once again will be filled with the power from the age of legends. If I will be able to receive the first, most dense breath of it then I, who inherited the great magical talent from ancestors, will become a magus capable of…」

「You? The world’s best magus? That’s impossible, you don’t have even a shred of talent. I mean, you think that the reason why it’s hard to use magic in this world is that there is no magic power? Even if someone on the level to reach misconclusion were to become a magician, they would be stuck being second-rate at best.」

「…Haah, that is why amateurs… If you pretend to know stuff just because you can use great power a bit you will only embarrass yourself. If we were to believe contents of the Kuroi’s House secret manuscripts, then you are unconsciously getting assisted in your spells due to the power you absorbed in the sanctuary. Certainly, the amount of magic here is growing, but it’s because in this place, the world already was penetrated twice.」

「…Oh, well. Telling something to the likes of you is useless anyway. This is the end. Do you two still have anything you want to ask her?」

「No, it’s fine… To be honest, I want to strangle her with my own hands, but the current me does not have power for it. It’s better to leave it to you, Kaito.」

「…Brother, I am good already. For me, Satomi died on that day.」

The eyes of the two looking at Satomi, which was lying on the floor, were in heavy contrast.

The eyes of Yuuto had hatred, intense like a frozen flame.

The eyes of Mai had cold detachment, as if she was looking at a broken toy.

「Both of you are so cruel. …But thanks to you I’ve got enough time. Magic formation・Activate!」

When Satomi proclaimed so with a wicked smile, a pentagon-shaped barrier emerged.

「Ha ha, it’s all because you get conceited from mere handcuffs. Unless I cancel it, this barrier won’t ever go down.」

「…I’ll ask just in case, what are you gonna do with it?」

「I’ll have police come immediately. Surely you won’t be able to use such grand sorcery as teleportation several times in succession.」

…This one is no good, people like that were in another world as well, the bunch that considers themselves special and therefore hell bent on believing convenient baseless assumptions.

That’s enough, let’s move on already.

「————I stand above everything.

————There is none I cannot subdue. Nothing is impossible.

————Every being of this world belongs to me, every law of this world belongs to me.

————Everything is as I defined. Everything follows what I define.

————Until I climb the fortress of the infinitely changing realms.

————【Sword of Mortal Sin・Sole Ruler of Castle of Arrogance 】」

In my hands, I had a long chain made of small crowns linked together.

At its end was a blonde boy of about primary school age.

Wearing a radiant crown upon his head, with expression overflowing with the confidence of the absolute strongest, he was boldly overlooking surroundings. Sitting on the hovering throne with his head resting on his hand, he was lording over surrounding.

That appearance truly had a proper attitude to bear the name of Arrogance.

「『Hm, at last, huh. Took you long enough, you mongrel.』」

「Shut up, Pride. Show-off brat. Why are you showing up in my dreams even though you are sealed?」

「『Seal? Such a folly, everything in this world belongs to me. I am the one defining how everything ought to be. That aside, even though I gave you a warning, what is this attitude, kneel, you plebeian.』」

「Fuck off. More importantly, there is work. I shall use decree.」

「『Oh, are you sure? I thought you hated this power of decree.』」

Pride was looking down on me with an amused expression.

「Yeah, that’s right. I don’t like it but your ability is perfect. In order to return to that world you power is necessary.」

Among the spirit swords that I possess, the seven spirit swords based on the seven mortal sins all have extraordinary power, but even among them, the power of Arrogance is just wicked.

Unlike other swords, there is only one disadvantage imposed after its use. There is also no complicated conditions for activation.

However, I didn’t like the power of this sword.

「『And? How are you going to change the state of the world this time? Go ahead and say it.』」

「This is the material to use.」

Saying that I pointed at Satomi, who was all smiles looking at us.

「Change all of her being into the gate leading to another world. The gates were opened here twice already. I think she should suffice for materials?」

「『Hm, well, so be it. I am in an awfully good mood after finally getting outside.』」

Nice, now there shouldn’t be any problem.

Even though her whole existence will be used as the material I was worried if it will be enough to serve as the replacement for around two hundred people, but looks like it will suffice.

「Hmmm, a spell for spirit summon? I have no idea what are you trying to do but this barrier will repel magic as well so, you know, it’s kinda useless?」

「If you think so, then disappear with those thoughts. Soon you will lose leeway to change your mind.」

「You just don’t get it, this barrier is the strongest one that my great ancestors created. It has the power to repel any magi…」

「Dominating anything in existence and twisting it in accordance with my desires.『King’s Decree』」

At that moment an upturned crown appeared and stuck into the ground surrounding Satomi along with the barrier.

Transparent crown. The power beyond any measure that denies a being any dignity.

Power to change the existence of others to your own definition.

There is no one who can defy King’s Decree.

「This ability is the power to deprive you of your very existence. Not just your life or your soul. It will rewrite your existence itself like from the very beginning it was something that will be created right now.」

「Annihilation of existence? Something like that is really a miracle from the realm of Gods. It’s just a mere boast, right?」

「Gods’ realm? No, no, this is devil’s power.」

Next moment, the transparent crown that was spinning all this time stopped its rotation and started to change the shape like it was being crushed by something.

And at the same time, in an empty air appeared a golden crown.

「I already said it, but this thing will rewrite the world in the way that you「never was」in it in the first place. For everyone except us, you will become as if you never existed. Of course, the things what you did will be done by someone or even something else. Everything about the life you lived will be gone. And thus, the future will be gone as well.」

As much as transparent crown gets narrower, the golden crown grows larger.

「?! Wha, Why?! Why is it passing through the barrier?」

「The future you will disappear as well. Your body and soul, all of you will disappear so there won’t be rebirth as well.」

Furthermore, I continued.

「It seems that the pain of existence annihilation is quite severe.」


Finally transparent crown touched Satomi.

The voice what then came from her was a scream of unimaginable agony.


Confused Satomi screams in a high pitched voice.

But there is no way I would listen to such appeal. The transparent crown keeps swallowing Satomi’s body.

And as it proceeds a light pink color fills it, as if blood gets mixed in.

「AHAHAHAHHA!!! You reap what you sow, bitch!!」「Satomi, you are too loud.」

Both Yuuto and Mai, that were silently looking over the development, spit out such words.

But Satomi could not hear these voices.


「Aah, scream some more, for all the suffering Kaori received, more, more!!」

「『Aren’t you saying some pretty good stuff, as expected from the friend of Kaito. Hehehe, that’s right, wails of inferior humans are pleasant after all. The taste comparable to the finest orchestra.』」

As if in agreement with Yuuto, Pride closed his eyes and immersed in her screams made a pleased expression.

The screams were tearing up through the air for quite a long time.

When they ceased, the color of the completely flattened crown turned to dark red.

The golden crown that grew to a size of at least three meters, inclined forward to ninety degrees and revealed an entrance in it, which was covered by a curtain of light.

「Now, are you both ready? On the other side of it should be our destination. Through it is unknown where will we end up after getting there…」

「Let’s go, Brother. I don’t want to be separated from you again.」

「Yes, there is no attachments left to this world anyway.」

In order to avoid being sent to different places, we link hands, with me being in the middle and face the door to another world.

It's ironic that when I was on the other side I wanted to come back so badly, yet now, I wish for the complete opposite.

「Well, God only knows what may happen. I don’t care even if it’s some dungeon, I just hope we will end up where it is possible to understand where we are…」

「As a beginner I would prefer something like a first town, where neither demons or snakes show up…」

「Well, it’s something done by Brother, getting your hopes up is pointless. We should be prepared to end up right in front of the Demon Lord’s castle.」

「Mai-san, Mai-san, would you be so kind as not to trigger such a dangerous flag…?」

And so, without looking back even once we went through the dimensional gate.

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