Chapter 2: It seems I shouldn’t have asked

“Again, why me ?” (Renya)

Renya voiced an all too obvious question. The little girl spoke to Renya who had thought that there was no way he would be the cliched ‘chosen one’.

“That’s because you are the chosen one !” (God)

“Ah ?” (Renya)

“I’m sorry. I lied. I apologize so please don’t hit me.” (God)

Seeing Renya clenching his fist with grim expression, the little girl bowed her head and apologized.

A small applause couldbe heard…

“You bastards! You got aproblem with me !?” (God)

Everyone heavily nodded in unison in responseto the screaming girl.

I guess their frustrations accumulated into a grudge, huh ?(Renya)

He saw the little girl crumble to her knees.

“Ugh, fine. I will explain the rest so you guys please go somewhere else. The conversation is not having any progress and my heart…is probably broken…” (God) (TL Note : Hug the God ! *hugs* ) (E Note: As opposed to Renya being an S…is the god an M?)

This god seems topretty much have weak mental strength, eh ?(Renya)

The girls smiled atRenya and waved while their bodies begandisappearing. The sight of people fading awaymadeRenya doubt whether this wasreality.

「: You have acquired the .」

Eh ? What the hell is this ?(Renya)

Renya tilted his head as hesaw the little girl standup and turn towards him.

“Ehm, I lied about you being the chosen one. However, not everything wasa lie. Not everyone can pass the wall between worlds.” (God)

“So, basically, I can go through those walls ?” (Renya)

“Yes. Since you have trained your body to a certain extent, there seems to be nothing wrong with you for the most part. In addition, you don’t seem tohave any lingering feelings towards your world.”

Since I died peacefully, isn’t itobvious that I don’t have any lingering feelings ?(Renya)

For now, Renya decided to remain silent.

“So, I technically don’t have any problem, right ?” (Renya)

As Renya hadkicked this God a earlier,she shook her head.

“Even though the kick was unexpected, it was nothing. Atheists are not rare. I’m not even agitated by the fact that you kicked my little girl figure away. Equality of gender is not a bad thing too.” (God)

“For future reference, can I ask what is bad then ?” (Renya)

“I’m pretty sure its destroying, raiding, and killing. Well, basically anyway.” (God)

“Fuahahahahahahahaha” (God)

A creepy laugh couldbe heard. Renya beganshivering.

It would be perfect if she had whitepaint on her face. (Renya)

“What are you trying to accomplish by sending me to another world ?” (Renya)

“Nothing at all~” (God)

As soon she declared that, Renya knocked her head. There were quite a sound there. The girl squealed as sheput her hands on her head.

“Don’t play with the dead if you don’t have any business !” (Renya)

“You sure are fast to declare yourself as a deadman~” (God)

“I have lived for almost a century. Isn’t it long enough ? Though I don’t have any memory of it, I think it’s enough.” (Renya)

“Though I think tellinga person that just finished one life to do another is cruel, can you listen to my request ? It would make me happy, you know.” (God)

“I thought we don’t have any business ?” (Renya)

When Renya asked the suddenly humble little girl, she nodded. Seeing this, Renya could only clenchhis fist. Realizing this, the girl speak again.

“I have a clear reason to ask you to go, you know ? That’s why, please stop hitting me !” (God)

“What do you mean ? I want answers.” (Renya)

“I want you to go because the world you are designated to go is low on resources.” (God)

Though she did explain it slightly, Renya did notunderstand anything. Thus, he continued to press her.

It can’t be helped, huh ?(God)

“That was really the reason though, ugh, how should I say this….” (God)

With a troubled expression, the girl spread both of Renya’shands in front of him. Suddenly, a transparent window appeared before his eyes.Renya couldn’thide his shock. The window in front of him was projecting some kind of map.

At least, itwas a map whichRenya had never seen. Asit’s scale was reduced, Renya couldn’tunderstand anything.There were four lands that formed theshape of a four-leaf clover. The intersection of the four lands respectively created areas in thenorth, west, east, and south.

“If the map’s upper part is north, then..but..” (Renya)

“Relax, I have translatedthis to matchyour knowledge in yourprevious world. Makeno mistake, the map’s upper part is north.” (God)

“Is that so ? But, this is the first time I’ve seenthis kind of geography. What map is this ?” (Renya)

“It’s the continent of Eldra. It’s a unique continent in the world that I want Renya-san to go to. As for the size, that clover thing could probably be compared to the size of Eurasia.” (God) (TL Note : It was writtenエールドラ)

“What !?” (Renya)

Having said so, Renya once again looked at the map.

(TL Note : From this point on, i will refer to our God (Little Girl) as Chibi, since it’s troublesome to write little girl all the time.)

If what the chibi said wastrue, then this is a hugecontinent that is 2 times larger than Eurasia in both height and length.

“Ridiculous.” (Renya)

“It is the truth. There’s no need to be overwhelmed.” (God)

“To see a star that is ridiculously larger than earth.. How many are there !?” (Renya)

“It’s not a star though.” (God)

“What !?” (Renya)

She opened another window. There, Renya saw a waterfall that was massive inboth height and length. He had never seen this before. He couldsee the largebody of water clearly.

“Can you see this ?In this world, atthe end of the world, there’s always a waterfall that falls into nothingness.” (God)

As the Chibi said thus with a serious face, Renya stood dumbfounded for a straight 5 minutes.

“What era is this?” (Renya)

“Even though it seemslike anEarth visioned by old-fashioned theorists, this is the reality of this world. If you go beyond the waterfall and fall down, you will disappear. There’s no turning back.” (God)

“Who is the fool that created this world !?” (Renya)

In reality, this wasRenya’s genuineopinion. This time, the girl responded with a loud voice.

“This God in front of you ! Who the hell are you calling stupid !?” (God)

“Aren’tyou stupid, though ? What did you eat that made you want tocreate such a thing!?” (Renya)

“Isn’t it obvious that it’s because the sea is surrounding the continent !?” (God)

“What the hell is this world ? Is there even a circulation of water here!?” (Renya)

“Of course, there’s no way that exist you idiot ! Don’t lumpthis world’s logic together with yours !” (God)

“The lack of resources is because of thisstupid system, right !?” (Renya)

It might be because of the harsh intonation, or because she was called stupid, or possibly because Renya had previously used violence on her, the chibi realized her defeat asher face grewpale.

“Anyway, because there’s no circulation, there’s gotta be some kind of power that keeps supplying it, right ? Even if there’s gotta be some water that evaporated afterit fell intothat place. If this continues forever, without such a water supply, won’t iteventually dry up?” (Renya)

“T-T-There’s no way such thing happens, you know ?” (God)

“Oi, chibi. Look me in theeyes and say it clearly.” (Renya)

“I-I Swear ! I-It’s really not ! Iadmitthat I used power pointlessly, but this and the request are not related ! I swear to God !” (God) (TL Note : Right.. A god swear to god ~_~) (E Note: Does that mean gods have gods? Do those gods have gods? Is there an entire hierarchy of omnipotent beings out there?)

Oi, aren’t you the God ?Is what Renya wanted to tsukkomi, yet,refrained from doingso.

Renya stared at the chibi, however,the chibi completedaverted hergaze.

“Oi.” (Renya)

“I will continue the explanation. Eldra, as you can see, is divided to five regions.” (God) (TL Note : The fifth is the center)

The chibi continued the explanation as loud as possible. He could have continued to apply pressure, however, seeing the chibi had already beencornered, he urged himself to let her continue.

“North, south, east, west, and… Center, huh..” (Renya)

“That’s right, North, south, east, and west is controlled by a singularrace. These are theHumans, Elves, Demi-humans, and Dragon Races respectively.”

“And the center ?” (Renya)

“Demon Race.” (God) (TL Note : Magic Race are demons) (E Note: Kanji is Magic Race. Read as Demon Race.)

According to the chibi’s explanation, the continent wasdivided into five.

“Well, I can’t give too detailed an explanation. This world is basically turning into a harsh environment. To put it simply, war often breaks out.” (God)

Amazed by the chibi, Renya tried to ask something obvious.

“Why ?” (Renya)

“Though I thought that the related parties didn’t realize this, there are 5 warlords in each race. They seem to be starting warsto kill some time.” (God)

“S-T-O-P-T-H-E-M !” (Renya)

“W-Wait ! Don’t strangle me ! My neck ! Why are you aiming precisely at my arteries !? I’ll die ! I’ll die !!!” (God)

On the edge of death from being strangled, the chibi fell awayfrom Renya. Not willing to let go, Renya chased the chibi. Depending on heranswer, he was planning on breaking her neck.

By the way, the difference is, he wasn’t trying to cut off herrespiratory system (choke her). He was trying to break her neck.

“Don’t fuck with me ! Because of you, wars are breaking out !” (Renya)

“I understand what you are saying, but I can’t do anything !” (God)

The girl wasdesperately trying to escape, her expressionfull of fear.

“You are God, right ?” (Renya)

“Since I already transferred the management right of this world, it’s impossible ! Though I can take it back forcefully, there’s a consequence, you know ? So, basically-” (God)

While trying to protect her neck, she keptrunning a little while longer. Following this, she stood still while thinking and said.

“If Ican make 80% of the continent sink, then I might be able to do something about it.” (God)

“Denied.” (Renya)

“Then, I can’t do anything. Although, if we can make the warlords there return the management right, then it would be a different story.”(God)

Having declared so, Renya stopped his chase.

“Because of them, the death and life cycle in this world has stopped.” (God)

“What do you mean ? “(Renya)

After confirming that Renya had pausedhis pursuit,the chibi turned around and continued herexplanation.

“Although souls that died normally from disease or old age is fine, what about those who did not meet a normal end. Those who got captured and killed on the battlefield, those who got slashed into pieces, those who got eaten by dragons, those who died in raids by goblins or orcs. Do you think thosesouls will want to return to such an environment ?” (God)

“Well, that’s probably be impossible.” (Renya)

“That’s right. Thus, souls that reject such a world begin toaccumulate.” (God)

The chibi spoke with an exasperatedexpression.

Even if it came from the neck that Renya had tried to break a short whileago, somehow, he couldsympathize with her.

“I tried to persuade the warlords, presenting the benefits the rejected souls possess to their world. I had tried plenty of things, all of which were fruitless endeavors.” (God)

“So you’ve at least tried something, huh ?” (Renya)

“Yeah, once. However, not only was it fruitless, I was blamed by the inhabitants. I, at the very least, planned to allowmyself to get strangled.” (God)

Because I was from another world, she denied to get strangled by me, huh..(Renya)

Renya urged her to continue.

“That’s why, because they get reincarnated to another world, this world’s resources began to decline.” (God)

“Isn’t it fine to destroy such a world ?” (Renya)

Not only do the warlords have no intention of properlymanaging things, the population continues to drop in such anenvironment. Even if left alone, such a world would probablyget destroyed soon anyway.(Renya)

“That might be okay, but thinking about the souls that will be lost, it cannot be allowed to be destroyed.” (God)

Even if wecan recreate it again, the angles and I willdie from exhaustion. (God)

“It’s technically impossible. There will be lot of souls that got reincarnated without my knowing. The number of souls that reject reincarnation into the other world are too scarce.” (God)

Souls with with more than certain quality consume the resources of the world that they are originally made from. Following this, the souls use even more of this world’s resources in order to immigrate to another. Those souls that got reincarnatedto another world are slightly but surelyreducing this world’s resource.

“That was quite a complex story, huh..” (Renya)

“Yes, we need to somehow persuade the lords, and then getthe world’s order back to normal. It’s very time-consuming. Basically, what I’m asking is-” (God)

“I want you to go there to stall for time and preserve the world’s resources.. Am I right ?” (Renya)

“Ifit was onlybringing me resources, I wouldn’tneed to ask you. However,just like how a fileattached to an email and the file itselfare completelydifferent things, you’ll have to attach somethingto someone’s soul.” (God)

“Something like a file attachment software ?” (Renya)

“It might be worthy to create it if there’s someone to take it, but I can’t since the warlords don’tknow and denied my interference.” (God)

Even if you can send something, it’s meaningless if there’s no one to receive it. If they realize that their world is going to be destroyed, things would have been different. But they don’t. They onlythink that my interference is unnecessary.(God)

God spoke with a wry smile.

“Can you explain the current situation?” (Renya)

“I got rejected.” (God)

“It’s obvious that it’s the warlords’ fault.” (Renya)

“There wasn’t even a reply.” (God)

Watching the chibi hangher head, Renya sighed.

If he didn’t hear such a story, he couldjust ignore their troubles. However, now that he knew, he couldn’tpretend that it wasn’this problem. Actually, Renya didn’t want to get involved with this sort of trouble, yet,he haddecided.

“I got it. Let’s team up.” (Renya)

Chapter 2: It seems I shouldn’t have asked

“Again, why me ?” (Renya)

Renya voiced an all too obvious question. The little girl spoke to Renya who had thought that there was no way he would be the cliched ‘chosen one’.

“That’s because you are the chosen one !” (God)

“Ah ?” (Renya)

“I’m sorry. I lied. I apologize so please don’t hit me.” (God)

Seeing Renya clenching his fist with grim expression, the little girl bowed her head and apologized.

A small applause couldbe heard…

“You bastards! You got aproblem with me !?” (God)

Everyone heavily nodded in unison in responseto the screaming girl.

I guess their frustrations accumulated into a grudge, huh ?(Renya)

He saw the little girl crumble to her knees.

“Ugh, fine. I will explain the rest so you guys please go somewhere else. The conversation is not having any progress and my heart…is probably broken…” (God) (TL Note : Hug the God ! *hugs* ) (E Note: As opposed to Renya being an S…is the god an M?)

This god seems topretty much have weak mental strength, eh ?(Renya)

The girls smiled atRenya and waved while their bodies begandisappearing. The sight of people fading awaymadeRenya doubt whether this wasreality.

「: You have acquired the .」

Eh ? What the hell is this ?(Renya)

Renya tilted his head as hesaw the little girl standup and turn towards him.

“Ehm, I lied about you being the chosen one. However, not everything wasa lie. Not everyone can pass the wall between worlds.” (God)

“So, basically, I can go through those walls ?” (Renya)

“Yes. Since you have trained your body to a certain extent, there seems to be nothing wrong with you for the most part. In addition, you don’t seem tohave any lingering feelings towards your world.”

Since I died peacefully, isn’t itobvious that I don’t have any lingering feelings ?(Renya)

For now, Renya decided to remain silent.

“So, I technically don’t have any problem, right ?” (Renya)

As Renya hadkicked this God a earlier,she shook her head.

“Even though the kick was unexpected, it was nothing. Atheists are not rare. I’m not even agitated by the fact that you kicked my little girl figure away. Equality of gender is not a bad thing too.” (God)

“For future reference, can I ask what is bad then ?” (Renya)

“I’m pretty sure its destroying, raiding, and killing. Well, basically anyway.” (God)

“Fuahahahahahahahaha” (God)

A creepy laugh couldbe heard. Renya beganshivering.

It would be perfect if she had whitepaint on her face. (Renya)

“What are you trying to accomplish by sending me to another world ?” (Renya)

“Nothing at all~” (God)

As soon she declared that, Renya knocked her head. There were quite a sound there. The girl squealed as sheput her hands on her head.

“Don’t play with the dead if you don’t have any business !” (Renya)

“You sure are fast to declare yourself as a deadman~” (God)

“I have lived for almost a century. Isn’t it long enough ? Though I don’t have any memory of it, I think it’s enough.” (Renya)

“Though I think tellinga person that just finished one life to do another is cruel, can you listen to my request ? It would make me happy, you know.” (God)

“I thought we don’t have any business ?” (Renya)

When Renya asked the suddenly humble little girl, she nodded. Seeing this, Renya could only clenchhis fist. Realizing this, the girl speak again.

“I have a clear reason to ask you to go, you know ? That’s why, please stop hitting me !” (God)

“What do you mean ? I want answers.” (Renya)

“I want you to go because the world you are designated to go is low on resources.” (God)

Though she did explain it slightly, Renya did notunderstand anything. Thus, he continued to press her.

It can’t be helped, huh ?(God)

“That was really the reason though, ugh, how should I say this….” (God)

With a troubled expression, the girl spread both of Renya’shands in front of him. Suddenly, a transparent window appeared before his eyes.Renya couldn’thide his shock. The window in front of him was projecting some kind of map.

At least, itwas a map whichRenya had never seen. Asit’s scale was reduced, Renya couldn’tunderstand anything.There were four lands that formed theshape of a four-leaf clover. The intersection of the four lands respectively created areas in thenorth, west, east, and south.

“If the map’s upper part is north, then..but..” (Renya)

“Relax, I have translatedthis to matchyour knowledge in yourprevious world. Makeno mistake, the map’s upper part is north.” (God)

“Is that so ? But, this is the first time I’ve seenthis kind of geography. What map is this ?” (Renya)

“It’s the continent of Eldra. It’s a unique continent in the world that I want Renya-san to go to. As for the size, that clover thing could probably be compared to the size of Eurasia.” (God) (TL Note : It was writtenエールドラ)

“What !?” (Renya)

Having said so, Renya once again looked at the map.

(TL Note : From this point on, i will refer to our God (Little Girl) as Chibi, since it’s troublesome to write little girl all the time.)

If what the chibi said wastrue, then this is a hugecontinent that is 2 times larger than Eurasia in both height and length.

“Ridiculous.” (Renya)

“It is the truth. There’s no need to be overwhelmed.” (God)

“To see a star that is ridiculously larger than earth.. How many are there !?” (Renya)

“It’s not a star though.” (God)

“What !?” (Renya)

She opened another window. There, Renya saw a waterfall that was massive inboth height and length. He had never seen this before. He couldsee the largebody of water clearly.

“Can you see this ?In this world, atthe end of the world, there’s always a waterfall that falls into nothingness.” (God)

As the Chibi said thus with a serious face, Renya stood dumbfounded for a straight 5 minutes.

“What era is this?” (Renya)

“Even though it seemslike anEarth visioned by old-fashioned theorists, this is the reality of this world. If you go beyond the waterfall and fall down, you will disappear. There’s no turning back.” (God)

“Who is the fool that created this world !?” (Renya)

In reality, this wasRenya’s genuineopinion. This time, the girl responded with a loud voice.

“This God in front of you ! Who the hell are you calling stupid !?” (God)

“Aren’tyou stupid, though ? What did you eat that made you want tocreate such a thing!?” (Renya)

“Isn’t it obvious that it’s because the sea is surrounding the continent !?” (God)

“What the hell is this world ? Is there even a circulation of water here!?” (Renya)

“Of course, there’s no way that exist you idiot ! Don’t lumpthis world’s logic together with yours !” (God)

“The lack of resources is because of thisstupid system, right !?” (Renya)

It might be because of the harsh intonation, or because she was called stupid, or possibly because Renya had previously used violence on her, the chibi realized her defeat asher face grewpale.

“Anyway, because there’s no circulation, there’s gotta be some kind of power that keeps supplying it, right ? Even if there’s gotta be some water that evaporated afterit fell intothat place. If this continues forever, without such a water supply, won’t iteventually dry up?” (Renya)

“T-T-There’s no way such thing happens, you know ?” (God)

“Oi, chibi. Look me in theeyes and say it clearly.” (Renya)

“I-I Swear ! I-It’s really not ! Iadmitthat I used power pointlessly, but this and the request are not related ! I swear to God !” (God) (TL Note : Right.. A god swear to god ~_~) (E Note: Does that mean gods have gods? Do those gods have gods? Is there an entire hierarchy of omnipotent beings out there?)

Oi, aren’t you the God ?Is what Renya wanted to tsukkomi, yet,refrained from doingso.

Renya stared at the chibi, however,the chibi completedaverted hergaze.

“Oi.” (Renya)

“I will continue the explanation. Eldra, as you can see, is divided to five regions.” (God) (TL Note : The fifth is the center)

The chibi continued the explanation as loud as possible. He could have continued to apply pressure, however, seeing the chibi had already beencornered, he urged himself to let her continue.

“North, south, east, west, and… Center, huh..” (Renya)

“That’s right, North, south, east, and west is controlled by a singularrace. These are theHumans, Elves, Demi-humans, and Dragon Races respectively.”

“And the center ?” (Renya)

“Demon Race.” (God) (TL Note : Magic Race are demons) (E Note: Kanji is Magic Race. Read as Demon Race.)

According to the chibi’s explanation, the continent wasdivided into five.

“Well, I can’t give too detailed an explanation. This world is basically turning into a harsh environment. To put it simply, war often breaks out.” (God)

Amazed by the chibi, Renya tried to ask something obvious.

“Why ?” (Renya)

“Though I thought that the related parties didn’t realize this, there are 5 warlords in each race. They seem to be starting warsto kill some time.” (God)

“S-T-O-P-T-H-E-M !” (Renya)

“W-Wait ! Don’t strangle me ! My neck ! Why are you aiming precisely at my arteries !? I’ll die ! I’ll die !!!” (God)

On the edge of death from being strangled, the chibi fell awayfrom Renya. Not willing to let go, Renya chased the chibi. Depending on heranswer, he was planning on breaking her neck.

By the way, the difference is, he wasn’t trying to cut off herrespiratory system (choke her). He was trying to break her neck.

“Don’t fuck with me ! Because of you, wars are breaking out !” (Renya)

“I understand what you are saying, but I can’t do anything !” (God)

The girl wasdesperately trying to escape, her expressionfull of fear.

“You are God, right ?” (Renya)

“Since I already transferred the management right of this world, it’s impossible ! Though I can take it back forcefully, there’s a consequence, you know ? So, basically-” (God)

While trying to protect her neck, she keptrunning a little while longer. Following this, she stood still while thinking and said.

“If Ican make 80% of the continent sink, then I might be able to do something about it.” (God)

“Denied.” (Renya)

“Then, I can’t do anything. Although, if we can make the warlords there return the management right, then it would be a different story.”(God)

Having declared so, Renya stopped his chase.

“Because of them, the death and life cycle in this world has stopped.” (God)

“What do you mean ? “(Renya)

After confirming that Renya had pausedhis pursuit,the chibi turned around and continued herexplanation.

“Although souls that died normally from disease or old age is fine, what about those who did not meet a normal end. Those who got captured and killed on the battlefield, those who got slashed into pieces, those who got eaten by dragons, those who died in raids by goblins or orcs. Do you think thosesouls will want to return to such an environment ?” (God)

“Well, that’s probably be impossible.” (Renya)

“That’s right. Thus, souls that reject such a world begin toaccumulate.” (God)

The chibi spoke with an exasperatedexpression.

Even if it came from the neck that Renya had tried to break a short whileago, somehow, he couldsympathize with her.

“I tried to persuade the warlords, presenting the benefits the rejected souls possess to their world. I had tried plenty of things, all of which were fruitless endeavors.” (God)

“So you’ve at least tried something, huh ?” (Renya)

“Yeah, once. However, not only was it fruitless, I was blamed by the inhabitants. I, at the very least, planned to allowmyself to get strangled.” (God)

Because I was from another world, she denied to get strangled by me, huh..(Renya)

Renya urged her to continue.

“That’s why, because they get reincarnated to another world, this world’s resources began to decline.” (God)

“Isn’t it fine to destroy such a world ?” (Renya)

Not only do the warlords have no intention of properlymanaging things, the population continues to drop in such anenvironment. Even if left alone, such a world would probablyget destroyed soon anyway.(Renya)

“That might be okay, but thinking about the souls that will be lost, it cannot be allowed to be destroyed.” (God)

Even if wecan recreate it again, the angles and I willdie from exhaustion. (God)

“It’s technically impossible. There will be lot of souls that got reincarnated without my knowing. The number of souls that reject reincarnation into the other world are too scarce.” (God)

Souls with with more than certain quality consume the resources of the world that they are originally made from. Following this, the souls use even more of this world’s resources in order to immigrate to another. Those souls that got reincarnatedto another world are slightly but surelyreducing this world’s resource.

“That was quite a complex story, huh..” (Renya)

“Yes, we need to somehow persuade the lords, and then getthe world’s order back to normal. It’s very time-consuming. Basically, what I’m asking is-” (God)

“I want you to go there to stall for time and preserve the world’s resources.. Am I right ?” (Renya)

“Ifit was onlybringing me resources, I wouldn’tneed to ask you. However,just like how a fileattached to an email and the file itselfare completelydifferent things, you’ll have to attach somethingto someone’s soul.” (God)

“Something like a file attachment software ?” (Renya)

“It might be worthy to create it if there’s someone to take it, but I can’t since the warlords don’tknow and denied my interference.” (God)

Even if you can send something, it’s meaningless if there’s no one to receive it. If they realize that their world is going to be destroyed, things would have been different. But they don’t. They onlythink that my interference is unnecessary.(God)

God spoke with a wry smile.

“Can you explain the current situation?” (Renya)

“I got rejected.” (God)

“It’s obvious that it’s the warlords’ fault.” (Renya)

“There wasn’t even a reply.” (God)

Watching the chibi hangher head, Renya sighed.

If he didn’t hear such a story, he couldjust ignore their troubles. However, now that he knew, he couldn’tpretend that it wasn’this problem. Actually, Renya didn’t want to get involved with this sort of trouble, yet,he haddecided.

“I got it. Let’s team up.” (Renya)

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