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Every time he enters the Divine Sea in meditation, he will be shocked by this wonderful sight.

In the huge, seemingly borderless Divine Sea, a huge blue vortex is slowly rotating, continuously scrolling the Divine Sea.

The center of the spiritual vortex is dark, and there is the source of the spirit-the soul.

On top of the blue vortex, there is another vortex.

A light black vortex exuding a dark atmosphere, like an inverted cone, 4 black upper ends and blue smoke-like thin wires are connected to 2 vortex.

Spiritual energy vortex, with these thin threads, is rooted in blue vortex, continuously extracting spiritual strength.

It is much smaller than the spiritual vortex.

With the circulation of the Meditation Method, the rotation speed of both the spiritual vortex and the spiritual energy vortex has increased, and the blue spiritual strength is continuously converted into spiritual energy.

The rotation rates of the two vortexes are sometimes the same, and sometimes they are different.

Either the two have the same speed, or the rotational speed of the spiritual energy vortex is faster than the spiritual vortex.

On top of the two vortex, there is a floating one after another spell sequence, whether it is the paper-band spell sequence of the crow mage or the geometric spell sequence of the night wizard, all around the two vortex suspended in the Divine Sea in.

They are not affected by vortex and float steadily in the air.

There are also 4 inscriptions floating around the wizard spell sequence.

The first and second ones are a bit rough, and the third and fourth ones are much more detailed.

The first two were carved according to the inscriptions on the transcript of the inscriptions given to him by the Duke of Mercury, with different shapes, while the third and the fourth were carved by him observing the inscriptions on the spell sequence in all directions. The effect is natural. different.

All he has to do now is to engrave the fifth inscription.

The invisible consciousness swept across the Jing Divine Sea, looking for the same one in each spell sequence against the 8 inscriptions on the automatic secretary in the memory.

In the end, his gaze stayed on the 6 inscriptions of “Charming the Human” spell. The inscription at the bottom of this octahedron sequence is the same as the inscriptions of other automatic secretaries.

Driven by consciousness, a trace of spirit strength was extracted from the huge blue vortex, flew to the side of the spell sequence, and began to copy according to the inscription.


Durad County Church, Athias and the others who temporarily settled here have begun their minds——

This is what the Holy See calls “meditation”.

Athias is also constructing a new holy light mark.

In his Divine Sea, in the same huge and endless blue Divine Sea, a huge vortex slowly rotates on the Divine Sea.

Different from the spiritual vortex of wizards or other spellcasters, this vortex is milk-white, with a touch of golden radiance mixed in that white vortex.

A sphere-like pure white sphere, floating in the center of vortex, exudes a sense of order and holiness.

This white sphere continuously emits a holy white brilliance, dyeing the spiritual vortex below it into white.

The continuously rotating spirit vortex will bring in the surrounding spirit strength.

With every rays of light falling, there will be a trace of spiritual strength transforming from pale blue to white, and even the center of the spiritual vortex gradually transforms from pale blue to white.

In the constant rotation, there will be a trace of golden spirit strength in the white vortex.

Whenever this golden spirit strength is born, it will be drawn from the spiritual vortex by Athias’ consciousness.

Around the pure white sphere, there are golden marks floating.

They are like some kind of words, orderly and holy.

Every strand of golden spirit strength born here is condensed into a holy light mark-this is the root of their divine technique.



Yate sighed in relief, in his spirit Divine Sea, 5 inscriptions are floating——

It only took him half an hour to engrave the brand-new inscription successfully. Looking over them one by one, you can see that Yate is more and more familiar with the engraving of the inscription.

The later the inscription is more refined and closer to the prototype of the inscription in the spell sequence.

Compared with the spirit strength that can be used when engraving the inscription for the first time, the spirit strength now can fully support him to engrave many more.

However, he felt a little tired now.

Although the consumption of spirit strength is not much, the meticulous operation of engraving the inscription makes him feel really tired-it is like using a nanoneedle to engrave under a Microscope.

This state is not suitable for further marking.

This is enough. After all, according to the wizard’s normal process, it should be—

Memorize the written inscriptions, visualize, and engrave the spirit strength according to the visual map.

He doesn’t need to memorize and visualize in writing, just copy it.

After skipping 2 links, the difficulty dropped is not a little bit.

With the operation of the Meditation Method, the spirit vortex slowly accelerates, and the consumed spirit strength is gradually replenished. After half an hour, it has been replenished completely.

The full spirit strength and spiritual energy make Yate feel a sense of fulfillment.

He probably calculated that the Dark Knight Chant Meditation Method of lv4, under normal circumstances, would increase the spirit strength by 5 every 0.2 days. If there is a situation where a large amount of spirit strength is consumed or even a spirit strength is consumed, there will be additional growth. .

Although it is much less than normal growth, the fact of this growth is certain.

Fighting brings breakthrough, this is not a lie.

But Yate not at all wants to consume a lot of spirit strength to exercise. It is okay to consume some spirit strength as exercise, but this amount will be controlled within 25%, which is the limit.

25% of the spirit strength loss, at the natural recovery speed of the Meditation Method, it takes 2 hours to recover. It takes nearly one and a half hours to enter the meditation state, and nearly one hour during deep meditation.

Of course, this is a theoretical state. In fact, when spirit strength is consumed, the natural flow of Meditation Method will also restore spirit strength and spiritual energy, and the time is not at all.

Life is always full of surprises. If he uses more than 50% or even all of his spirit strength to exercise….. 10000 When there is a fight, the situation is terrible.

Especially in the suburbs where situations may occur at any time, he needs to be more cautious. It is better to keep the spirit strength and spiritual energy above 80% in real time.

During the time he became a wizard, he probably understood the beauty of the wizard’s Meditation Method——

When the spirit strength is consumed, although there is a sense of whether the spirit strength is excessively consumed, this sense is very vague, and if it is used too much, it will bring danger.

And if this spiritual energy vortex is completely consumed, then the spiritual strength required to refill this spiritual energy vortex is exactly the amount of spiritual strength consumed.

In other words, this spiritual energy vortex, in addition to the spirit strength that has changed its properties, is essentially a measure of spirit strength consumption.

This is what a normal wizard said, but for him…

Yate smiled bitterly, and glanced at the spell sequences from the crow mage—they extract spiritual strength directly instead of using spiritual energy.

ps: py transaction py transaction, take a look at the second py transaction!

Friendly recommend the “Dharma God of Resistance” with a dnd-like background of Dream Tianxin…

py is the author’s feature, you can’t help but taste_(:з」∠)_

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